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Everything posted by CincyBillsFan

  1. That suggests to me that Bean and/or Pegula issued him instructions to do just that.
  2. It does if you look at McD was using Dorsey to implement the offense that he thought best complimented his defense. It also makes sense if you look at it as McD wanting Allen to play differently as he thought that would compliment his defense best. What I'm saying is that when it came to the offense this season McD created the strategic vision and was relying on Dorsey to tactically execute that vision. And when it came to how Allen's game needed to evolve McD provided the strategic vision and left Dorsey to handle the tactical details. In McD's mind Dorsey failed and was the one at fault so he was fired. But IMO the real issue is that McD's strategic vision for the Bills offense and Allen was the failure. So who is responsible for the changes since Brady took over? I don't know. I suspect that Pegula stepped in and told McD to let Allen be Allen and Brady was to help him do this. We know that McD meets with Pegula after every game and it hardly could have escaped the notice of the Bills owner that Allen was playing the game differently then he had in previous seasons. Alternatively the McD supporters can say that McD made the decision to let Allen be Allen and that Brady was better then Dorsey. Fine but then the question becomes what took so long.
  3. Reading some of the comments made by McD over the last 6 weeks made me think that Dorsey was not an independent OC in the way that DeBoll was. Dorsey was a tool of McD his purpose was to implement what McD wanted out of HIS offense and more importantly out of HIS QB. The placing of a governor on Allen's play which was the primary reason this offense struggled at times came from McD. And for this reason alone McD should be fired. Dorsey was only there to try to make McD's demands happen.
  4. Damn this is prophetic: Those who’ve worked with the head coach on a day-to-day basis predicted all of this — months in advance — because they’ve seen how McDermott operates on a day-to-day basis. How tangibly nervous he gets in close games. How he has never truly appreciated his gift from the football gods: Josh Allen. How he’s quick to blame everyone but himself in defeat. That’s why one coach — in June — began by asking a simple question: “If they fail again this year? What does ownership do with Sean?” Three seconds later, he answered his own hypothetical. “Next year if they fail, you know who’ll be the first person he serves up? Ken Dorsey.” The coach wasn’t quite sure how McDermott would manage to put Dorsey’s head on a stick. After all, it’s the head coach’s beloved defense that has melted in four straight postseason losses. The honeymoon period with fans ended a long time ago — pointing a finger at his breadwinning quarterback, again, surely wouldn’t work. Yet even back in June, this assistant knew his old boss would find a way to deflect blame. “Watch,” he said, “if they sputter at all during this year, the narrative’s going to be the offense.”
  5. There is one big difference, C.Biscuit97 is sensitive about Lamar & Cam ON A BUFFALO BILLS message board. At least we Allen defenders have the good taste & common sense to defend Allen on a Bills message board and not in a Ravens or Panthers board.
  6. The horror that Bills fans on TWO BILLS DRIVE might defend Allen from unfair and unhinged attacks by a minority of Bills "fans". The horror!
  7. And in the limited time Allen had to survey the field facing a zero blitz this is what Allen would have noticed first.
  8. And all you have to do is look at the numbers that Brown & Beasley put up in 2019 & 2020 to see that Allen clearly elevates the performance of those around him.
  9. We could have moved up 3 places and grabbed Hockinson at TE in 2019. That would have been a home run for Allen & a rebuilding offense. In 2022, I have to believe there were multiple high impact FA's on the offensive side of the ball that we could have pursued and landed for the money spent on Miller. Ditto the FA money spent on Defensive linemen versus offensive linemen during this period. It seems that the Bills spent more on higher end defensive line FA's then they did on offensive linemen. Beyond Morse in 2019 and McGovern in 2023 what high impact FA O line signings have the Bills made? And calling McGovern a high impact signing is stretching it. IMO since 2019 the Bills should have been committing 60% FA money & draft pick capitol to the offense and 40% to the defense. So your figure of 3 high draft capitol picks going to the offense and 5 to the defense is in fact a huge discrepancy on where the Bills should have been committing their draft capitol. Throw in the discrepancy in FA signings between the O and D and the Bills problems become very clear.
  10. I hope I'm wrong in thinking this but as long as McD is coach the Bills will not get close to going to a SB. And no, making the playoffs is not getting close to going to a Super Bowl.
