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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. What’s funny are the sheer number of tweets by Filthy that start with the line “I’m a Bills fan…” as if it needs to be said every time because the tweets themselves are always so Phin loving/Bills hating…methinks he doth protest too much! 😂 https://twitter.com/Filthybeast79
  2. Wretched. Not quite at the all reds level, but close enough for government work, imho.
  3. Odd that all of the numerous requests cited by you from TBDers to post your Phins predictions would be solely contained within private messages and confidential emails…🤔
  4. Agreed—he was basically uncuttable for at least this go round given the PR at stake. However, Rapp should be fantastic back there.
  5. I guess you have Tom Brady pegged to come back out of retirement and suit up for the Phins, yes? Because otherwise I would love to know who’s QB’ing them to 15 wins…here’s a hot take—Tua has little hope of lasting the season given his concussion history. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  6. Another poster on here let the board know about this gem of an app “myTuner radio” that hands down beats Audacy any day of the week: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mytuner-radio-live-stations/id520502858 not sure about on demand type features but it’s seamless listening otherwise for WGR for us out of towners, imho.
  7. Anything that Thurman caught out of the backfield…he was such a dual threat, and I can totally envision Cook taking that on as well. Check all the tapes of Thurm against Miami, Dorsey!!!
  8. Why do you hate the Bills and our boy Josh so much? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  9. Ha ha I just drafted him in fantasy last weekend, but whatevs…I’ll take a fantasy L for the team if it means Lions grab a cheap W out of it…😅
  10. …asked everyone not named Mahomes or Andy Reid last year. 🤔
  11. @dollars 2 donuts, you need in on this too! 😁 You rock @BillsFan619! We need more of this sort of thread around here!
  12. My nephew who’s a huge KC fan, just texted me this in response to my question about how Shane stacks up to Kyle, FWIW: “I would say about equal. He played good the first two pre season games and then Andy gave him a chance to be the backup and the 3rd game he played bad. At the end of the day I think we were gonna get Gabbert anyways just because he’s a vet and he’s been in game situations. Buchelle is good, I know a lot of people wanted him back. I think he can be a solid backup. Sometimes he looked good and others bad. But compared to Kyle Allen, Buchelle hasn’t played an official nfl snap.”
  13. We were desperate for rushing the passer help—remember we’d just gotten done getting zero pressure on the Chefs in the AFCCG. I can’t get mad at him for doubling down on biggest need at the time.
  14. The Jests once paid this man a lot of money. Like, a whole lot!
  15. That does it—TE1 for my fantasy team is set. Or should I confer with Mike Schopp about this first? 🤔
  16. This may sound way too old school, but the only way to get better at something like O timing/chemistry is to work at it on the field, and clearly just practice isn’t cutting it, so…I’d say play ‘em a series or 2 with some urgency to punch it in for a tuddy 🤷🏼‍♂️?
  17. Can’t stand the Pats, but someone’s health is always bigger than this game, wish him all the best 🙏🏻
  18. The Bills QB is the Madden cover and perennial MVP contender…reigning East champs and also for foreseeable future imho…there’s no doubt each opponent wants to try to make a statement against the Bills.
  19. How dare you publish our mandatory TBD password to the world at large like this??? I’m going to have to change mine to 17JoshA now—thanks! 🙈 😊
  20. I don’t hate the blue helmet but I admit it gave me an involuntary cold shiver considering how much my mind immediately went to the New Jersey Giants…
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