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Everything posted by Rocbillsfan1

  1. Missed Beasley wide open on the third down play at the end of the game. Hell of a time to throw a back shoulder throw late in the game when they really just needed a few more yards.
  2. That’s karma biting us in the ass for winning games early in the season against teams that couldn’t make a fg. The real loser is Daboll and Allen. Horrible decision to throw deep on third down if he looks to the left it didn’t look like anyone was covering Beasley. Story of the day, not finding Beasley and Allen and Daboll just making questionable decisions and calls all day.
  3. No, the post is accurate. The stats don't lie. There were plenty of opportunities that weren't taken advantage of whether it was a drop from a wr or a bad play by josh. Stop making excuses for the offense. They are what they are until they prove us wrong.
  4. Bills should be in a division with Steelers, Bengals, and Browns. Baltimore should be in the East with Patriots, Jets, London. South should be Miami, Colts, Titans, Jags. West should be Houston, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Denver
  5. The bills are playing a historically weak schedule and needed late game heroics against the jets, titans, dolphins, and bengals. They are a couple missed fgs and a Fitzpatrick int late when they should have just kicked the fg to go up 8 from 3-5. And that’s against an incredibly weak schedule. This is a very average team that is winning and we can enjoy that and look to build on this but if you think we have arrived or are a good team you are smoking some serious *****.
  6. We aren't beating anybody in the playoffs. We will get smoked by Baltimore, Kansas City, or Houston. Don't be delusional about this record. The Bills are a paper tiger. One of the softest 6-2 teams I've ever seen.
  7. Because it was much harder to kick in that direction. I don’t believe anyone attempted a kick that way the entire game.
  8. i remember schoppe making fun of the titans on the radio saying if you like to impress your child about how much you know about football just put on a titans game and call their offense before the snap. You’ll look like a genius. The joke is I feel the same way about the bills offense. Every time they are in shotgun they pass. Also when under the center they love running bootlegs which I hate. He also loves stupid misdirection plays when they aren’t needed. Guy has been terrible most of the year.
  9. don't forget that the Bills missed out on Rodgers because they went with JP Losman the year before.
  10. Not going to hate on the guy but this is for the best for both sides here.
  11. Holy ***** you should like a psycho. Is it possible to have feelings towards others? Have you ever heard of empathy? Looks like we have the real bottom of the barrel up in this thread. I guess carry on with your table smashings if it makes you feel really cool. This actually made me laugh.
  12. It’s plain and simple if people weren’t encouraging this and validating these people for their stupid drunken decision no one would be doing it. You keep stating that you play no part in any of this and that couldn’t be further from the truth. The parallels aren’t obvious and they aren’t the same. You’re stretching ideas that don’t make sense. No one should be encouraging or egging on completely wasted people to do something where the outcome will result in injury 100% of the time. Seriously just stop depending your ridiculous point that professional wrestling, mma, and professional sports are in any way shape or form the same as encouraging someone to destroy their body for your amusement and then have the audacity to say it’s 100% on them and then proceed to ridicule them and make comments about how stupid they are. The people encouraging this stupid act are even worse because you are the ones incentivizing these actions. whatever happen to just having fun? I’ve been to hundreds of great tailgating experiences and engaged in activities that could be considered stupid or embarrassing but were harmless. I drawn the line on encouraging someone to put their life on the line like this guy so I can have a good time. The table jumping had its moments. It’s not funny anymore, and I for dam sure don’t want you idiots in the billsmafia or whatever encouraging these fools. We should be celebrating this team and enjoying this season and we don’t need any of you knuckleheads making headlines and changing the narrative around this season when the next guy maybe breaks some bones or worse. You want to go be wrestlers then go do that ***** on your own time and on your own dime.
  13. Yea sorry I didn’t laugh my first thought was man I hope he’s ok, and second thought was wow what a bunch of losers egging this guy on to do this. Because like it’s not my body man why should I care if he breaks his neck and dies in front of me. Because it’s entirely different. That much is obvious. No one is playing the game of football in order to get hurt on purpose like the guy in the video. I guess you made your point though. Maybe you feel guilty about it which is why you keep insisting it’s the same thing.
  14. This dude is severely impaired, he isn’t a paid professional trying to minimize risk of injury. maybe we should have put him in a racing car for your sick enjoyment too. God you are a disgusting person who also doesn’t get nuance. Stay classy loser.
  15. The nitwit is doing it for fifteen minutes of fame. If you’re encouraging this you are part of the problem. I’m pretty sure this guy doesn’t do this in his back yard for fun while no one is watching. People need to have a little more compassion for their fellow human beings. You are exploiting this persons really poor judgement in order for you to get your rocks off for five seconds. Pretty disgusting if you ask me.
  16. Lol you’re the one squirming pal, I also don’t like mma or boxing but again I would beg to differ the difference between competing in sports and that video. Keep grasping at straws though.
  17. Lol sorry I made you think. ill copy this again for ya Also id like to add rooting for sports teams is about competing at the highest levels. No matter what sport you play there is also a chance on injury but no one is rooting for the injury. In this case everyone watching this person was indeed rooting for this person to be injured hence the you’re kind of a piece of ***** for encouraging this. There is no way this person doesn’t get hurt and sorry I don’t like watching people injure themselves on purpose for amusement. Edited 9 minutes ago by Rocbillsfan1
  18. Again sounds like you don’t like critical thinking much do you?
  19. If you can’t tell the difference between watching that video and football you are part of the problem. Stay classy. Also id like to add rooting for sports teams is about competing at the highest levels. No matter what sport you play there is also a chance on injury but no one is rooting for the injury. In this case everyone watching this person was indeed rooting for this person to be injured hence the your kind of a piece of ***** for encouraging this. There is no way this person doesn’t get hurt and sorry I don’t like watching people injure themselves on purpose for amusement.
  20. Encouraging someone to potentially do catastrophic damage to their bodies for your entertainment is pretty messed up. Maybe try thinking of that persons family or friends next time before you goat someone into seriously hurting themselves. It’s hard enough to watch football at times but at least their paid millions and have health insurance and great doctors. Giving attention to some idiot who could paralyze himself for this action is the definition of low class.
  21. Daboll calling the qb sneak on 4th and 2 was the dumbest play call I’ve seen all season. Daboll has been ok with his game calling but I really hope he gets better as the season goes on.
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