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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. A lot to unpack here. While Steve may not be the 2nd coming of Robin Leach describing the various statuary tableaux of the upper crust, he gets his points across just fine for an AM lunchtime gabfest that focuses on our favorite team. Again, you know what you’re getting when you tune in, and for me at least that’s a lot of behind the scenes anecdotes and player insights that someone who’s never actually played a down of NFL football simply cannot duplicate. As far as our fan base is concerned, might I ask which franchise is blessed with only well-heeled and enlightened perfectly coiffed yuppies in the stands? No thanks. Bills fans are a loyal salt of the earth lot by and large, who deserve better than the flippant brush off your post dismissed them with. I apologize if this was not eloquent enough however.
  2. The Jets—after they trade Bell away this week? (I kid, but only kinda, sorta)
  3. Not sure that even the Jets “brain trust” could answer that question for you at the moment . More of the same please!! This is the kind of divisional competition I can get behind Which is precisely why it could happen under that half baked rudderless clown show...
  4. Good call Augie--Highlands is a tucked away gem in the NC mountains that features a lot of great bed & breakfast type locales, top notch!
  5. #87 retired because he knows what the Bills are bringing this year...
  6. I'm so thrilled!! My feelings can best be described by an ancient ad campaign targeting the cool kids!
  7. Exactly. Kind of of like the arguments thrown out in favor of getting Beane to sign Hunt before Cleveland did, or so many others along those lines.
  8. Squirrel oil? Intriguing. I've looking for a snake oil replacement to cure all that ails--this might be it!
  9. I caught just a couple minutes of the show today, but the during the segment I heard, he was speaking favorably about his CBS time as if this was a voluntary thing he was looking forward to, fwiw.
  10. He can make plays. What a waste of potential to date. But it’s not a stretch to say it’s his arm more than his pedigree that gets him NFL camp invites.
  11. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say...NO, it won't hurt the Pats.
  12. #2 for us I could live with; #1 looks like an unfinished school project. #3 is good concept, overdone on delivery, imho. Change just for the sake of change is always hit or miss—mostly a miss here. But agree with previous posters, the Browns or Bears might be even worse
  13. Starting TC and rest of offseason program as the unquestioned #1 should help quite a bit with building said chemistry. The CBA’s weakness is in the limiting of time the coaches and players have with each other outside of the season, so every minute/rep that they do get is precious imho.
  14. You lost me at “the Jets...” . Do I really need to insert another meme pic of Gase’s presser hilarity here? There’s a whole other thread discussing that embarrassment of a FO turnover with tweedle dee at the top letting tweedle dum win a power struggle that apparently came to a head when Gase started moving office furniture in the war room on draft day to avoid being in the camera shot due to a pre-k hissy fit my 4 yr old would be proud of. All that said, I do agree with your overall point about other teams always trying to get better too, nothing’s static around the Bills opponents. But I think we’re doing it better, at least on paper. Can’t wait for TC to get here!!
  15. It’s Vontae’s fault! That’s all the national guys remember about our secondary from last year, clearly
  16. Hopefully someday we will be treated to seeing Allen taking snaps with one of those red helmets on!
  17. We’ve already been down the road of an ex-roider who predictably caught the injury bug and never played up to previous form after joining the Bills...Merriman anyone? Thanks Buddy Nix! Let some other team go after Pederson.
  18. I’d call that hitting his prime around that rookie Gore lol Yeah, all true, but in Ickey’s defense, he did have a “shuffle” named after him
  19. In college the frat I was in kept a filing cabinet where each member was to deposit a copy of the exams that they took, so that subsequent members could study off of them--the system worked for those profs who were too lazy to change their finals around all that much year over year, so that you would have a better idea of which material was more likely to be tested on, form of the questions, etc. So I don't know that you would call that cheating so much as effective recon taking advantage of those professors who never bothered to change things up. Maybe "gaming the system" would be more appropriate? That's the closest I can come up with anyway to the OP's point.
  20. The QB whisperer Arians marrying up to the same QB who barely was able to get Fitzy out of town last year—this should be popcorn worthy given Bruce’s notable lack of tolerance for boneheaded INT’s.
  21. One can only hope...it is still the offseason after all. But I will say in all seriousness that if this Dline that the Bills are putting together can't make Brady's life miserable this year, then I don't know what it will take to solve the Rubix cube that is the Patsies so long as Hoodie and TB12 are trotted out there.
  22. Get your trademark application in now--and will there be T-shirts to buy at a reasonable price point? Make 'em the breathable poly blend while you're at it, please
  23. At this rate, the mood inside MetLife Stadium on 9/8/19 might go a little something like this?
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