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Everything posted by Rocbillsfan1

  1. Offense wins majority of regular season games, defense will win you a Super Bowl. Right now we have 0 offense.
  2. How’s that exactly? Allen edmunds Phillips and Johnson are all contributing, and so is Dawkins Milano and White from the year before? Lots of reports that he was feeding us info on who Carolina liked last year.
  3. Technically speaking if some qb were to fall for some crazy reason to the second round beane might be able to spin that the value was just to high to pass but that would be a rare situation since more and more teams are picking qbs before where their current talent is. I’m mostly talking about people who think the bills are going to be taking a qb with their top pick because that guy will be a for sure franchise qb which Allen isn’t. That simply doesn’t happen in the nfl. Also comparing the bills position to the patriots is apples to organes. The patriots can and should be picking a qb of their liking when they get the chance because they don’t have to start them right away and it allows them to learn their system with a hall of fame vet that is closer to retiring then beginning their career. You can’t just keep picking top qbs every year until you think you got it right. If that’s the plan you’re pitching to the owner then the owner might as well get any drunk fan to come off the street and be the gm.
  4. I get it, fans just want what may be best for the team but this isn’t how Gms get their jobs and retain them when selling a plan to their owner.
  5. Even if he gets surgery there is no way they are picking a QB early next year unless you think 3rd round is early.
  6. This isn’t Madden you don’t get to pick 10 top qbs in back to back years while giving up mult assests for one of them. Your feelings don’t get to change reality.
  7. Well when you qb is josh Allen and Nathan peterman it sure is. I’m pretty sure most fans would give their left nut to see have an offense like NE OR KANSAS CITY
  8. Technically it was back to back to back games and was an nfl record but I think that ship has sailed. Maybe a 5th rounder tops for him.
  9. Sure passings tds aren’t the only way to get tds. Field goals also help. How good was Allen again yesterday?
  10. Hey dummy, we didn’t need an amazing performance out of a qb. We needed borderline avg in order to win. 240 yards passing mixed with our amazing defense and run game wins the game. But Allen fits the “culture”
  11. That’s a good point but people thinking the bills are gonna pick another top 10 qb are delusional. That would be the definition of bailing on Allen lol. So then what you are gonna just let Allen sit on the bench after losing all those assests? This is the real world and this doesn’t happen budddy.
  12. The point isn’t about comparing him to our wrs but to act like Arizona is stacked with amazing wrs is pretty laughable.
  13. Dude everyone knows this, this is common knowledge, terry has been involved in everything and has clearly made mistakes along the way, hopefully he is learning the hard way and progressing too just like we need our qb to.
  14. Yea so dominant that he had to get moved to the slot and get used as a good route runner with good hands utilized by a good veteran qb. As of right now Larry fitz isn’t even a top 30 wr if you were going to start a team and play for one year and could pick from all the wr talent in the league.
  15. What I don’t get is why Daboll wasn’t using McCoy more as a pass catcher in the 4th. That 3rd and 2 run up the middle was such a boring predictable call. Also tie game let McCoy catch the ball and get 10-15 yard chunks out of the backfield like you see all other teams doing. Send your wrs deep and clear out the field.
  16. jerry rice at one time was also one of the best wr in the history too but at some point he was just another old wr on the field. Don’t spew nonsense like fitz is still in the prime of his career.
  17. The other guy was a liberal who talked to much and didn’t fit buffalo culture, right mcbeane.
  18. If you have to draft a qb then beane should be fired first. That’s the only way it’s happening idk how people don’t realize this. You don’t give up multiple assests and bail on a top 10 qb and get to keep your job and pick a qb next year . Just stop with the non sense.
  19. It’s so bizarre because he had these moments were he looks competent even borderline good and then he just straight up panicks stares down a wr and throws right to them. It’s like he’s a schizophrenic QB.
  20. People who hold out and don’t get themselves in perfect shape always get some type of nagging injury when they come back.
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