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Everything posted by DCofNC

  1. We are becoming the Packers, spend money on everything we don’t need and continue to waste a great QB. They did it for 3 HOF QBs, I really don’t care what people think, MCBeane is a losing duo, Carolina never got it done and they aren’t going to either, unless they can evolve. So far I see no evidence of change. They are looking like the Panthers in Cam’s MVP year, Ted Ginn was the #1 WR and they relied on Cam to do everything. They spent stupid amounts of money on the D, brought in Olsen, said 1 weapon is good enough, got a lot of regular season wins and when Cam couldn’t carry the whole team, they lost, sound familiar?
  2. Honestly, I think he can play in the league, might not be a star, but he’s definitely got talent.
  3. I am feeling 183 yards. He’s going to single handedly destroy the D, but there will be a late game take away to seal it and Allen will actually play well this week, passing for 420 yards, 38 yards rushing, 4TDs.
  4. Ummm yeah.. I literally explained what the cap hit would be, there’s plenty of options to free up that tiny amount.
  5. You don’t understand the cap if you think we can’t afford that. It’s not difficult to do it at all, it’s all in the structure. He’s going to get a sizable signing bonus and a vet min contract, multiple years, void after this year. Every game he doesn’t play is less he’s getting. My bet, somebody signs him to a 4 year deal, 5M signing bonus, vet min, voided at year end. He gets $5.4M, team gets difference maker, cap hit of $1.5M for 6 regular season games.
  6. So replacing 2 veterans with 1, who isn’t valued by the rest of the league for as much as either of the guys you lost and drafting a 5th round rookie is “doing something”. Salary doesn’t mean anything, so I suppose that’s why the big FA signing needed 17M a year to sign. Get real, your argument is an utter farce.
  7. They lost Beasely and Sanders and only added Crowder. Mind you, Crowder was such a low priority guy, he took less than half of what Beasley was scheduled to make this year. So they rid themselves of $14M in salary and spent $4M back. They chose Hope as a strategy and here we are. They hoped Crowder would FINALLY stay healthy, that Davis was a legit 2, that a 5th round rookie or one of their other late round fliers was going to take a role. None of it happened, so exactly what would you say is wrong about his complaint on doing nothing at WR?
  8. Dodson was a complete liability vs the Vikes, not sure what game you were watching.
  9. Remind me again, is it harder to score two TDs or a TD and a FG when you’re coming back? I thought that was aggressive for no reason, especially if Josh wasn’t going to be willing to run, which it looked like he wasn’t.
  10. Agreed, but Kumero was the best option we had behind Diggs/Davis, not sure how fans are so blindly defensive of everything McBeane does.
  11. So we have exactly zero outside WR depth, where are all the geniuses that claimed there was a “Stacked” WR room?
  12. Just getting him cleared to play so there is no injury settlement when he’s released.
  13. Would not be a shock if he’s back, after last week, there’s no doubt Dodson was a massive liability.
  14. Clearly it is time to hire and you strength and conditioning coach, all these injuries, now this? Not even strong enough to fight off a cold. Ridiculous.
  15. Oh I don’t question that one bit, Beane is Riding Allen’s coat tails, without him, he looks mediocre.. McD would be a .450 coach without Allen.
  16. I expected a lot more from the Browns this year. I’m confident the Bills will handle them. I’m not going to be super surprised if they pull a Packers v. Dallas and go right a head and slap us either. The Bills are starting to resemble Dallas, a lot of bluster and not a lot of finish.
  17. The guy you want is Marvin Lewis, had prime talent and never got anywhere with it, but he was just so likable. I am Happy McD got the ship righted, but he’s an awful in game coach and I do mean awful. I wanted him gone for the last 2 years and I’ll stand by that. He’s not the guy that’s getting you over the hump. I’m starting to wonder about Beane as well, but it’s tough to know if the guys he put together are better than we are seeing because with Dabs they certainly looked better.
  18. He hit Cousins while throwing, caused an opportunity and got a sack late in the game. He had some missed opportunities, on purely based on lack of effort, he quit on one play and wound up a few steps away from Cousins, but was flat footed. Would have had an easy sack/possible strip sack.
  19. The play calling has gone to *****, Allen seems to have gone blind a few times and Gabe Davis is a flat out liability ( dropped catch he was gifted excluded). I don’t know what’s going on, but Dabs is certainly missed right now.
  20. The team doesn’t have the same energy they had, make ya wonder.
  21. Wait till we miss the playoffs, then people will get it.
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