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US Egg

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  1. My least favorite season is the one coming up. .....covid and/or player protests likely cinch it.
  2. Reverse the situation and the shooter be a martyr to the Left. .....and if it were Oregon he'd be back on the street by now.
  3. The Left will broadstroke this as typical RW behavior across the country and minimize cities in total ruin, beatings, looting and lives ruined due to LW riots as no big deal.
  4. That the mother of the victim in Kenosha is publicly calling for civility, that there's not one from the LW supporting her pretty much sums it up.....the LW supports/encourages rioting, destruction and looting.
  5. Gee...surprised it took an hour for the OP to get to the true purpose of this thread. OrangeManBad.
  6. Nothing in any Batman movie since tops this.
  7. .....kinda like TDS types watching LW media hate on Trump for over 3 1/2 years.
  8. Words that Start with “TR” By SectionC3 15-letter words that start with tr transfiguration transhistorical trypanosomiasis trinitrotoluene trifluoperazine transmissometer transmigrations transmogrifying transpirational transparentized transparentizes transparentness transportations transpositional transplantation transformations transliterating transliteration translatability transistorizing transistorising transilluminate traumatizations transvaluations transubstantial transsexualisms traditionalists traditionalized traditionalizes traditionalisms tractablenesses transcriptional transferability transaminations transcendencies trihalomethanes trigonometrical trichomonacidal trichomonacides triangularities treacherousness tremulousnesses trisoctahedrons trivializations trypanosomiases trustworthiness trueheartedness troubleshooters troubleshooting troublousnesses troublesomeness 14-letter words that start with tr transportation transformation transcendental transcutaneous traditionalism troubleshooter transplacental trichomoniasis transmissivity trihalomethane tridimensional traditionalize transamination treponematosis trisoctahedron trisubstituted tristfulnesses trisaccharides trinucleotides trivialization troublemakings trothplighting tropocollagens tropologically trustingnesses trustfulnesses trustabilities truthfulnesses treponematoses triamcinolones triangulations treasurerships treatabilities tremendousness trigonometries triliteralisms trichomoniases trichomonacide trichromatisms trichothecenes trichotomously trickishnesses transcendences tranquillities tranquillizers tranquillizing tranquilnesses transcriptases transcriptions transcendently transductional trainabilities traditionalist tractabilities trafficability traceabilities tracheostomies transmigrators transmigratory transmigrating transmigration translucencies transmogrified transmogrifies transmittances transmutations transplantable transpositions transpirations transparentize transparencies transformative transferential transgressions translocations transliterated transliterates transitivities transitoriness transitiveness transitionally transistorised transistorises transistorized transistorizes transvaluating transvaluation transsexuality transshipments transsexualism trapezohedrons traumatization 13-letter words that start with tr transcription transnational transatlantic transgression transgendered transgressive transcriptase triangulation transposition transmissible translocation transmutation transmembrane transmittance transpiration transpersonal triamcinolone transthoracic tricarboxylic trinucleotide transliterate trisaccharide tropocollagen triploblastic transistorize trapezohedron transactinide transactional tranquillizes tranquilizing tranquillized tranquillizer transaminases tranquilities transcendence transcendency transcultural transfections transductants transductions trampolinists trampolinings tranquilizers tracheotomies tracheophytes traditionless traditionally tradescantias tractableness tragicomedies trailbreakers trapshootings transvestisms transvestites transshipping transshipment transudations transvaluated transvaluates traumatically transistorise transhumances translocating translational transgressing transgressors transfusional transferences transferrable transfiguring transformable transpiercing transparences transparently transportable transplanters transplanting transmittable transmountain transmutative translucences translucently transmissions transmigrated transmigrates transmigrator triceratopses trichologists trichlorphons trichromatism trichothecene trichopterans tricksinesses trimethoprims triliteralism trifurcations trigonometric triglycerides triggerfishes 12-letter words that start with tr transmission transparency troubleshoot transcendent tranquillity transference transduction transvestite triglyceride transpacific trailblazing transfection trimethoprim transoceanic troublemaker triumphalism triphosphate trigonometry tranquilizer tradespeople transaminase tracheostomy tribespeople transmogrify trapshooting transhumance transmigrate tradescantia trailbreaker trichromatic trifoliolate transpontine transpicuous transmontane tracheophyte transductant trichopteran tredecillion trophallaxis trophoblasts trophozoites tropicalized tropicalizes tropomyosins tropological trophallaxes tropospheres tropospheric trothplights trypanosomes