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Everything posted by Dkollidas

  1. Mainly the speed. Ruggs speed is truly elite. He might be the one guy Allen can’t out throw, but I would put Devonta Smith right there with Jefferson as well. I think Jefferson helped his stock a lot against Oklahoma and he will do the same again when LSU plays in the championship as well.
  2. Each season is a new group of players. You start back at basics. You prove throughout the season that you’re able to make the playoffs. Once you do that, then you prove you can win a championship. ?Process is process for the entire process and then once that process is processed you start to process a new process. ?
  3. WR- Breshad Perriman (TB) DE- Vic Beasley (Atl) OL-BJ Finney (Pit) I want them to go after low risk, big reward free agents. These type of players, combined with good drafting, and re-signing our own in their prime, will be a big key to success and I also believe it’s the way Beane and McDermott want to run the organization.
  4. I think they could afford it, but I don’t think they’ll want to match the term, and the guaranteed money that will be given to this guy. I see them more likely going after a cheaper option like Vic Beasley, Vinny Curry, etc. Also, the amount that they rotate their defensive linemen makes me wonder how much they will invest in the edge position. My view of how they handle the position? 1. Hughes stays 2. Shaq Re-Signed $6M-$7M per year for 2-3 yrs 3. Sign a UFA like Vic Beasley, Vinny Curry, Benson Mayowa, etc. 4. Draft a guy in rounds 1-3 5. Cut Murphy if he can’t win a spot over Hughes/Shaq/UFA/Rookie 6. Darryl Johnson to practice squad.
  5. Great post OP. Right now it’s kind of like playing with house money. The team the self doesn’t feel that way, which is the way it should be, and they have a chance to win Saturday against a team I think they match up fairly well against. But mostly I’m hopeful and looking forward to seeing our young players develop and the front office to continue to add to this roster in the off-season (particularly on offense, another WR, RB, and a guard if they don’t bring back Spain).
  6. Justin Jefferson from LSU would be the guy I would target if the Big 5 are gone by the time we pick (Jeudy, Lamb, Ruggs III, Higgins, & Shenault).
  7. I think next season we’ll likely see one or both of Kroft and Smith cut. Even if they’re not, and all 4 are kept, Knox & Sweeney will be the starters. Kroft can’t stay healthy, and Smith is a walking penalty machine.
  8. Receiver and Edge seem to be the deepest, which works out for us perfectly
  9. His name is Laviska Shenault. Thats my story and I’m sticking to it. I also wouldn’t count out a 2nd receiver in the 4th. Someone that can do McKenzie type things.
  10. I think the league is becoming more balanced again. It was pretty pass happy for a while. This led many teams to run a lot more nickel, get their defenses smaller and faster, etc. Offenses have countered that move by going back to a more balanced game plan. Ebbs and flows will always occur. I’m sure if the Ravens win the Super Bowl a bunch of teams will try to emulate that offense. And defenses will try to counter that, and so on and so on...
  11. Well no, my main question is whether they are still only allowed to dress 46 players. I just went ahead and did a 46 man roster bc it’s fun.
  12. Is it still 46 active players per team for playoff games? Or are any other allowed to play? if it were up to me I’d try to get Duke Williams, Tommy Sweeney , and possibly even TJ Yeldon in the game. This is a 46-man roster, I’d probably kick Foster to the bench honestly. Probably Yeldon as well. Gore’s style up the middle should be successful in a supplemental role against Houston. I do believe they place too much emphasis on special team players. It just doesn’t affect games as much as in the past with the new rules. A forward thinking organization (which I believe they’re becoming if not already) should be aware of that. Players Inactive: RB- Yeldon (I just don’t see them benching Perry because of his special teams abilities) WR- Foster ( I think the time has come to give Duke a shot, he showed up. He had that one bad drop but other than that he showed tenacity after the 50/50’s and was a solid contributor) TE- Smith- Useless with a capital ”U” DT- Taylor- No need if the other 4 are healthy S- Johnson S- Marlowe- Coleman should play over these two. If he needs to come in he’s got the experience not to be overwhelmed by the situation. QB(2) Allen Barkley RB(3) Singeltary Gore Perry FB(1) DiMarco WR(5) Brown Beasley McKenzie Roberts Williams TE(3) Knox Kroft Sweeney LT(2) Dawkins Bates LG(1) Spain C(2) Morse Long RG(1) Feliciano RT(2) Ford Nsekhe DE(4) Hughes Lawson Murphy Johnson DT(4) Oliver Phillips Liuget Lotulelei LB(5) Edmunds Milano Alexander Thompson Stanford CB(5) White Wallace T. Johnson K. Johnson Neal S (3) Hyde Poyer Coleman K/P(2) Hauschka Bojorquez ST(1) Ferguson
  13. Yea but who knows, if we beat nee England, maybe then they go in and crush the dolphins. it’s a week to week league. on to Houston. Let’s do this!
