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Everything posted by Rocbillsfan1

  1. Nothing wrong with getting intoxicated responsibly but there is something seriously wrong with my generation. I’ve been to about 200 games and never felt the need to jump through a table or encourage anyone around me to. This dumb ***** needs to end. Any real man would step up to the plate and talk these idiots out of doing something as insanely stupid as this. The wwe frat boy bull#### needs to be put in its place. It’s not cool and it’s not entertaining. The onlookers rooting this guy on are incredibly disgusting IMO in this video.
  2. Murphy is a total homer can’t stand him I’m sure he will be praising McDermott for calling up Williams now. Guy has no real opinion on anything.
  3. Beane gets credit for picking this guy up even though him and the coaching staff gave way too much of a leash with zay. Definitely reminds me of the Fred situation where the guy just seemed to make plays whenever he was on the field. Finally they just gave him a chance. Same could be said about Stevie. He just made plays I don’t care what round the guy was picked or if he’s a UDfa
  4. Figures that pats fans are now saying it was Allen’s fault and that he should be the one fined since he was lowering his head first.
  5. I’d love to see the replay of the missed fg and see a response from the nfl on why it wasn’t a penalty. Don’t they have a ref looking exactly for this type of thing?
  6. Did you really just compare Zay Jones to Robert Woods? WOW talk about clueless. Almost every fan knew Woods was wide open all the time and a very physical WR who played with heart. Zay Jones doesn't get open, doesn't catch, and looks completely lost on how to play the position of WR. My god.
  7. My observations are 1 I don’t want to see lee smith on the field unless it is a dire situation. Let the rookies play and figure it out. They have impressed so far. He had 1 job today and he failed miserably at it. 2 I have given zay the benefit of the doubt up until this week. I have finally soured on him and I want him to be a surprise cut for this week. Give opportunities to foster Williams and McKenzie the rest of the way out depending on the situation. He should have knocked down or made a play on that floating ball that was intercepted. He can’t catch unless it’s right to him and he isn’t a physical wr in the red zone. He serves no purpose. And Frankly I’ve had enough of him and his wacky family making comments about buffalo. 3. Allen is a smart kid but man is he stubborn as an ox. I’m glad Daboll lit into him. He’s acts like an arrogant child that thinks he knows more than his parents. He says all the right things but then he just does what he wants. I know we coulda used him late in the game but at what point do you bench him when he’s just playing like a selfish ####### out there. Josh it’s a team game, let the game come to you and stop trying to win the game on every play. 4. How many more times are we going to lose games because of special teams? Neal has had a solid year until he takes a bone headed penalty late in the game when field position matters. How many more times are we going to see what the patriots did on that block this year before the punter grows a pair of nuts and throws that pass to a wide open wide receiver. Missed fg again, hate seeing that on a nice day and inside 50 yards. 5. Defense was lights out and I tip my hat to them, amazing game. I did notice Phillips on the field a lot and barely noticed Oliver. Was he even playing? 6.patriots player should have been ejected for that hit. It was a super dirty shot and someone on the team should have gone up and smacked him in the mouth. Hate seeing that happen and no one backs up your qb. Looking at you lee smith, although I don’t know if he was on the field for that play. 7. Refs were all around terrible but that’s par for the course when you play the patriots. 8. Loved that McDermott went for the win in the final minutes. Offense had a hard time moving the ball and scoring and when you got the backup in and you are on the 2 you go for it when playing the patriots. Plus Hauska already missed one. Hard to trust at this point. 9. Let Barkley play next week and give josh a break. no reason to rush him back that’s why you pay a back up qb. They need to be able to be ready once or twice a year and maybe Allen can learn a thing or two about not playing hero ball. 10. Hated that Allen really seemed over amped for his game. Seems like the offense was treating this as their Super Bowl but instead Allen ***** himself. Move on to the next one and put this one in the rear view as fast as possible.