trypsinogens truthfulness truncheoning trustbusters trustability trusteeships trustfulness trustinesses trustingness truckmasters truculencies triphthongal tripinnately triplicating triplication triplicities trisyllables tristfulness triumphalist triturations triumphantly triumvirates trivialising trivializing trivialities trochanteric trochanteral trochophores trolleybuses tryptophanes treatability tremendously trenchancies trellisworks tribologists tribological triangulated triangulates triangularly trendinesses trendsetters trendsetting trepanations trepidations trephination trestleworks trichotomies trichotomous trickinesses trickishness 11-letter words that start with tr traditional transaction translation transparent troublesome transmitter treacherous translucent transfusion trustworthy transformer transdermal transceiver transmittal trepidation trailblazer transponder trendsetter transsexual trusteeship triumvirate troposphere transferase tracheotomy tribulation triangulate transferrin triceratops treasonable tragicomedy transversal transalpine transuranic tranquilize trypanosome transfigure trencherman trichinosis trifluralin translocate trophoblast triggerfish tropomyosin trichlorfon translative transmarine trustbuster trophozoite tricornered trelliswork trainbearer trypsinogen trituration tragedienne transfinite transpierce trackwalker trestlework trichomonad trimetrogon trochophore trisyllable triquetrous trothplight troubleshot troublously troubadours tropicalize trophically tropopauses tropologies trombonists tropaeolums truncations truncheoned trunkfishes truehearted truepennies truculently trumpetlike truculences truckmaster trisections triploidies trisulfides trisyllabic tristimulus tristearins triskelions trinitarian trinketries triplicates triplicated tripletails triphthongs trochanters troglodytes troglodytic triturators triturating 10-letter words that start with tr transition tremendous transplant transcript transistor triumphant triangular translator trajectory transgenic transverse transitory tripartite transferor transducer transferee transcribe troubadour trampoline triplicate travelogue triathlete transgress transitive trilateral traitorous transience trigeminal triviality trivialize trochanter travertine treasonous tryptophan trilingual traumatize transferal triggerman trillionth transposon tradecraft truculence trolleybus troglodyte transpolar triskelion trifoliate trichotomy tracheitis tropopause tragacanth triacetate triclinium tryptamine trisulfide triplicity tripletail trichiasis transvalue transudate trimonthly triliteral trifurcate trichology traumatism tracklayer tramontane tropaeolum tropotaxis tripinnate triphthong tristearin trichogyne trichocyst trichinous trichinize trichromat trierarchy trigraphic trimorphic treehopper treehouses treenwares trehaloses treillages tremolites tremolitic trenchancy trembliest trematodes trellising treasuries treasuring treasurers treatments trebbianos trebuckets trebuchets treacliest treadmills 9-letter words that start with tr treatment transport tradition transform trademark treasurer translate transient transcend truncated treadmill treachery tributary truckload triathlon treatable triumphal trenchant trumpeter trimester trickster triennial transpire trackside tradesman transgene trailhead trattoria trackball tremulous transpose tractable tricyclic tribalism truculent tretinoin trackless trivalent trapezoid trapezius trilinear truncheon triticale trilobite tracksuit transmute trainload treillage tritiated tribesman trousseau tragedian trisodium troopship transfuse treponema transonic transaxle trailside tribology triforium tricolour tricuspid tremolite transduce trematode trapezium trazodone trialogue trehalose tropology trochlear triclinic triennium transship trabeated trinomial troublous trebuchet triatomic trihedron tritheism triweekly triturate tricotine tremulant treponeme tricrotic tridactyl trichosis tribunate trihybrid trihedral trifacial trierarch triformed trilithon trilobate trimerous trabecula 8-letter words that start with tr training transfer treasury tracking traveled tropical triangle traveler treasure transmit tribunal trillion traction trousers traverse trimming trapping treatise tranquil truthful transact tripping trespass trillium tradeoff travesty trickery trombone tripwire trifecta triptych trifling tricycle troponin trapdoor transept truncate trackage trioxide triazine trecento trackway tricolor trimaran triaxial trustful trencher transect truelove trachoma triplane tractive triazole trackman trimeter tractate tragical transfix trunnion tribasic trendoid tramline trochaic trapline trevally trigonal trachyte trochlea trumpery trifocal trichina trephine tracheid tragopan tranship triploid tristful trainman trichome triarchy trapunto trochoid triunity trivalve triumvir troilism troilite tristich triptane tripedal trueborn truantry truckage troupial trotline trouvere trapball transude tractile traditor 7-letter words that start with tr traffic trouble tragedy tribute transit trustee triumph trigger trainer trinity trailer tribune tractor trivial tracing trainee trickle trident trilogy trolley trumpet tranche treason traitor trooper truancy trotter tremble tripoli trellis trouser trimmer tramway trample trapeze trachea tritium trodden trestle truffle trucker travail trawler trammel trashed triceps treacle triplet