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Everything posted by ColoradoBills

  1. True. I agreed with you in your post for that statement. We are drifting off topic, but I have to say that you are wrong about in the sense that it was (and will always be) the largest most historic land, sea and air invasion by any army in history! While the Russians broke the Germans in the east, the allies faced some of the best Panzer and Waffen-SS troops still intact.
  2. If you are interested. https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/d-day-allies-invade-europe#:~:text=Allied leaders set June 5,the attack for 24 hours. Allied leaders set June 5, 1944, as the invasion’s D-Day. But on the morning of June 4, foul weather over the English Channel forced Eisenhower to postpone the attack for 24 hours. The delay was unnerving for soldiers, sailors, and airmen, but when meteorologists forecast a brief window of clearer weather over the channel on June 6, Eisenhower made the decision to go. It was one of the gutsiest decisions of the war.
  3. David should of listen better in US History class. Then again, most Americans don't know our history either.
  4. I doubt that very much. They could have had a voice in the "neutral site" discussion but it's a Buffalo Bills home game. I personally don't put as much "politics" into this decision as others do. I feel it was a weather event the Bills couldn't control and they desperately want to play the game in Orchard Park in front of the Buffalo area fans. This isn't some regular season game and there are a lot of season ticket holders who couldn't attend this game any other way than in Orchard Park. THEY IMO count too. My hope is the game is played tomorrow in OP and the Bills win. They stay home and host the Chiefs (in their house) next Sunday. I think that (at the time) was the plan vs neutral sites or worrying that the Divisional opponent gets some extra rest time.
  5. Rules are a minimum of 6 days. The Bills would play the Divisional Round on Monday.
  6. The Buffalo Bills organization had a big say in this too. Let's not forget that. If the Bills wanted to go to a neutral site, they could have agreed.
  7. Get your helmets on boys, we got a game to play. Wow. Guys eyes would be messed up.
  8. Watch this game be a low scoring snoozer that both teams play badly. At least that's what I'm hoping for.
  9. So glad Taylor made it to the game OK. I wouldn't want to miss her "reactions". Good grief, what a world we have created.
  10. Winner, winner, chicken dinner! You are the first of many!
  11. OK. Who are the fans saying, "We stop worrying about the Browns and start worrying about the Texans" on three. 1, 2, 3, break!
  12. Late last Sunday everyone was insisting the Bills play this Sunday because they played the night game last week. There is always something in a give and take world.
  13. Anyone hear what the weather is like?
  14. Many grasp it, then again acknowledging it would impede an agenda. I hoped that the Bills would build a dome, but they didn't. Great, still can't wait to get to the new stadium. All this crazy stuff about the game being postponed has happened. Great, I'll watch the Bills Monday. Now it's all about the unfair advantage. If the Bills win, great. They just will have to suck it up and win the following Sunday. I have a lot of family back in the Buffalo area. I hope they all stay safe, even though I wanted the game to be played on Sunday. It's not going to happen now, so it's no big deal. It is what it is.
  15. For all the "domers", remember what happened in Minnesota with their first dome.
  16. Reading the responses in this thread just solidifies my believe that the movie "Idiocracy" should have been designated a documentary, not a comedy.
  17. It's not the stadium...........it's the ROADS. There is a travel ban in all of Erie County.
  18. It will take them 2 days to thaw out from tonight.
  19. Oh, this is going to be great. Let me get my popcorn.
  20. Buffalo Bills are the AFC #2 seed going into another playoff post season. I'm of the opinion that if Brady was OC for the whole year, they would be the #1 AFC seed. Seems like it's due in no small part to Brandon Beane. It is fun being a Bills fan lately. Time to win it all. Go Bills.
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