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Everything posted by JohnNord

  1. Eh, this freaking sucks. Hate to see one of our players in a headline like this even if it is untrue. Hope that’s the case
  2. It was a much worse roster…and they won 7 games, not 8.
  3. This is a very good question that no one in the media seems to know because Terry never talks! All of his top executives have been fired over the years like Russ Brandon or Ron Raccuia (though he probably should never take football advice from them to begin with) This leads me to be believe that he leaves his football people (Beane and McDermott) and his hockey people (Kevin Adams) to largely run the show. But in the past I remember reporters (Tim Graham) say that Pegula did get advice from people outside the organization both on a formal and informal basis. Years ago, I feel one of those people were Bill Polian. Of course, this was before the McDermott hire. To those who have guessed Jerry Jones? It could be correct. I know he hired Legends Hospitality to take over the concessions. But seeing how Jones has been very loyal to Jason Garrett and Mike McCarthy, this would not bode well for the Fire McDermott crowd. But the Bills hired Jerry’s Legends Hospitality company to take over concessions, so he now has a direct interest in the team.
  4. I thought you were the one consulting with Mr. Pegula
  5. Yeah I guess I want to see what happens with Detroit down the line rather than handing him the reigns like some people want to.
  6. Historically, 30 is the age when WR’s begin to lose a step. Fortunately for Diggs, his game relies more on precise route running than speed or explosiveness. So I think he might be like a Jerry Rice who put good numbers into his 30’s
  7. Speaking of that, the fact that TO played in the SB is incredible. Not just that he played but also his performance. It’s too bad Philadelphia lost because it would have been one of the greatest legends in sports. Of course unlike Rodgers, TO actually had something to play for
  8. Rodgers has been saying he wants to return this season but on McAfee he said it will depend on his health and where the Jets are in the playoffs. So I’m skeptical he actually returns this season. If he does it will be the dumbest risk Rodgers or the Jets have ever taken.
  9. Staley was a media darling a few years ago because he’d go on these passionate philosophical rants at his press conference and because he’d always go for it on 4th down. I think after his rookie season when his 4th down decisions backfired and theyu missed the playoffs, he was reeled in. Oddly enough the downfall of his teams were always defense
  10. People don’t want to blame Josh or the players, so McDermott is the easiest target and will get blamed for everything since “he’s the head coach!” I’d agree with your points. Especially the NE game. Injuries really killed the defense and it started with the front 7.
  11. Oooh you really caught me! Like I said, context matter
  12. Context matters, son. Someone was trying to say the defense was to primarily to blame for the Jets loss. My argument was that the offense was much more to blame and stand by what I said. You can’t fault the defense as much as you can with the offense that scored 16 points and the QB that turned the ball over 4 times.
  13. I’ve heard people say “play calling is an art and not a science.” Too often the Bills became one dimensional out of necessity, because they had nothing in the run game - even when they should have been able to run vs. light boxes. Thats why everything looked so hard this season and why the offense rarely had any rhythm. They were mostly trying to throw the ball against a defense who didn’t give 2 shitz about the run game. Brady changed up the run game a bit and got better production against tougher run defenses the past two weeks. This opened up things in the passing game and helped out Josh.
  14. I agree 100% which is why I’ve challenged people here who want to think of things in binary.
  15. His best performance this season was kicking the snot out of Miami. Everyone said the Dolphins offense could not be stopped. Tua would throw 50 TD’s, Miami would break the record for points etc McDermott’s defense wrote the book on how to slow down the Miami and how to take advantage of their defense. All about scheme, smarts, and physicality. Oddly this has been lacking against many inferior offenses this season - losing Milano and Jones were big
  16. I’m done with whole “Billsy” stuff. Such a cringe term
  17. That’s fine but at the end of the day they surrendered 16 points - most which came off of 4 Josh Allen turnovers. 3 which happened in their own end. You can’t fault the defense for this game. It was squarely on the offense and our franchise QB. Who, I’ll also add, went 3-and-out to start overtime resulting in the loss. The only way to lose the game was to turn the ball over - which Josh did 4 times
  18. They did, but that was the only TD the defense surrendered up to that point. And also, after the score was tied I believe Josh fumbled the football. The reason they passed so much against the Jets is because the run game sucked - but I would also attribute to this Dorsey who never seemed to be great at mixing up run and pass plays. Look how the Bills ran against the Eagles top run defense this week compared to week 1
  19. Yeah I am the same way after a bad loss. For me, the worst part is how the frustration makes it hard to get a good night’s sleep after game day. It’s definitely hard to just “shut off” I’ve tried detaching a bit after a loss which means staying away from national and local coverage and social media. Here too - though the fact I get suspended every time I start a topic has made that part easy 🤣🤣🤣 But in the end, I think it’s typical for most sports fans that are heavily invested in a team. There’s highs and lows and rarely feelings in between. And once you’re all the way in and invested in a time, it’s impossible to stop. It’s like it’s hardwired in. I think that’s why this place is popular. A lot of use it to vent or overreact because in the end, there’s absolutely nothing we can do to change the outcome. The key is not to let it affect your real life. What has helped me is to think about how meaningless the NFL is in the grand scheme for most of us compared to family, friends, career etc… I did as well. The Bills always find a way to lose in overtime. While the FG might have been the logical decision I really hated not going for it on 4th and 6. I knew that if we didn’t score a TD Philly wouldn’t match down the field. Even if we failed, the defense would still need to be in the same position to make a stop.
  20. It’s not that he’s loyal to them…it’s all he has on the roster. So in that sense, maybe you place some of the blame on him and Beane for that but at the end of the day it falls on the players, and in the case of the NE game - injuries. If you recall, the Bills were without DaQuan Jones and Ed Oliver. So they had to use Phillips, Tim Settle, and Poona Forna along with Kendall Vickers. The results were abysmal. Not only were consistently beaten and to make matters worse Dorian Williams was completely lost. Tyrel Dodson fared better but still was not great. This was a big reason why NE had success, which is maddening considering how they’ve looked in other games. Everyone wants to conflate the final drive of this game with some of the other missteps. But this was more on the lack of execution than it was about bad play calling or scheme This is completely true. The only way the Bills lose to the Jets were if Josh turned the ball over…and he did! In his defense, I think Dorsey was lost as a play caller against a defense like NYJ. He put too much on Josh making big plays in these games
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