trapper transom trypsin trophic tremolo trefoil triplex tracery trouper trinket trundle traipse triable treetop treacly tropism trommel trounce trisomy trivium trigram tripper treadle truckle tritone trismus trollop trifold triduum tramcar tricksy traduce trippet trireme tricorn triller trinary trunnel trudgen triolet troffer trepang tribade traject travois trochee trishaw trisect trochal trumeau tropine trysail 6-letter words that start with tr trying travel treaty triple tragic trophy trauma trader tribal tricky trench trendy trough troupe trivia treble tripod tremor triton trance tryout trifle tracer trusty truism tropic triage tripos truant trigon trudge troika trowel trashy trippy trilby trompe triune tranny tricot trocar troche triply triste trover tragus trimer trifid triode trivet trolly trogon trepid triene triose trepan trapes trapan trinal trined trimly trijet trikes trills triens triers trigly trigos tricks trices triced tricep trends tressy trevet triads triacs tribes trials treens trefah trebly treats treads trawls traves traiks trades tracts traded traces traced tracks tranqs tramps trampy trains trails tramel traits 5-letter words that start with tr trade trust track tried trial train truly truth trend treat truck tries trace trail trick tract trunk tribe trash trout troop trans tread trait trump truce triad tramp trove trite troll truss trier trope trawl tripe trice tryst troth trill trona tress tromp trine treed trike tragi triac trull trank treen trave triol trass trews treys trets trees treks trims trigs trigo trays trapt traps tranq trams traik trios trips troke trogs trois troak trode trock trugs trued trues truer tryma trooz trone trots troys trows 4-letter words that start with tr true trip tree trap trim trio troy tray trek tram trot trey trod trad trow trig trog trug tret tref tres trop 3-letter words that start with tr try See also:
  9. Hope this helps: https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/easy-dinner-ideas/ 110 Easy Dinner Ideas We Love Christine Rukavena Updated: May. 29, 2020 These easy dinner ideas answer the age-old question of "What's for dinner?" so simply. Each easy dish preps fast and with simple ingredients. Find great recipes for all times of the year. 1 / 110Easy Pad Thai Easy Pad Thai Skip the take-out restaurant and give this pad thai recipe a try if you need an easy and quick meal. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Get Recipe 2 / 110Easy Beef Enchiladas Easy Beef Enchiladas When there are young children in the house, you want foods that are a snap to prepare. Loaded with meat, cheese and a flavorful rice mix, these easy beef enchiladas fit the bill. But they’re so good that I make them to serve to company, too. Get Recipe 3 / 110Easy Crock-Pot Pot Roast Easy Crock-Pot Pot Roast I love this easy pot roast Crock-Pot recipe for a couple of reasons. First, it’s delicious. Second, it’s easy! I can’t describe the feeling of walking into my house after work and smelling this dish that’s been simmering in the slow cooker all day. There’s nothing better. — Get Recipe 4 / 110Easy Alfredo Easy Alfredo This easy Alfredo sauce is creamy, comforting and coats fettuccine noodles in fine fashion. This recipe is wonderful as is, but sometimes I like to add sliced fresh mushrooms and black olives that have been sautéed in butter and garlic. Get Recipe 5 / 110Easy Chicken Tenders Easy Chicken Tenders This easy chicken tenders recipe was designed for kids, but it’s tasty enough for company. The tender strips are moist and juicy and would also be great on a salad. Get Recipe 6 / 110Easy Stir-Fry Easy Stir-Fry My recipe box is full of delicious pork recipes, but this easy stir-fry recipe really stands out from the rest. My family loves the citrus glaze that coats the tender pork and vegetables. Ginger, garlic and orange juice provide its terrific taste. Get Recipe 7 / 110Easy Fish Tacos Easy Fish Tacos I like to pair pan-fried tilapia with a cool and creamy slaw for a flavorful fish taco recipe—easy and delicious! The simple, nutritious ingredients and kid-friendly taste make this Mexican-inspired dish a perfect weeknight dinner. Get Recipe Ad Choices SPONSORED CONTENT A Buying Guide For the Mazda3: See the Latest Review From Autoblog By Mazda — Learn all about the Mazda 3, from pricing to fuel economy, safety and more, on this review from Autoblog. 8 / 110Easy Glazed Ham Easy Glazed Ham This old-fashioned, easy ham glaze gives a pretty, golden brown coating just like Grandma used to make. The mustard and vinegar complement the brown sugar and add tangy flavor to this glazed ham recipe. Be prepared to serve seconds! Get Recipe 9 / 110Easy Meatballs Easy Meatballs Keep a batch of these meatballs in your freezer for a simple weeknight meal. This easy meatball recipe can be used for pizzas, sub sandwiches, in soups and more. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Get Recipe 10 / 110Simple Pasta Sauce Simple Pasta Sauce This is a simple pasta sauce that you can use for more than just spaghetti. Puree this recipe for pizza sauce or a great dipping sauce. I also like to make a variation for bruschetta by omitting the olive oil, using fire-roasted diced tomatoes and simply combining the uncooked ingredients. Refrigerate for at least two hours before serving on toasts. Get Recipe 11 / 110Quick Apricot Chicken TASTE OF HOME Quick Apricot Chicken This simple apricot chicken is one of my favorite dishes. Everybody just loves it and leftovers are always just as good the next day. For variation, I’ve used pork instead of chicken and added additional ingredients like pineapple, mandarin oranges, snow peas and broccoli. 