  11. What you posted here is common sense NFL 101 backed up by all the available evidence. And to make this really work we need to part ways with McD and fully turn the franchise in an offensive direction.
  12. That's not the right question IMO. It should be would we take K Allen and our current offense over any of them. I have no idea whether K Allen is better then or worse then Browning. I do know that Browning was filling in for a team committed to the offensive side of the ball and has a lot more offensive talent then the Bills do. That helped the Browning out a lot.
  13. I don't know about this. First we've just started to pay Allen. Back in 2020 & 21 we weren't paying him squat. Maybe if the Bills had focused on the offense and not the defense we would have a SB trophy or two. You know use that #9 pick in 2019 (or move up or down) on an offensive player. Move up and they could have snatched Hockinson for example. And then instead of signing Miller in 2022 they sign the best FA WR, RB or O lineman available. And last I looked Allen is now the 10th highest paid QB soon to drop out of the top ten. The Bills should be approaching a 2nd sweet spot where an elite Allen is underpaid retaliative to the other elite franchise QB's. Are we ready to take advantage of that moment? Or will Pegula keep McD & Bean and use our mid round 1st round pick on a corner back or safety?
  14. There is never a game in which players execute the offense perfectly. Well wait Allen and company's win in the playoffs against NE comes close. But over all it's an insane expectation. The FACT is that the Bills offense played great against the Eagles. That loss as with many others can be laid at the feet of questionable coaching decisions.
  15. I believe and maybe "hope" is a better word, that it's a much more nuanced situation to Pegula then the one you describe. IMO last night's Bengals/Jags result provided an example of why McD must go and be replaced by an offensive minded coach. Zak Taylor was masterful in leading a Bengals team minus their franchise QB to a win on the road over a better team. Sure a lot of Cincy fans criticized Taylor for trying TWO WR pass plays (I was watching the game with a number of Bengal fans last night) but the realty is that the Bengals template won a game no one expected them to win. Last night showed us why it's important to surround your elite QB with as much talent as possible. Because when they go down it enables the back up to play much better then he would on an offense (like the Bills) de-prioritized in favor of the defense.
  16. Don't forget that right after that terrible PF penalty on Green Bay for hitting Mahomes the ref called a Chiefs player out of bounds who clearly had their forward momentum stopped in the field of play. If the ref makes the right call here and keeps the clock running the Chiefs were going to lose a lot of time off the clock. So yea, after screwing Green Bay in back to back calls they're suddenly going to enforce a legit PI to help the Chiefs? My guess is NY intervened there.
  17. The reason I think this is 100% wrong is that I'm very confident that Pegula is not stupid and is fully aware of the impact of the coaching change in Indy. They brought in an offensive minded guy with a proven track record and he has the Colts ahead of the Bills for a playoff berth with a backup QB. I have to believe that McD must get the Bills into the playoffs to keep his job.
  18. Purdy is a very good QB. He reminds me of Ken Anderson with the Bengal's. I would rate Purdy behind only Mahomes, Allen & Burrow.
  19. The NFL is insane. They are unable to make the right decision when there is something like what just happened. So let me get this straight: One of the 49's best defensive players commits a PF at the sideline and it's flagged. He then gets into a scuffle with the Eagles head of security who is also on the sideline. BOTH the 49's player and the head of security are tossed out of the game. I think the Eagles take that trade off every time its offered. So now the Bills need to hire a big fat Gumbah put him on the sideline and tell him to start trouble with the opponents players. Like I said the NFL is insane.
  20. I don't recall saying that? Before he got hurt today he did seem to be better then Bills WR's from 2018/2019 including Brown, Benjamin, Holmes, Beasely, Jones and McKenzie. Are you still mad that I called you out about your unhinged criticisms of Allen? Even in a comment about Stroud you just can't help yourself taking a cheap shot at Allen on 2BD.
  21. Dumb question. I didn't have the information needed to make that choice BEFORE Stroud got there. Houston is a young team and some of their offensive talent is on the rise. Get back to me after next year. I suspect there will be a couple of Texan play makers & linemen I would love to have on the Bills.
  22. There is some excellent young talent on the Texans. Tank Dell is a very good WR.
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