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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. If this was an actual thing every team would be super active doing it, but being that there is a dearth of Even above average QBs... Sure every once in a while a team scores an extra QB that has the ability to be a starter, and keeps or trades him, but really, it’s rare as hens teeth ? ??. I’m not saying not to keep your eye open for that opportunity and capitalize on it, but again how many unclaimed QBs have that potential?
  2. Any and all statements emanating from all thirty two franchises during the pre draft period are suspect as to their veracity, or in other words, all the teams are lying their azsez off. The reporters report knowing full well a lot of it is purposeful misinformation, Just sayin...
  3. And I like that, ? I can see this being sent to the receivers with a one sentence comment, “like this knuckleheads” ?
  4. I suspect what you said has truth in it.. knowing at least some of how the receivers see the pass play for the QB is a good thing, and can in theory drive home ball placement concepts, just sayin,
  5. Does anyone think a team would sign him over one of the receivers in the upcoming draft? Vet minimum at most I would think, but basically being 32 going on 33 years old, there isn’t much of a draw with this guy is there?
  6. Under “normal” circumstances the jury is still out on the vast majority of draft picks League wide with one season under their belt, so um... Go Bills!!!
  7. TDs bump up to nine((9) points with traditional point after opportunities, I retract my statement on field goals. ?
  8. Peterman, or similar, I never want to see our opponents do anything well.
  9. A safety should be worth five (5) points and the ball, doing this would add more scoring and excitement to the game. I for one am all for such a changes. Go Bills!!!
  10. All but one draft pick will be for offense. I just don’t think Beane saying that “we need to score more points” results in only one offensive playmaker being added. Go Bills!!!
  11. I thought the chargers moved to LA...
  12. Tim would never have used language that would lend itself to exaggeration... not Tim, oh no no no...?
  13. This ^^^ That and Sean is likely smart enough to not purposefully under mine his employer, being he is of the school that lose lips “sink ships”. It’s a click piece.
  14. First heard that one while I was in boot camp, Paris Island, SC. Lovely spot during August... F ing sand fleas everywhere.. as they told us, they gotta eat too. Semper FI
  15. Actually, rarely, just read many different news sources nationally an internationally. So clearly you are wrong ? I don’t own a TV, or have cable, dish etc. I live on a sailboat traveling the east coast and the Bahamas, so I read a lot. So you can ease your skepticism Tenhigh... ?
  16. I just want a trio like Csonka kick and Morris, I don’t think that’s to much to ask...
  17. True being Foster is the least productive he can be shipped, as can Mckittrick... at least Williams has produced at a over 63 % catch rate.
  18. The Pegs are in the natural gas business, not the oil business, granted they effect each other, but it is more about the future economy in the USA with twenty million and rising newly unemployed citizens, and over forty thousand deaths and growing from C-19. Corporate profit reports are coming up soon, and those reports are expected to be really bad, stock futures over the next year or more don’t look good. How this virus has and is being handled on a federal level is the root cause of corporate pessimism going forward. Sad yet true.
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