12 / 110Rosemary Salmon and Veggies TASTE OF HOME Rosemary Salmon and Veggies My husband and I eat a lot of salmon. One night, while in a rush to get dinner on the table, I created this rosemary salmon meal. It's a keeper! You can also include sliced zucchini, small cauliflower florets or fresh green beans. Get Recipe 13 / 110Prosciutto Pasta Toss TASTE OF HOME Prosciutto Pasta Toss I love quick, simple dishes, and this pasta with prosciutto and peas is one of my favorites. I prepare a tossed green salad while the pasta cooks and serve up a lovely light supper in minutes! Get Recipe SPONSORED CONTENT Storage Tips: How to Keep Your Guac From Turning Brown By Glad — Every avocado lover needs to learn the right way to store guacamole in the fridge and freezer. 14 / 110Lemon Shrimp Orzo TASTE OF HOME Lemon Shrimp Orzo What I love about this lemon shrimp orzo is that it's so tasty and it can be eaten hot or cold. It tastes great with chicken, too. Get Recipe 15 / 110Quick Beef and Noodles TASTE OF HOME Quick Beef and Noodles My family loves stroganoff, and this beef and noodles dish is my lightened-up version. Using meat from the deli saves the hours spent cooking a beef roast. I serve this with a salad for a great, homestyle meal. Get Recipe 16 / 110Rosemary Lime Chicken TASTE OF HOME Rosemary Lime Chicken I experimented with herbs and seasonings quite a bit before creating the final version of this entree. The tartness of the lime juice really complements the rosemary. Everyone loves it. Get Recipe 17 / 110Hawaiian Pork Chops TASTE OF HOME Hawaiian Pork Chops Looking for a great last-minute meal when friends drop in? recommends one of her husband's sweet-and-sour favorites. “This is so easy, tastes just like Hawaiian pizza, and I usually have all ingredients on hand.” Get Recipe 18 / 110Corn Dogs TASTE OF HOME Corn Dogs Prepare corn dogs at home just like you'd get at the fair. Both kids and grown-ups will love this hearty corn dog batter. — Get Recipe 19 / 110Applesauce Barbecue Chicken TASTE OF HOME Applesauce Barbecue Chicken You only need a few ingredients to create this sweet and peppery chicken. The subtle flavor of apple makes this tender barbecue dish stand out from the rest. — Get Recipe SPONSORED CONTENT Why Moon Milk Is the Perfect Bedtime Treat By Milk Life — Moon milk is a tasty way for you and your kids to cuddle up and wind down. 20 / 110Baked Chimichangas TASTE OF HOME Baked Chimichangas My baked chimichanga recipe is healthier than a deep-fried version, but it's just as delicious. You can omit the chilies for less heat. Get Recipe 21 / 110Fast Baked Fish TASTE OF HOME Fast Baked Fish We always have a good supply of fresh fish, so I make fish recipes often. This recipe is my favorite because it is moist, tender and flavorful. Get Recipe 22 / 110Sweet-and-Sour Popcorn Chicken TASTE OF HOME Sweet-and-Sour Popcorn Chicken This sweet and sour chicken dish is one you’ll find yourself returning to again and again. Pre-cooked, frozen popcorn chicken simmered in a thick, homemade sweet-and-sour sauce is the secret to this fast and fabulous recipe. And what a great way to dress up frozen chicken nuggets! Get Recipe 23 / 110Salmon with Spinach Sauce TASTE OF HOME Salmon with Spinach Sauce You won't have to fish for compliments with this tasty recipe. Poaching is a quick and healthy way to prepare an entree as delicate as fish, keeping it moist and tender while cooking. And the flavorful spinach sauce adds a pretty green accent to the pink salmon. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen Get Recipe 24 / 110Family-Favorite Cheeseburger Pasta TASTE OF HOME Family-Favorite Cheeseburger Pasta I created this cheeseburger pasta recipe to satisfy a craving. What a delicious, healthy classic! Get Recipe 25 / 110Pizza Potato Toppers TASTE OF HOME Pizza Potato Toppers Not only is this recipe quick and easy to make, but it's an economical treat as well. I don't know of a more satisfying way to stretch a half pound of meat! — Get Recipe SPONSORED CONTENT Obtén hoy tu iPhone SE By Metro by T-Mobile — Llévate el iPhone SE al precio más bajo en Metro, la marca #1 en prepago. 26 / 110Greek Chicken & Rice TASTE OF HOME Greek Chicken & Rice A fresh take on comfort food, Greek chicken and rice is my go-to on busy weeknights and when unexpected company stops by. Boost the health benefits and toss in chopped spinach. Get Recipe 27 / 110Penne alla Vodka TASTE OF HOME Penne alla Vodka This easy and impressive pasta is always on the menu when my husband and I have new friends over for dinner. Years later, they've asked me to make this Penne alla Vodka recipe again. Get Recipe 28 / 110Breaded Pork Chops TASTE OF HOME Breaded Pork Chops These traditional pork chops have a wonderful home-cooked flavor like the ones Mom used to make. The breading makes them crispy outside and tender and juicy inside. Why not treat your family to some breaded pork chops tonight? Get Recipe 29 / 110Pork Cabbage Stir-Fry TASTE OF HOME Pork Cabbage Stir-Fry The ginger comes through nicely in this colorful napa cabbage stir-fry that is lower in fat and