  14. I haven’t seen him ranked above 100overall on any big boards. This class is loaded at receiver. Hes an interesting prospect, but he’s not on the level of guys like Shenault, Higgins, Jefferson, etc.
  15. I just don’t see it. Rivera will likely get another head job. McCarthy will likely be hired but someone as well. Rhule from Baylor, or at least one other will likely get a job. I just don’t see Daboll being amongst the top 3 candidates league wide.
  16. I think a lot of teams will be doing this. Jets will likely keep Gase on (and said as much). And word is that Cleveland will keep Kitchens on for another year. One and done is a tough business. Jay Gruden & Rivera are gone already. I see... Garrett (Dal) Shurmur (NYG) Getting tossed. Nagy made the playoffs last season, so he’ll probably get another year. The Lions I believe said they’ll keep Patricia. Lock may be helping to keep Fangio in place for a year. anthony Lynn is a good coach and will stick in LA for another year. but all in all I see those 4 jobs really being the only ones, with one or two others being slight possibilities
  17. Schopp is a dope. I'm not an Irvin fan, but culture doesn’t necessarily mean that all those guys are good characters. The culture is more about everyone buying into the same idea. For the Cowboys it might’ve meant “football, coke and hookers”, for this Bills team it might be “Football, Jesus and Family”. It doesn’t have to be any particular set of ideas, as long as those ideas are believed in by the entire group. Schopp is someone who believes if he gets a team like the Browns, they should be the record indicative of their individual talent. But it doesn’t work like that. You get a bunch of guys and if it isn’t coached properly or mentored properly it can spiral out of control, or not reach its potential. If you have a group of guys who aren’t quite as talented... if they buy in and each does their assigned task on a given play, they’ll likely be a solid team, even without much talent. Lastly, Schopp is one of those guys who believes analytics tells all. I believe analytics helps explain things, but I believe it needs to be combined with an eye test. Basically the stats confirm what the eye test tells us.
  18. Honestly. I just go through and edit guys to where I think they’re really at. For example, and the beginning of the year I made Tre an 87 or 88, by the end of my 2019 franchise he became a 93. Did the same, but opposite with Philip Rivers. Took him down to like an 86 at the beginning of the season. By the start of the 2020 season, age and performance took him down to an 80. mind you I play an off-line franchise mode so it’s me versus CPU every game no other players involved.
  19. I think the offensive line is going to get supplemented from the draft as opposed to signing free agents. I believe the only available spot is possibly Spain’s. Anyone who looks at the Ford situation and thinks they’re moving him to guard??? Just look at what they’ve done with Dion Dawkins. I think they’ll give Ford every opportunity to become a fixture at RT. If they’re spending big term and money on Morse, and about to on Dawkins, they’d probably rather only want to spend bigger on one guard. To me Feliciano is the better guard. If Spain hits free agency, I could see him getting $8M+ for 4yrs. Teams that don’t have our depth and stability in the front office are often DESPERATE for offensive line help. Spain will basically be the #2 or #3 free agent guard available this off season. next year I see the O-line looking like... LT Dawkins (getting extended in 2020) Bates (versatile backup) LG Long ($4M cap hit) Draft Pick (somewhere in rounds 2-4?) C Morse (big money invested here) RG Feliciano (will likely be re-signed if his play from this year continues) Boettger or FA (depends on how they believe he’s progressed as we haven’t really seen him much this year). RT Ford Nsekhe
  20. It has its pluses and minuses. The Rams Also made the mistake of using up a ton of draft capital as well. They now have an expensive veteran laden roster with no 1st round picks for 2018, 2019 or 2020. That’s going to hurt them badly in two years. The Eagles have also been hurt by this idea. They won a super bowl, yes. But their long term stability is in question. They lack weapons on offense, their defense is good but not great, and their QB hasn’t been able to carry them as much this season. Both are still very good teams. I’d rather build more like New England, Pittsburgh, Baltimore have been for years. Have a QB who can make plays at the end of tight games (pre-Lamar Flacco has enough arm that they were always in tight games), and have a legit defense that is loaded with top-tier talent. Pay your own guys at their real value and anyone who wants retail market money can do that in free agency. this is the main reason I believe they’ll lose Spain and keep Lawson & Phillips. Lawson and Phillips really