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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. I think you are right in that Foster is not long for this team, DW has a 63.2 catch percentage so at least he is likely to actually catch what’s thrown to him, McKittrick may be a goner too, relevant to who else gets brought in.
  2. Lots of sacks, TFL FF, good against the run, what’s not to like? That 16 points is an average, good as it is, there were games where it was worse..
  3. Strict BPA is indeed nonsense, draft selections are made to fit scheme need, it is the reality of how selections are made. Believe it or not, Beane just yesterday stated that he drafted Edge and RB and traded our first for a WR because they were needs, so we who know how it is actually done have some confirmation that GMs draft for need all the time. Go Bills!!!
  4. Ethan, the draft is 100% need driven, from guys who will be starters to the late round developmental picks, they are all needs. Show us all a team that drafts guys they don’t need. Be it to gain talent, depth, development you name it, it’s all need based. Go Bills!!!
  5. I agree with what you said, to including the way Beane operates, all the things you stated are part of what in my mind is need ? Go Bills!!!
  6. All that is true, the point i was making is that a teams needs, real or perceived are a determining factor in all draft selections, its always been that way. Yes some GMs are way better at it than others, we’re talking humans here after all... Go Bills!!!
  7. The team felt they had a need, it’s that simple, good or bad choice doesn’t change that need is always a determining factor. Yes our teams GMs have made bad choices over the the past years, that doesn’t change what determines draft selections. Beane even says need is a determining factor. Go Bills!!!
  8. BPA has always been a myth, need is always factored into player acquisitions. Being that regardless of draft position, teams don’t draft players they don’t feel they have a need for, that being a starter or all the way down to developmental selections. One can play semantics with descriptions, but at the end of the day BPA is need driven. It’s good that Beane has said that need is a determining factor, maybe folk will come to understand. BPA, you keep saying this, I do not think it means what you think it means... Go Bills!!!
  9. Nice opinion, True to form as always... GoBills!!!
  10. Remember according to him it’s his draft... so the whole world needs to step aside in deference to his needs...
  11. Christ man, do ya need a tissue for those tears? Go Bills!!!
  12. Which of our D line guys isn’t in rotation? we rotate our D line players as a matter of course...what team are you following? Sure another WR would have been nice at 54, but have a tiny bit of faith just four seasons ago and back for 17 years the team couldn’t buy a playoff berth, now we are talked about as the AFCE team to beat, it’s been twenty years since those words were last spoken. Get a grip on yourself man, get yourself a beer and a spliff, and chill a little. Go Bills!!!
  13. It’s like asking what makes for a good sailboat to sail down the east coast to the Bahamas and back, the answer depends on who you ask. The exception is when sports pundits make it their pet topic, then it’s definitely over blown, ?
  14. I’m gonna have to buy you a beer one day ?
  15. It’s a Monty Python reference for those who don’t know... a movie called the Holy Grail...
  16. Only if there are two and no older than 19, a gallon of Kama sutra oil, and the residents is the castle anthrax... then, and only then would I be willing to face my peril...
  17. Agree, BPA is always at a position of want, BPA is subjective and is an opinion based on the decision makers knowledge, experiences, and preferences. It sure wouldn’t hurt the team to take Claypool. Go Bills!!!
  18. It sure is hard to be certain what Beane will choose to do, but it sure is great to be in such a healthy position team wide. We can now go with the ultimate need in the draft, BPA! We had so many years of spinning our wheels, it is great to have a competent FO with an actual plan and knows how to implement it. Go Bills!!!
  19. its Pff, who cares? Do they use make believe stats in their college evaluations too...
  20. Most people are smart about a few things, and not so smart about everything else. I knew more than one Pratt and Whitney engineer that were very smart in their fields, but couldn’t change a flat tire on their road bikes to save their lives. It is no different for the billionaires who bought football teams I guess...
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