sodium than many. It's great served over steamed rice or cooked noodles. Get Recipe 30 / 110Grilled Huli Huli Chicken TASTE OF HOME Grilled Huli Huli Chicken I got this grilled huli huli chicken recipe from a friend while living in Hawaii. It sizzles with the flavors of brown sugar, ginger and soy sauce. Huli means "turn" in Hawaiian. This sweet and savory glaze is fantastic on pork chops, too. Get Recipe 31 / 110Smoked Sausage with Pasta TASTE OF HOME Smoked Sausage with Pasta Loaded with sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes and basil flavor, this quick recipe satisfies the toughest critics. It's one of my husband's favorite dishes, and he has no idea it's lower in fat. Add a green salad for a delicious meal. Get Recipe 32 / 110Lemon Mushroom Chicken TASTE OF HOME Lemon Mushroom Chicken There's a lot of flavor in this dish. The best part? It doesn't seem light at all! Get Recipe 33 / 110Three-Cheese Pesto Pizza TASTE OF HOME Three-Cheese Pesto Pizza We love the bold flavor of this pizza that's a bit different from the traditional. The pesto, cheese and olive topping makes a delicious statement. Serve it as a main dish, or as a fun appetizer cut in smaller pieces. Get Recipe 34 / 110Nacho Pie TASTE OF HOME Nacho Pie In place of the ground beef and mozzarella cheese, consider topping this zesty pie with lean ground sausage and cheddar cheese. It tastes just as good.— Get Recipe 35 / 110Roast Beef Pasta Skillet TASTE OF HOME Roast Beef Pasta Skillet Leftover beef is the star in a skillet dinner that's perfect for two. Chopped tomatoes and Parmesan cheese add color and flavor to this no-fuss dish. Get Recipe 36 / 110Taco Pizza Squares TASTE OF HOME Taco Pizza Squares Everyone will come running the minute you take this fun twist on pizza out of the oven. I top convenient refrigerated pizza dough with leftover taco meat, tomatoes and cheese, bringing a full-flavored fiesta to the table in under half an hour. Get Recipe 37 / 110Pork Chops with Parmesan Sauce TASTE OF HOME Pork Chops with Parmesan Sauce Moist and tender chops make a speedy and comforting weeknight meal. They’re dressed with a smooth, creamy sauce seasoned with Parmesan, onion and a hint of nutmeg, parsley and thyme. Here’s a new family favorite! Taste of Home Test Kitchen Get Recipe 38 / 110Shrimp 'n' Noodle Bowls TASTE OF HOME Shrimp 'n' Noodle Bowls Here's a quick meal that feels as if it came from a restaurant. Cooked shrimp, bagged slaw and bottled dressing reduce the time needed to get it on the table. Get Recipe 39 / 110Steak Sandwich Kabobs TASTE OF HOME Steak Sandwich Kabobs Skewers with seasoned steak, bread and veggies are grilled and topped with provolone cheese for a fantastic meal. Coleslaw, spruced up with chopped walnuts, is a great side for the kabobs. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen Get Recipe 40 / 110Turkey Scallopini TASTE OF HOME Turkey Scallopini Quick-cooking turkey breast slices make this recipe a winner when you only have a few minutes to fix a satisfying meal. I've also used flattened boneless skinless chicken breast halves in place of the turkey of this entree. Get Recipe 41 / 110Dinner in a Bag TASTE OF HOME Dinner in a Bag I get a head start on this family-pleasing dinner by assembling ready-to-grab pantry kits. I measure dry macaroni and the spice mixture into separate containers, storing them in a paper bag with canned tomatoes. Get Recipe 42 / 110Italian Beef and Shells TASTE OF HOME Italian Beef and Shells A veggie and pasta combo makes a hearty entree that comes together easily. Wine lends an extra touch of flavor to the sauce and makes this main dish a winner Get Recipe 43 / 110Broccoli Beef Braids TASTE OF HOME Broccoli Beef Braids Each slice of this fast-to-fix, golden bread is like a hot sandwich packed with beef, broccoli and mozzarella. Get Recipe Ad Choices SPONSORED CONTENT Get your iPhone SE today By Metro by T-Mobile — 44 / 110Cheeseburger Cups TASTE OF HOME Cheeseburger Cups A terrific recipe for moms with young kids and busy lives, this simple, inexpensive dish is made with handy ingredients and takes just a short time. Best of all, kids will go absolutely crazy for these darling dinner bites! Get Recipe 45 / 110Asian Chicken Dinner TASTE OF HOME Asian Chicken Dinner This quick microwave dish for two is perfect for a busy day. Soy sauce and chicken broth bring out flavors of the chicken and veggies. Get Recipe 46 / 110Skillet Tacos TASTE OF HOME Skillet Tacos This fast and healthy alternative to traditional tacos has a delicious southwestern flair. The fact that is comes together in just 30 minutes makes it even more irresistible. Get Recipe 47 / 110Apples 'n' Onion Topped Chops TASTE OF HOME Apples 'n' Onion Topped Chops Now that my husband and I are trying to lose weight, I find it a challenge to come up with healthy dishes that are flavorful, quick and appealing to us and our young daughter. This one fits the bill on all counts. Get Recipe 48 / 110Chicken with Couscous TASTE OF HOME Chicken with Couscous My sister shared this recipe, and it’s been a hit with me, my husband and our friends ever since. After working all day, I love that this dish is fast to prepare. Plus, it's irresistibly bright and delicious. Get Recipe 49 / 110Cobb Salad Wraps TASTE OF HOME Cobb Salad Wraps A homemade dressing lightens up these refreshing tortilla wraps. The avocado, bacon, blue cheese and tomato deliver the flavors I enjoy most while keeping me on my healthy eating plan. Get Recipe 50 / 110Turkey Sausage with Pasta TASTE OF HOME Turkey Sausage with Pasta If you're looking for recipes with turkey sausage, stop here. This has the perfect blend of meaty, veggie and cheesy goodness. You'll be craving what's good for you when this pasta dish is on the menu. Get Recipe 51 / 110Crumb-Topped Sole TASTE OF HOME Crumb-Topped Sole Looking for a low-carb supper that’s ready in a pinch? These buttery sole fillets are covered with a rich sauce and topped with toasty bread crumbs. