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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. This is an example of how each and every one of us should treat each other, regardless of political affiliations, this is what makes our country a community, and a great place to live. United we stand.. divided we fall. Go Bills!!!
  2. Being an old boomer and saying get of my lawn is my job, so step off... ?
  3. Some people just have a need to make themselves look small, just how it is... I could not think of a better way to enjoy a conversation, a beer and glean a bit of how a champion level team did things when they were in their hay day, pretty cool imo. Go Bills!!!
  4. There will likely be no action taken, It would further taint Billy & Tawmy, and would again make the league look like the hypocrites they are, as well as cast an even bigger shadow on the pats legacy than is already present. There is no hope for the league office when it comes to this topic. There will always be the cheaters taint on that team and those that think highly of them.
  5. Yes there is a conflict, at the same time the Governor want opinions from all quarters. Cuomo is a smart guy, and will continue to give priority to the science and medical experts, as he should. Kim being part of this committee is not going to change the facts on the ground, she is not a decision maker on this topic nor are any of the members of the committee. The decision will hinge on public safety. Football is fun to watch and be a fan of, but it’s only a form of idle entertainment, keeping our family, friends and neighbors out of the hospital is the actual priority.
  6. Simon & Garfunkel, which one is which Bill = Paul and Tom =Art ?
  7. That only makes sense, like Oliver last season, total need driven pick that happened to be filled by an above average prospect. Beane has a knack for filling positional scheme needs, gotta like that guy...?
  8. So, are they saying drafting for positional need is the way to draft? ( no subscription )
  9. For me, if an offense is maintaining the performance edge throughout a game or games, it’s says that the O line is performing well in said game or games, in which the offense has the needed time to execute the overall scheme. Various stats can be looked at that convey the same overall picture. I try not to go full on football nerd with stats in which they don’t show context. Go Bills!!!
  10. Okay then... I guess we will all do what we can to remember that your the one that’s right.... ?
  11. As you said Singletary performed really well as a rookie, showing that top end speed at running back is not the end all, so having Moss doing what he can do in tandem with Devon is not in any way going to hinder the offense, the OP is assigning values incorrectly imo.
  12. This question is a fan/ media thing, he isn’t going anywhere.
  13. Sadly this was and is to be expected, Yup, it sure f ing sucks, but we all saw this coming in February and early March when the CDC warnings were being escalated from the initial reports in January, now we get what we got. Just as our team is rising, f ing sucks... Go Bills!!!
  14. So in other words he’s average/sold, upgrade him? Sure like we would do at any position, but above average/above sold OL is a pretty rare item in the league, especially with what’s coming out of the college farm leagues.
  15. Especially for a guy who’s team thinks he’s bad enough to cut, evidently no one wanted to trade for him... John F plays RG well, he is mean, and is our primary back up center, which he also plays well, rolls eyes, shakes head... Then why a lateral move at best ?
  16. Beane knows how to fill scheme needs, and gets quality player that by and large don’t stress the salary budget. It’s money ball ish, and I like it. A hand full of great players and a whole bunch of good players. Beane knows what he is up to. Go Bills !!!
  17. It’s all about execution, they all need to be on the same page, physically and mentally. Band of brothers and all. I am certain that the 2nd half of the playoff game still stings, a very good motivator I would think. With the new additions we are set for the division and more, imo. Go Bills!!!
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