seem to be buying into the process, and the team concept. Phillips knows what it’s like to play in a big city where you don’t fit the scheme/room like when he was in Miami. He sees that here, and I’m sure he talks to Lawson about that a lot, as they seem to be good buddies. Also, giving Jordan Phillips money on a 3-4yr deal will time well that when his deal is up, it will be time to shift that money to Oliver anyways. DE is in the same boat as Lawson will basically make Trent Murphy money (maybe a little more at this point), and Murphy will either only have one year left, or could even be cut. Offensive line on the other hand is one of the most needed positions in the league. But guard is arguably the least valued positions. At Center they just gave big money to Morse. They’ll need to give big money to Dawkins as well. Feliciano is the better guard and should be paid first. Long is a serviceable player they have as well. They can also continue to draft and develop guys along the offensive line as well. As for UFA’s, they won’t spend huge because those guys who want big money also want term and even moreso now want more guaranteed money as well, making those contract harder to shed at the end, further limiting organizational flexibility. Also, big money free agents tend to set new records for salary at their position, as Morse did last season. Now that’s ok to do once in a while at a position of need, especially if the player is top-5 or so at their position, and I feel Morse is basically that. Cooper though is not in the group of guys like Michael Thomas, Julio Jones, DeAndre Hopkins, etc. but he’ll make close to that kind of money. I believe Beane and McDermott will pick their spots carefully. They’ll go after some mid-level free agents. Geronimo Allison, previously mentioned, could be one. Alex Collins who ran for nearly 1000yds a couple years ago with the Ravens. Some mid-level depth offensive line free agents. A guy like Vic Beasley could be a cheap option to try to do some of the things Lorenzo does. Josh Norman could be a corner candidate if he’s cut by Carolina and Kevin Johnson is not re signed. But really, we have a pretty strong roster, that’s very talented and deep on defense, and has good young pieces on offense, a solid, if unspectacular offensive line, and basically a need for a few key pieces to really turn into a strong group. This roster does not require $18M/yr WR and $15M/yr OT roster surgery. This team needs to just continue taking it’s mid-level free agents (over the counter medicine?) and continue eating a healthy diet of well made draft picks.
  21. Phillips is a really like able guy. Gotta hope that’s a good sign for negotiations as well. I think after almost flaming out in Miami that Jordan Phillips understands how important “fit” is for a player. I have a feeling he’ll be back, on a fair contract. 4yrs $8M aav? Idk what would be guaranteed but that’s more than I get involved in with the NFL contracts
  22. I would try to re-sign Phillips & Lawson. Take on the 5th year option for Tre White, or even just sign him to an extension that starts after the 2020 season? Set yourself up for success. That’s how you successful teams stay successful. Not overpaying for big free agents, instead signing their own to FAIR contracts. Shaq, and Phillips, might each get $10M+ on the open market, but they might see the benefit to staying in Buffalo, taking a bit less, and enjoying success here. I believe McDermott’s emphasis on the guys in the room hanging out together, being close with one another, loving each other as “brothers-in-arms”, so time speak, will be one of the biggest contributors to the Bills success if they hope to develop into a true contender. Each guy taking even 500K less on your team, saves your team 25M when spread across the 53-man roster. (I understand some guys only make less than $1M, so that wouldn’t apply to them, but the point is still valid to a good extent). I do have a feeling Spain will go elsewhere in free agency. I just don’t think they’ll pay him huge money, and I believe he’s their least valuable, and most easily replaceable starting offensive lineman.
  23. maybe one but not both. To me I wouldn’t go after green unless it’s for allowed price than what I think he’ll get (I wouldn’t go more than $11M per year tops). He’s over 30 and is an injury waiting to happen in a class that is loaded at the receiver position. Also, I’d rather try to re-sign Shaq as opposed to a guy like Ngakoue who will likely cost $18M-$20M. The big name UFA’s always sign bloated deals.
  24. I get the points but come on bro... 1) If Tyrod was really so good, wouldn't he be starting somewhere? 2) Quit living in the past and enjoy the fact that we’re 9-4 and have a chance to do something here. 3) Allen came in very raw and we knew that. I expect continued growth. Tyrod was a finished product.
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