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen Get Recipe 52 / 110Hamburger Steaks with Mushroom Gravy TASTE OF HOME Hamburger Steaks with Mushroom Gravy Here's a meat-and-potatoes meal that no one will want to miss. It makes for a hearty dish the whole family will cozy up to in no time! Get Recipe 53 / 110Quick Pepperoni Calzones TASTE OF HOME Quick Pepperoni Calzones This calzone recipe takes the Italian favorite to the next level with Parmesan and herbs sprinkled on top. Get Recipe 54 / 110Barbecue Shepherd's Pie TASTE OF HOME Barbecue Shepherd's Pie Have a wholesome meal even on hectic nights. I like to add leftover veggies, like green beans, sweet potatoes or corn, and zip it up with chipotle powder. — Get Recipe 55 / 110Cuban-Style Pork Chops TASTE OF HOME Cuban-Style Pork Chops These are like Cuban sandwiches without the bread, so they’re a bit more elegant. Let your family customize theirs with pickles, mustard and other condiments. Get Recipe 56 / 110Spicy Tomato Pork Chops TASTE OF HOME Spicy Tomato Pork Chops Simmered in tomato sauce, these pork chops are big at our house. I add garlic powder and Creole or Cajun seasoning before browning the chops to give them extra punch. Get Recipe 57 / 110Honey-Mustard Brats TASTE OF HOME Honey-Mustard Brats Our honey mustard glaze gives every bite of these brats a sweet and punchy flavor. Everyone who tries them agrees they're delicious. Get Recipe 58 / 110Grilled Ribeye with Garlic Blue Cheese Mustard Sauce TASTE OF HOME Grilled Ribeye with Garlic Blue Cheese Mustard Sauce This simple steak gets a big flavor boost from two of my favorites: mustard and blue cheese. My husband and I make this recipe to celebrate our anniversary each year! Get Recipe 59 / 110Weeknight Ravioli Lasagna TASTE OF HOME Weeknight Ravioli Lasagna My husband and I love lasagna, but it's time-consuming to build and we always end up with too much. Using frozen ravioli solves everything. Get Recipe 60 / 110Skillet Nachos TASTE OF HOME Skillet Nachos My mom gave me a fundraiser cookbook, and this is the recipe I’ve used most. My whole family is on board. For toppings, think sour cream, tomatoes, jalapeno and red onion. Get Recipe 61 / 110Pressure-Cooked Mesquite Ribs TASTE OF HOME Pressure-Cooked Mesquite Ribs When we're missing the grill during winter, these tangy ribs give us that same smoky barbecue taste we love. They're so simple, and fall-off-the-bone delicious, too! Get Recipe 62 / 110Sweet Chili & Orange Chicken TASTE OF HOME Sweet Chili & Orange Chicken My husband loves this simple sweet chili chicken dish so much he often requests it when he comes home from deployment. The sweet chili sauce adds just the right amount of heat to the bright, citrusy sauce. — Get Recipe 63 / 110Quick and Easy Stromboli TASTE OF HOME Quick and Easy Stromboli Sandwich fixin's get rolled into a shortcut dinner favorite, thanks to refrigerated pizza dough. Use any combo of cheese, deli meat and veggies that you like or that you have on hand. Get Recipe 64 / 110Pressure-Cooker Short Ribs TASTE OF HOME Pressure-Cooker Short Ribs These short ribs explode with flavor and tenderness. They are a quick and easy alternative to traditionally braised short ribs. Serve with egg noodles, rice or polenta. Get Recipe 65 / 110Beer-Braised Pulled Ham TASTE OF HOME Beer-Braised Pulled Ham To jazz up ham, I slow-cooked it with a beer sauce. Buns loaded with ham, pickles and mustard are irresistible. Get Recipe 66 / 110White Cheddar Mac & Cheese TASTE OF HOME White Cheddar Mac & Cheese My mac and cheese is simple and has lots of flavor from the cheeses and ground chipotle chile. I use conchiglie pasta because its shape allows more melted cheese to pool inside. Yum! Get Recipe 67 / 110Caesar Chicken with Feta TASTE OF HOME Caesar Chicken with Feta My tomatoey chicken is the perfect answer on those crazy days when supper has to be on the table in 30 minutes, tops (doesn't hurt that it's delicious, too). Get Recipe 68 / 110Family-Favorite Italian Beef Sandwiches TASTE OF HOME Family-Favorite Italian Beef Sandwiches With only a few ingredients, this roast beef is a snap to throw together. And after cooking all day, the meat is wonderfully tender. Get Recipe 69 / 110Italian Herb-Crusted Pork Loin TASTE OF HOME Italian Herb-Crusted Pork Loin I like to change things up during the holidays with pork loin recipes that incorporate my favorite herbs and veggies. This showpiece dish really dazzles my family. Get Recipe 70 / 110Italian Sausage and Zucchini Soup TASTE OF HOME Italian Sausage and Zucchini Soup Everyone in my family likes this soup. Sometimes I use mini farfalle in this soup because my grandchildren say it looks like tiny butterflies. The recipe also works in a slow cooker. — Get Recipe 71 / 110Lemon-Butter