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Kwai San

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Everything posted by Kwai San

  1. OK so maybe just maybe the Browns end up looking good on this.....HEAR ME OUT! LOL. The dysfunctional Browns guaranteed the contract so that all 22 victims will get max payouts..... OK....well maybe DON'T hear me out! What an effing mess.....can't even begin to imagine being a Browns fan right now.....
  2. FIFY......Ima guessing that parade is going to be EPIC.......just EPIC!!! I have not seen a flake of snow in almost 4 years now......I always say the only snow I wanna see is on my TV......for the PARADE?? Let it snow let it snow baby let it snow!!!!!
  3. There is a time and a place for this.....this ain't the time nor the place. Not that here is anything wrong with that. 🤪
  4. 50%????? I will bet my house that ANY GM would absolutely LOVE to hit 50%. Just love it!!!
  5. I like your optimism, love it in fact. However NOTHING is guaranteed. Not. One. Damn. Thing. I sure hope he is the real deal.....but we just do not know yet. Do we?
  6. Just goes to show how HUGE Groot is!! If and this is a BIG IF he can put it all together he is going to be a STUD!
  7. Oh no - please one of youse leaving the space is bad enough.....altho I totally get it......
  8. Damn!!! BIG BALLER BEANE with that Ice Water trickling thru his veins......not a guy I wanna play hold-em against!!!
  9. Well Bruce DID stop in last year and offer some tips.......Bad Things Indeed!!!! Wow - the kid missed an ENTIRE year of college after sitting out due to Covid and he was still an unexpected surprise. Remember everyone thought The Boggieman was going to be more polished and a better player......peeps have some short memories here.....
  10. Thank you very muchly!!!!! Allen sux!!!! Tre Sux!!!! Sheesh.....trust the foocking process for crying out loud!!!!
  11. OK.....I'll take my helping of crow.....but dayam!!!! Realistically at this point??? Oh well - In Beane We Trust.
  12. Someone please clue the clueless.....what did they give up for #23?????
  13. Wait....23 AND 25???? I missed something......dayam!
  14. Dayam! Hamilton gone....not surprised but bummed
  15. One of the happiest Bills days of my life!!! Loved being interviewed by local TV in Rochester at the Distillery about the pick and the having co workers and friends breaking my balls about it. I got the last laugh and continue to laugh!!! And laugh, and laugh, and laugh.
  16. Uhhhhh - that there is def in the TMI category..thanks for sharing - I guess.....
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