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Everything posted by pennstate10

  1. Bates played tackle his last 2 years at PSU, but really was a guard. Better interior lineman. Not really quick enuff for tackle.
  2. If we w in the toss, do you take the wind or defer? i say take the wind
  3. Agree. It was a necessary hit to break up the catch. seriosly. What is the rule here?
  4. No, it's a good rule and it should be called. This rule is at the heart of the RPO. If the lineman are more than 1 yd downfield, the LB assumes it cannot be a pass, and plays the run. I don't know if this was an RPO, nut those are the plays where this penalty is most often called
  5. No misdirected anger. Bothe can be true. The Bills can play poorly AND the announcers can be pompous fools who offer no insight. This is isn't really a difficult concept.
  6. Both are pompous. And were really biased. I for one one hope that Allen makes them eat their words on how he can't become a more accurate passer.
  7. Scrappy player. Sneaky good athlete. Real gym rat. Film junkie.
  8. http://www.washtenawwatchdogs.com/university-of-michigan/the-cover-up-of-the-arrest-of-university-of-michigan-football-player-brendan-gibbons-for-rape Karma's a female dog, ain't it. https://www.tennessean.com/story/sports/nfl/titans/2020/10/19/taylor-lewan-titans-acl-torn-nfl-week-7-steelers-isaiah-wilson/3656072001/
  9. I watched Epenesa several years in college. He was bigger, and more effective, as an Iowa freshman than he is now. Anyone ever read the story about how Tony Mandarich was able to lose so much weight ?
  10. I guess it's a he said she said. http://www.washtenawwatchdogs.com/university-of-michigan/the-cover-up-of-the-arrest-of-university-of-michigan-football-player-brendan-gibbons-for-rape FWIW, this story rings true to me. Consider: 1). What does the woman have to gain by bringin g Lewan into the story, unless he (Lewan) had inserted himself into the story? 2). Lewan s other behaviors haven't earned him the benefit of the doubt.
  11. Taylor Lewan is pure scum. When at UM, his buddy raped a girl. Lewan called her up, told her he knew where she lived, and if she said reported the rape that he'd rape her also. In the backside. You never want to root for a player to get seriously injured. But there's a reason you should never say never.
  12. It was clearly a penalty, and the Rams DB knew it. watch the end of the play. Rams DB throws his hands up in the "not me, I didn't do anything wrong" signal.
  13. $3 for an orange??? they need to find a better grocery store.
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