Tilapia with Almonds TASTE OF HOME Lemon-Butter Tilapia with Almonds Sometimes I want a nice meal without a ton of effort or wait time. Thankfully, I've got this lemony, buttery fish that's super fast and totally tasty. Get Recipe 72 / 110Creamy Buffalo Chicken Enchiladas TASTE OF HOME Creamy Buffalo Chicken Enchiladas I love spicy food, but I think the creaminess of these enchiladas' topping makes them more friendly to a variety of tastes. Get Recipe 73 / 110Country Ribs Dinner TASTE OF HOME Country Ribs Dinner Ribs slow-cooked with carrots, celery, onions and red potatoes are pure comfort food for us. To add a little zip, we sometimes sprinkle in cayenne. Get Recipe 74 / 110Sausage-Stuffed Butternut Squash TASTE OF HOME Sausage-Stuffed Butternut Squash Load butternut squash shells with an Italian turkey sausage and squash mixture for a quick and easy meal. Even better, it's surprisingly low in calories. — Get Recipe 75 / 110Salmon and Spud Salad TASTE OF HOME Salmon and Spud Salad I headed straight for the kitchen when I decided to pick up a healthier lifestyle. This salmon with veggies proves that smart choices can be simple and satisfying. Get Recipe 76 / 110Tater Tot-chos TASTE OF HOME Tater Tot-chos Playing with food is loads of fun when you have Tater Tots and taco toppings. Let kids build their own for smiles all around. Get Recipe 77 / 110African Chicken & Sweet Potatoes TASTE OF HOME African Chicken & Sweet Potatoes I came up with this African chicken when I combined some of my favorite ingredients: sweet potatoes, chicken and peanut butter. Add mango chutney and tomatoes and you've got a fantastic busy-week recipe. Get Recipe 78 / 110Chicken & Cheese Tortilla Pie TASTE OF HOME Chicken & Cheese Tortilla Pie Trust me when I say this hearty dish can be assembled in minutes, then devoured even quicker with no leftovers. Get Recipe 79 / 110Weeknight Chicken Mozzarella Sandwiches TASTE OF HOME Weeknight Chicken Mozzarella Sandwiches My husband is a big garlic fan, so we use garlic bread crumbs and garlic sauce for our baked chicken sandwiches, so comforting on a chilly day. Get Recipe Ad Choices SPONSORED CONTENT Schedule Service Today By Toyota — 84 Month Warranty on Every Toyota TrueStart® Battery 80 / 110Lemony Tortellini Bacon Salad TASTE OF HOME Lemony Tortellini Bacon Salad Who says summer meals have to be complicated? We love this tangy, simple and tasty salad on warm summer nights. Add a cold glass of lemonade or iced tea and dinner couldn’t be easier. — Get Recipe 81 / 110Asparagus, Bacon & Herbed Cheese Pizza TASTE OF HOME Asparagus, Bacon & Herbed Cheese Pizza A zesty pizza that’s especially nice with spring asparagus but lovely all year round when you add mozzarella and bacon. Get Recipe 82 / 110Mom's Spanish Rice TASTE OF HOME Mom's Spanish Rice My mom is famous for her Spanish rice recipe, the ultimate comfort food. When I want a taste of home, I whip up this dish. Punch up the flavor with a little lime and extra chili powder. Get Recipe 83 / 110Thai Chicken Tacos TASTE OF HOME Thai Chicken Tacos Inspired by a Vietnamese banh mi sandwich, this recipe is an awesome way to use leftover chicken. If you have a little extra time, let the carrot and cucumber marinate in some rice vinegar before taco time. Get Recipe 84 / 110Salsa Verde Chicken Casserole TASTE OF HOME Salsa Verde Chicken Casserole This is a rich and surprisingly tasty rendition of all the Tex-Mex dishes molded into one packed, beautiful casserole. Best of all, it’s ready in only half an hour! Get Recipe 85 / 110Broiled Chicken & Artichokes TASTE OF HOME Broiled Chicken & Artichokes My wife and I first made this chicken entree as newlyweds and have been hooked on it ever since, and make it almost weekly. It's so simple and affordable, yet delicious and healthy. Can't beat that. — Get Recipe 86 / 110Oven-Fried Green Tomato BLT TASTE OF HOME Oven-Fried Green Tomato BLT I've used this cooking method on eggplant slices for years, so I decided to try it on green tomatoes. It worked! Now my family loves them in BLTs. Get Recipe 87 / 110Easy Ground Beef Taco Salad TASTE OF HOME Easy Ground Beef Taco Salad Every time I have to bring a dish to a party, friends ask for my taco salad. Even players on my son's football team ask for it. 88 / 110Swedish Meatballs Alfredo TASTE OF HOME Swedish Meatballs Alfredo I'm a big fan of this potluck-perfect dish. It takes much less time than many other slow-cooker recipes. Plus, it's easy. I'm all for the easy! —Carole Bess White, Portland, Oregon Get Recipe 89 / 110Blackened Halibut TASTE OF HOME Blackened Halibut Try serving this spicy halibut recipe with garlic mashed potatoes, hot, crusty bread and a crisp salad to lure in your crew. After trying a few halibut recipes, this one is my family's favorite. Get Recipe 90 / 110Angel Hair with Chicken & Cherries TASTE OF HOME Angel Hair with Chicken & Cherries Nutmeg and cherries are the new "it" pair. It’s the secret something that really makes this angel hair pasta dish. My vegetarian friend likes it just as well without chicken. Get Recipe 91 / 110Jamaican Salmon with Coconut Cream Sauce TASTE OF HOME Jamaican Salmon with Coconut Cream Sauce We try to eat salmon a lot because it's so healthy, and I love thinking of new ways to make it different and delicious. This dazzler is easy and is my go-to meal for company. Get Recipe 92 / 110Chicken Pasta