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Everything posted by Rocbillsfan1

  1. Wait so it’s just our qb playing bad. You sound like the ny media.
  2. There’s more to blame than Allen. Fans on this board are pretty ignorant. If anything he looks a lot better than darnold. They just keep shooting themselves in the foot when they get into crunch time and it ain’t all him. Daboll Morse Dawkins and Singletary have all made pretty terrible mistakes so far.
  3. Here we go again with the refs getting in the way of fixing games.
  4. Mayock is a god dam chump. Worst gm in the league, other players are right to call him out as being a joke. Might as well hand the patriots another Super Bowl trophy. Still am interested in seeing the growth of this team this year, but it’s obvious patriots are going to walk through the afc yet again.
  5. No way in hell you give up a first and a decent player to get a guy with an injury history and pay him 20 million a year. That’s a terrible idea. A second I would consider though. You never know if Allen gets hurt and we end up with the first pick this trade would look like the worst trade in history. You should never give away future first for non qbs or don’t have an established franchise qb in place, sorry but Allen ain’t there yet.
  6. the cries for wr is nauseating at this point. There wasn’t a wr who was going to just come in and start for this team. They have a bunch of quality WRs on the roster already with brown Beasley foster jones McKenzie and Williams. For the love of god stop crying about WRs lol. You people do know that if this group doesn’t preform up to your standards they can still address the issue next year right. Just look at all the great moves this Fo has made the past two years to fill all the obvious holes on this team. Go bills.
  7. I don’t get the we need a wr in round two crowd. We have John brown, Beasley, foster, Jones and possibly Williams already. Who is this rookie going to play over? I want starters or high impact players that will be able to contribute at any position right now. If that’s a cb so be it. Also next year is supposedly better with wr talent. Why don’t we see what we have first with the people we got.
  8. No way they pass on Oliver. I think it will go Murray, Bosa, Williams, Allen, White, Oliver, Taylor, bush(maybe hock), then with bills on the clock a trade down for someone coming up for Haskins.
  9. I think the Oliver slide ends here, it goes Murray, Bosa, Williams, Allen, White, Oliver, Taylor, hock, before the bills pick, then hoping for a trade down and someone picks Haskins at nine.
  10. It’s just really hard to justify a te this high with no precedent backing up the rationale for this. Very similar to Allen pick with just knowing this guys game will translate to the nfl without having much evidence from prior players that this is a good move. Could work out great tough, it’s a tough call. Personally I would never pick a te top 10.
  11. Dude you really need to get a clue. This will be my last post on this ridiculous topic. Your post makes zero sense, people are already off on thanksgiving because that’s the holiday just because there are other random things happening on that day doesn’t mean anything. Your post implies that you’d need the following day off after thanksgiving in order to recover from your drinking and partying the day before which would be your own dam fault. Most adults don’t have a problem with drinking and needing the next day off hence why you sound like a spoiled person. I for one work on Friday after thanksgiving, I could put in for the day off but I’m an adult that chooses not to. Do you think we also need the day after Christmas off too because there are great nba games on all day and you need to party it up and drink. Move on with this silly entitled opinion.
  12. True but I don’t think people should be arguing for a day off of work for their own hangover for watching a sporting event on the couch. How bout getting more vacation time to spend with family and traveling.
  13. If it needs to be explained to you, you are probably very entitled, or sheltered. It’s a big country and when “people” get federal holidays off you still get that a lot of people still go to work and I bet most could care less about a football game that happened the day before. This sounds like something a frat bro in his early twenties would say. Maybe it’s time to grow up.
  14. Have you tried voting in urban areas all over the country where people sometimes wait hours to vote. Those are the people that have to chose to work and get paid or not work and not get paid. Presidential elections are every four years and we can’t even get that, yet people I hope are joking are arguing about getting a day off to relieve their hangover celebrating a game.
  15. Maybe you should join a union or fight for the right for other people to be in a union. I understand your premise but getting a day off after the day of a sporting event to celebrate corporate greed seems to be a slap in the face to the same people you seem to be arguing for. You realize even with a federal holiday there will be many low income people going to work anyways, you know those same people you claim to be fighting for. How bout having a national holiday in order to vote. You can start there.
  16. Just what America needs, a national holiday where only the entitled get a day off to celebrate a greedy and completely shallow corporation.
  17. Sounds like something a very entitled and basic person would say. Take off your day of work if you’re that much of a fan boy.
  18. Jason Peters is a first ballot hall of famer. Get out of here with that Sammy Watkins nonsense. I’ve never heard so much hype for a player who has barely produced in five years of football. 2 of which were on offensive jauggernaut teams who put up crazy offensive stats.
  19. Because she managed to keep our country so safe rolls eyes, I’m sure she will be perfect for the Browns.
  20. This isn’t on mcbeane this is on pegula. The minute he hired Rex everything started to go downhill.
  21. This quote makes me want to poke my eyes out. Yes for better or worse the bills have drafted for talent the last two years. Every pick besides Allen who the jury is out on has been for talent only the last two years. The bills weren’t picking a qb in 2017 with a lame duck gm. Get this through your head. And they aren’t picking a qb in the first round like you probably want.
  22. I was sayin this last night to bills fans I don’t know how people don’t see this at this point.
  23. Trade down would be great but the bills need to draft top end talent if they end up with a high pick and forced to take someone. You can’t reach for a wr just because you want one if they aren’t that good. That’s how bad teams draft.
  24. Just play peterman for better or worse people acting like Derek Anderson is any better is hilarious. Peterman isn’t any good but I’ve at least seen him throw touchdowns, they just happen to go both ways lol.
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