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Everything posted by Nephilim17

  1. When I saw it, I thought it was a very smart and selfless play. A lot can happen with 34 seconds left and one timeout for the Phis and Hill and Waddle on the field. A big pass and a PI call can even up the game. If only Cam Lewis had Singletary's smarts.
  2. Has McDermott commented yet on Lewis? If he's willing to make a running back ride the bench for an extended period for a fumble what is the proper reaction for this bonehead other that being cut?
  3. I can honestly see a repeat of last week's score: 20 – 12 Bills.
  4. On D, I think Tre will finally make a splash play and be a defining factor limiting Hill or Waddle. Barring that, Poyer will be the big guy on D. On O, while it's reasonable to think a running back will be the main guy (big run or runs from Cook?) I think the savvy receivers — Diggs and hopefully Beasley — will take advantage of an inexperienced safety duo.
  5. Ok, I grew up playing and watching hockey (just play and watch football now) but I have to admit, I like how hockey has a means for dealing with a*****e players. I wish someone in football had the opportunity to go one on one with a cheap-shot artist. I get why it doesn't happen, but in cases like this, it would be good. And — not that there's anything wrong with that — but Wilkins may be expressing some suppressed desires. There are many ways to get under an opponents skin; grabbing his package is a very interesting choice.
  6. But he's not cleared to play. He says he feels good and wants to play but the doctor(s) have to protect him from himself. It makes me wonder IF we made it to the conference final in late January, would an extra six weeks allow him to be cleared? I think he's not talking about it because a) there could be not set timeline, just a wait-and-see thing or b) there is a timeline but he doesn't want to talk about it in case the Bills don't get there. It's a nice dream to hold onto. Let's see where the team and Micah are in several weeks...
  7. I'd like to see us draft a really fast WR with proven hands to stretch the field. He can be taller and win the jump balls or just be fast and tough like DeSean Jackson but he has to have a proven history of catching. Much like the "you can't teach accuracy" argument (which is not 100% true but more often than not it does apply), it seems like many receivers still have drop issues many years into the pros (Knox, Davis, McKenzie)... And invest a top pick on this. Then O-line.
  8. Farthest I've travelled to watch the Bills? To the very depths of hopelessness and despair during many of the drought years.
  9. Ok, tons of data and perhaps a McKenzie fan can find some to prove he's a good receiver, but in the fourth quarter... Beasley is 13/14 McKenzie is 6/11. So when it's crunch time I'm pretty sure I know who I — and Josh — prefer catching the ball. The fact that they brought a cut player out of retirement speaks volumes, perhaps more about their current slot options than about Beasley.
  10. I like it. Kinda like High Plains Drifter...
  11. But, and I'm just going on booze memory here, aren't the vast majority of McKenzie's catches much shorter than Davis'? I'd like to compare this to Beasley's numbers in the slot. I'm not sure a slot receiver dropping more than 3 out of every 10 short passes is good. I could be wrong...
  12. So it I'm reading this properly: McKenzie does not take personal accountability for his drops and wants more targets. That's gotta be the chocolate and peanut butter of attitude that McDermott wants from this receivers. Thanks to all who gave a synopsis.
  13. I'm not gonna give an hour-plus of my life to a guy I'm fed up with. If anyone watches this, a couple highlights and salient quotes would be appreciated. Does he say he needs to play better or offer excuses is my big question?
  14. Don't need him for YAC, just to get those first downs. I'll trade his savvy and hands over McKenzie's athleticism and grease mits.
  15. Cool your jets. I didn't remember that. I still maintain he's more at the "very good" rather than elite level but he may get there soon enough.
  16. I don't know what the old-timers here are comparing it to but in an era where you get a 15-yard penalty for giving a QB a mean look, it was pretty awesome and the best QB hit I can remember for a long time.
  17. The issue is that he's presenting excuses for his not-so-great performance to the public. Would Josh, Stephon, Poyer or Milano ever do that? No, never.
  18. You may be right. But I would also bet that most of those people also get reviewed and have to be accountable and live up to certain stadards. I feel zero guilt critiquing a man who makes multiple millions of dollars to play a game that I play for fun and for free. If that's too much for him, he's free to choose another field to work in that has less scrutiny and criticism.
  19. Third-round pick for special teams? If correct, that's not good value in my books. Should've went o-line or outside WR that high.
  20. Still don't get the Bernard pick. Draft a guy that high to be Milano's backup? He doesn't look like a replacement for MLB if we don't resign Edmunds and I don't think we want a big nickel player so where will he fit in?
  21. I played pickup football Sunday morning and the ball was often wet/snowy. I hated it and dropped a couple I would normally snag. So, yes, I understand the excuse and empathize with Lil' Dirty very much. My football employers paying me millions to catch a ball and the millions of fans watching me play should have some empathy and understanding too. Wait...
  22. Becoming very good. If and when he get 14 or more sacks that's top-5 and elite to me.
  23. I agree that one reason why we have too many "third and hopes" (good phrase) is that we/Josh are not taking early easy throws. I see it with a limited view of the field (TV cams not showing whole field) so why doesn't Josh? He's either not reading the field well right now or going for the big play too much. If Josh can take those 6 or 7-yard first down passes, if we can run more than 14 carries a game by the backs, we will be a LOT better. But again, it was against a great D and in less than ideal weather. Let's see if over the next 4 games we can make progress.
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