Caesar Salad TASTE OF HOME Chicken Pasta Caesar Salad My colleagues and I made a pact to eat healthier, and we took turns sharing dishes. I'm happy to report that, thanks to recipes like this crisp and tangy salad, we all trimmed down. Get Recipe 93 / 110Chicken-Fried Steak & Gravy TASTE OF HOME Chicken-Fried Steak & Gravy As a child, my grandmother taught me how to make this chicken fried steak. I taught my daughters, and when my granddaughters are bigger, I’ll show them, too. Get Recipe 94 / 110Ham & Jack Pudgy Pie TASTE OF HOME Ham & Jack Pudgy Pie Pepper jack cheese adds spicy flavor to these warm, melty sandwiches. — Get Recipe 95 / 110Asian Glazed Chicken Thighs TASTE OF HOME Asian Glazed Chicken Thighs Everyone goes for this super moist, garlicky chicken, including my fussy kids. For your holiday buffet or family gathering, serve it with rice or noodles. Get Recipe 96 / 110Easy Chicken Corn Chowder TASTE OF HOME Easy Chicken Corn Chowder I play around with ingredients in my pantry instead of running to the store when I don’t know what’s for dinner. This yummy chicken corn chowder was one of my experiments. Cut some fat by leaving out the bacon. It's still tasty. Get Recipe 97 / 110Salmon with Spinach & White Beans TASTE OF HOME Salmon with Spinach & White Beans My husband, Oscar, is a Southerner at heart. This salmon with garlicky beans and spinach won him over at first bite. — Get Recipe SPONSORED CONTENT Obtén hoy tu iPhone SE By Metro by T-Mobile — Llévate el iPhone SE al precio más bajo en Metro, la marca #1 en prepago. 98 / 110Parmesan Chicken Nuggets TASTE OF HOME Parmesan Chicken Nuggets My 3-year-old is going through a stage where he'll eat only chicken nuggets and French fries. I like to make these golden nuggets for him so I know what he's eating. They're so good, we like them, too! Get Recipe 99 / 110Sausage & Cannellini Bean Soup TASTE OF HOME Sausage & Cannellini Bean Soup Here's my reproduction of a dish from a famous Chicago eatery. We think it rivals the original. I usually cook this at least once a week. It's a tasty way to keep my lunchbox full of healthy options. Get Recipe 100 / 110Bacon & Cheddar Chicken TASTE OF HOME Bacon & Cheddar Chicken Cheese and bacon don’t usually come “light.” But this tasty recipe keeps the fat and calories low and flavor high. This family friendly chicken bacon recipe can easily be doubled to serve a larger group. Get Recipe 101 / 110Southern-Style Oven-Fried Chicken TASTE OF HOME Southern-Style Oven-Fried Chicken I call this America’s best-loved oven-fried chicken. The secret is in the breading, which makes the chicken super moist and flavorful, herby and golden brown. Get Recipe 102 / 110Chicken Gnocchi Pesto Soup TASTE OF HOME Chicken Gnocchi Pesto Soup After tasting a similar soup at a restaurant, I created this quick and tasty version. The pesto adds an extra-nice Italian flavor that is often missing from other gnocchi soups. Get Recipe 103 / 110Parmesan Bow Tie Pasta with Chicken TASTE OF HOME Parmesan Bow Tie Pasta with Chicken On lazy summer weekends, we like chicken and yellow squash tossed with bow tie pasta. Add extra fresh grated Parmesan for a Sunday touch. Get Recipe SPONSORED CONTENT Get your iPhone SE today By Metro by T-Mobile — Now at Metro, get the most affordable iPhone ever. Get what you love, love what you pay. 104 / 110Spicy Pumpkin & Corn Soup TASTE OF HOME Spicy Pumpkin & Corn Soup A seriously quick dish, it can satisfy a hungry household in 15 minutes. My family loves sharing this soup with cornbread, or you can add a zesty kick with some Rotel. Get Recipe 105 / 110Favorite Skillet Lasagna TASTE OF HOME Favorite Skillet Lasagna Whole wheat noodles and zucchini pump up nutrition in this delicious, family-friendly dinner. Topped with dollops of ricotta cheese, it has an extra touch of decadence. No one will believe this one’s lighter. Get Recipe 106 / 110Slow Cooker Chicken Stew TASTE OF HOME Slow Cooker Chicken Stew I like to sprinkle chicken stew with toasted almonds or cashews and serve with hot couscous. Flavored with cinnamon and a touch of sweetness from the apricots, this pretty dish will stand apart from the rest at potlucks, too! Get Recipe 107 / 110Grilled Tilapia Piccata TASTE OF HOME Grilled Tilapia Piccata We aren’t big fish eaters, but a friend made this for us, and we couldn’t believe how wonderful it was! Now we eat it regularly. I love making it for guests because it’s simple, looks lovely and tastes restaurant-worthy. Get Recipe 108 / 110Berry Chicken Salad TASTE OF HOME Berry Chicken Salad Bright berries and creamy goat cheese make this one a winner! Get Recipe 109 / 110Black Bean Chicken with Rice TASTE OF HOME Black Bean Chicken with Rice This spicy family favorite calls for just a few basic ingredients, so it’s quick and easy to stir up in your skillet on a weeknight. Get Recipe 110 / 110Parmesan-Crusted Tilapia TASTE OF HOME Parmesan-Crusted Tilapia You won’t have to fish for compliments when this is the catch of the day! Get Recipe
  10. The heron that hangs out in the creek behind my house is a carnivore. Two days ago it ventured up into my yard, snared a rabbit then stabbed it to death. It was patrolling this morning again in the yard. Never did I think they were so aggressive.
  11. The modern day Left credo is: Divided we stand, united we fail.
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