  8. When you’re a 7 point dog at home with nothing to lose and your back up qb you absolutely go for the win against the best team in the afc. I was really glad McDermott we t for it and I give him props for that even if there mistakes along the way. If Steven makes the fg before the half that changes things but you gotta play to win the game when you’re playing the pats.
  9. Been going to games since 89 way before people of my generation, gotta say, bills mafia is pretty dumb but all the power to them. I refer to myself as a bills fan. Backs out of thread.
  10. Exactly it’s not why I’m sweating this game so much. If they lose by 20 I’m just going to tip my hat to the pats and move on to the next week without too much worry. I want to beat that team in the playoffs, if that means going 0-2 against them in the regular season then so be it.
  11. They’ve won three games, there’s plenty to be happy about and I expect they’ll win a bunch more barring injuries. it’s just I think a lot of fans including myself are so over getting emotionally drained because we are playing the patriots(who should win the game) all I care about at this point is getting back to the playoffs and if you look at the bills schedule that road of getting there doesn’t have to be by beating the patriots.
  12. I read a fantasy post regarding the patriots number 3 wideout on how he should have a big day because the bills secondary has been giving up a lot of points to wrs this year. Apparently anyone can give a write up about fantasy these days.
  13. They are a historically great team that will continue to be historically great until Tom Brady says I’m done. All stats point to this. So you really want to go down the same road I’ve heard from ignorant fans for the past ten years saying o this year will be different because this is the year the patriots will suck lol
  14. Sounds like you’re one of the ones that doesn’t get nuance. Holy crap people they have a chance to win, yes, are the odds in their favor, no. The patriots have been to how many playoffs in the last twenty years? How many have the bills been too? They are good for a reason, the fact that you can’t even acknowledge that they are the superior team says a lot.
  15. I feel like the Bills are playing with house money at this point. They aren't expected to win by the experts and just go ahead and look at the point spread. That's ok. I don't expect them to win either. I also don't care or am as emotionally invested in this game as other fans because it's the Patriots. For so long fans have made this game the Superbowl for the Bills because we were so bad for so long that it was the only game fans cared about winning. Well guess what, I'm well past that, it's just one game and it's a regular season game. My expectations for this team are much bigger than caring about 1 game against a team that is considered the best in the league. My eyes are all over the Titans, Browns, Denver, Pittsburgh, Miami*2 and Jets games. Those are the games that we have to win if we want to make the playoffs. Anyone that is considered a wild card contender will be very important. Also even if we win Sunday it doesn't mean we are guaranteed to make the playoffs and it isn't a playoff victory. So finally I'll finish with this, I don't care about beating the Patriots in the regular season, let's do our best to win games throughout the regular season, get into the playoffs and BEAT THEM IN THE PLAYOFFS WHERE IT MATTERS!
  16. For people stating he hasn’t done much you are terrible at watching football. I’m constantly seeing him collapse the pocket forcing the qb to scramble and throw the ball away for an incomplete pass. It was extremely noticeable in the first 2 games. I get it, it’s a tough game to follow with lots of action going on at once but the people asking more of Oliver at this point have been down right laughable.
  17. I honestly don’t care about this game. Ne is in another stratosphere. This isn’t the Super Bowl and the bills really to win against those other afc teams that will be competing for a playoff spot. Sure try to win the game but if anyone has any sort of injury and they are 50/50 I pull them and give them the extra rest a la popovich. The week after in Tennessee is so much more important then NE.
  18. So when Allen throws for 300 and they lose next week are you going to be happy?
  19. Brown and Beasley are good enough. My concern is why in the hell did they get rid of McCoy. Yeldon sucks and gore looks slow after the first five yards.
  20. Never doubted josh, knew the game was still within reach.
  21. Everyone is raving about Singletary but it was the oline and execution that set up those plays. Still happy but give the credit to the oline. Josh Allen is a man and acts like it on he field. Darnold looked like garbage all day but all bills fans in the game thread and announcers kept sucking up to darnold. Football really is a team game and people don’t understand when something goes wrong it just isn’t one person. Josh had some unlucky plays but overall I was very happy with his play today and really appreciated how he stayed poised all game.
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