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Everything posted by Simon

  1. I'm not complaining, cuz frankly I couldn't care less whether he shows up or not. I just thought drawing a comparison to Favre was bordering on the surreal.
  2. Yeah, because Marshawn is just like Brett Favre and due to his long and successful HOF career, Lynch has earned the same respect and leeway that Favre has.
  3. My wife is always asking about clothing styles and such and I never have an opinion on them because my levels of caring and knowing about that stuff are equally minuscule. But one time I try to offer an observation on the subject by mentioning that that's a really nice dress and I get slugged for my selfless effort! What the hell?!
  4. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  5. A surprising statement coming from a fellow that doesn't like the idea of term limits.
  6. I watch football, hockey, some basketball, documentaries and the occasional animated sitcom. But this is the only television "show" I've ever watched in my entire life. Hell, my daughter even uses it as an excuse to drive home from school for a home cooked meal and hang out every Tuesday night. It will definitely be weird to not gather around the TV with my wife and kids one night a week. I'll miss it. From the article: "Time-travel series Terra Nova to use writers from 24" Considering that i once made the mistake of watching about 5 minutes of that show and found it among the stupidest most pathetic things I have ever seen, I'm kind of doubting that those writers' next effort will serve as any sort of panacea.
  7. [This is an automated response] This subject matter is being currently being discussed or has already been discussed in a previous thread. Please consider using the "search" function before starting new topics. Thank you.
  8. Nuking an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? Sounds great! What could possibly go wrong?
  9. So you're done with the human race because of a film you've never even seen, yet somehow can still describe perfectly enough to be offended by. And the site you got your "information" from is currently carrying articles such as: IEM - Let's Build an Enslaved Planet Kagan Involved In 9/11 Cover Up Trilateral Commission Wants War With Iran Ireland: Action To Arrest Wanted War Criminal Kissinger Kagan: ‘Disappear’ Free Speech Niiiiiiice.......
  10. Well if that's the case, then maybe I'll just shut-up now.
  11. He was the only guy the Bills played last year that was able to actually handle Schobel for an entire game. If the Bills are going to make a move for a veteran OTackle, that is the guy I'd like to see them target.
  12. I get the sense that the AP considers itself more of a hard-news based organization that deals more with fact than opinion.
  13. I'm just calling him Esau. That's also what I thought at first. But now I wonder if Esau didn't do it himself when he was "unconscious"?
  14. You should try watching the game instead of listening to the announcers to HEAR your opinion.
  15. A thick cut Delmonico bigger than my whole head, cooked until it's about to stop lowing and then passed quickly through a warmish room.
  16. The problem is that in order to do that effectively enough to play straight up with the Pens, they have to exert an obscene amount of energy. And no team can maintain that kind of effort for a full game. The can keep that up for about 20 minutes on any given night but I think they'll get slaughtered if they try to play that kind of game for more than a period.
  17. So when was the last time you talked to Ralph Wilson or somebody else in the Bills front office? Yeah, your insight holds just as much water as Graham's. You will?
  18. No worries; I doubt you'll have to deal with it much longer.
  19. And oddly enough, that might not end up being an entirely bad thing when all is said and done. If it's clarification you seek (which I seriously doubt), here's some: When Tom insults somebody it's generally because they're being an idiot. When you insult someone, it's generally because you're being an idiot.
  20. Wrong again, ad infinitum. I couldn't care less about your "opinion".
  21. One of the undeservedly biggest egos on this board telling somebody else to get over themselves? Oh, the irony. Gee, big surprise. Birds of a feather and all..... Thank you for your significant contribution to that regression.
  22. The next time the Penguins are hard to watch will be the first time.
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