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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. I would then ask why is the league wanting so badly to get rid of the foot/kicking part of American football? It appears in a not so distant future there will be zero foot, in American football...
  2. This has turned out to be really cool, great answers have been presented, thank you to all who have contributed ? it’s time for beer ? ?? Go Bills!!!
  3. So very true, it is yet another case of, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should, profit comes hand in hand with greed, and becomes tenuous simultaneously, greed is the biggest down fall of capitalism, always has been, it’s the elephant in the room and no one wants to talk about it, and because of that, we get the 1 percent controlling almost all the wealth we the people have created, it certainly is food for thought, for those who are not afraid to think about it.
  4. Hmmm, then one being a way to the park, and the other being the way to the drive... maybe, just maybe, it does not mean what we think it means....
  5. Boomer! and proud of it, oh and is boomer all you got? if so no wonder your generation sucks... ??? Go Bills!!!
  6. Does that include the end zones? Yah, I had too....
  7. Your just makin stuff up now.... ? Thank you, ?
  8. Well, Greenland was given that name to Entice people to settle there ages ago, so I yes you may be correct, it’s a lie.... ? Maybe the random rules enforcement league...
  9. Being that feet by and large do not come into contact with the ball, on top of that, the league is trying to get rid of the kicking aspect all together, the game is in reality “American Rugby”. Why keep a title/name that has little to nothing to do with the sport as it is played? What would you all do if the league changed the name to reflect the actual game?
  10. I heard they did this right after the ban on quality refereeing ...
  11. The truth is that the entire NFL considers STs as the beaten rented mule of pro football, just is, and it reflects as such with examples like this. Go Bills!!!
  12. And how is that relevant with this FO? asking for a friend.... Go Bills!!!
  13. I’m thinking, the word “distillation “ needs to be used in the description... Go Bills!!!
  14. Not sure I care about his status one way or another.... he is kinda like what’s his name the Chargers coach that couldn’t win in the post season from a few years back.. Marty something or another....
  15. The NFL has looked like a turd for a very long time now, just look how they conduct themselves on so many topics... It’s called agreed...
  16. Well folk are just gonna set up tailgating where ever they can before the game, not like the NFL can do anything about it, it smacks of colossal greed on the leagues part, would love it if no one showed up, not that it would happen but it sure would be cool, and a kick in the pants for the NFL,
  17. No, still prefer my initial statement, and I can’t help that it’s s phantasy football thing to do, so nah, not feeling it,
  18. Points of degree, we all see an awful lot of brutal hits against starters on your average pass play routes every game, no worse than a kick off or punt, or for instance the Pats hit on Josh as an example. Caveat emptor do to speak. Go Bills!!!
  19. This ^^^ The days of creating holes in the roster are gone, nowadays it’s bring in people to complete first, then do the replacements at positions that need upgrades, keep good depth, then deal/cut remaining players that aren’t up to par. And do all of it in a financially responsible fashion. No more splash for the sake of splash. After seventeen years of doing the splash thing, we have finally put that failed system in the rear view mirror... there’s a new sheriff in town. Go Bills!!!
  20. Nah, teams should suffer for their bad decision making, FOs that are smart benefit, others not so much, and deservedly so, jmo. Go Bills!!!
  21. Sunday 1:00 pm games are vastly superior, better start time, better end time, higher fun ratio cause it’s easier to get up and go to work the next day with all the drinking and eating staring earlier the day before. Even as a retired individual it works better. Prime time and night games are B/S no matter how you slice it. Anyone who disagrees with me is admitting to being wrong just by piping up. Get off my F ing lawn... yah you... Go Bills!!!
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