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Everything posted by Buffalo03

  1. The best way for everyone to beat the Patriots is to make them have to go 30 yards for a first down and the rest of the league still only has to go 10. Sounds fair
  2. I would never want to punch an old man in the face but Robert Kraft is making me change my mind. I freaking hate him so much
  3. I think next season everyone needs to start saying Brady isn't declining or he'll never decline. Maybe then the opposite will happen
  4. If only the Texans didn't crap the bed to lose the 2 seed. The Pats probably would have been playing in Houston today. Even though Houston obviously wasn't very good themselves. NE on the road makes them somewhat vulnerable
  5. You do you. If that's what you like to do that's fine. I put in for the day after the SB every year. I don't do it because of drinking and partying (I'm in my 30's so I don't even really care about getting plastered or drinking much anymore) and I don't do it because I feel like I "deserve" it. I do it because it just allows me to relax more and enjoy myself more knowing I can watch the game and that I don't have to rush out the door at any point during the game so I can get to bed in time to get up early enough the next day. It's just nicer. A lot of people seem to think by saying all this that I feel like everyone deserves the day off. I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying in my opinion due to the fact of how big the game is and the effect of lost revenue on employers we might as well get the day off. That's all I've been trying to say. I feel like a bunch of people just blew this out of proportion by calling me entitled. Which is ridiculous. They implied that I thought I was so much better than everyone else or that I hold football to some incredible high standard by thinking the day should be a holiday which is ridiculous. I get where they are coming from and I understand their reasoning and as much of a cool idea as I think it is, I don't ever expect it to happen.
  6. As I stated before, this would not apply to the World Series or Stanley Cup or NBA Finals or any of those other sports big games in this country because those games are not as big as the Super Bowl. Those games don't get 100 million viewers in our country alone and those games don't have the effect that the day after the Super Bowl has on employers and all the billions of dollars in lost revenue from employees calling off or showing up late or being unproductive when they get to work. Those games don't compare to the effect of the Super Bowl
  7. Thank you. Everyone just assumes this is about "entitled" people that want to get "hammered" and get a day off for it. People have been misunderstanding what I have been trying to say this whole time
  8. I'm all for the Holidays that truely mean something to our nation. It's important. I'm also for Election Day and even maybe a Rememberence Day for the people that lost their lives on 9/11. I also think an event that has 100 million viewers in our country alone that is the nations biggest sporting event also deserves some recognition as far as being a holiday. Yeah it's a sporting event but it's huge. Very few things get 100 million people watching it. I understand your view points believe me and I agree. I see nothing wrong with one extra holiday for it
  9. Ok, you did say that you do love football so it was only natural to think that you watched the games as well. Football, truthfully probably shouldn't even be played on Thanksgiving honestly
  10. I don't get hammered watching the Super Bowl but I do go to Super Bowl parties and do enjoy not having to work the next day. It makes it so much nicer. But I also find it hard to believe that it's only fans of the two teams representing in the Super Bowl that call off. The one article said 16 million people. I don't think that's only fans of the representing teams
  11. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.marketplace.org/amp/2018/01/30/business/even-hr-agrees-day-after-super-bowl-should-be-holiday According to this article and other articles I found online the day after the Super Bowl is a problem for employers because they lose a ton of money from workers being unproductive or calling off. So you don't have to put the word problem in quotation marks because it does exist. However, I would support a Saturday Superbowl if they ever decided to do it
  12. I do the same but I also spend the whole day watching the football games which I'm sure you do as well
  13. Yet how do we celebrate Thanksgiving every year? By watching 12 hours of football "games" and stuffing our faces instead of celebrating it for it's intended purpose
  14. https://thetylt.com/sports/super-bowl-national-holiday https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.marketplace.org/amp/2018/01/30/business/even-hr-agrees-day-after-super-bowl-should-be-holiday
  15. Ok so after looking the World Cup is watched more than the Super Bowl. But the Super Bowl is definitely our biggest game and it's not even close.
  16. This is not about the drinking and partying and it's not about getting the day off after thanksgiving. We should not get days off after thanksgiving because of football. Those games don't really mean much of anything. The Super Bowl does. I'm not saying we should get the day off to recover from a hangover as everyone assumes, it's a day off the following day after the worlds biggest sporting event that millions of people watch. And yes, we already get thanksgiving off, I don't see what that has to do with anything, but if you're ok with watching football all day long on thanksgiving, a holiday that we should be celebrating for it's intended purpose then that makes you somewhat of a hypocrite. We technically should not be watching and football technically shouldn't even be on but it is and we all spend 12 hours on that day watching it. If it wasn't ever on on Thanksgiving but someone said football should be on on that day, how is that any different? Lets just put a football game on for Memorial Day, The 4th of July, Labor Day and Christmas Day to and forget about those Holidays truely mean to Is the World Cup watched by 100 million people plus people from other countries as well. I don't know a single person I've ever talked to that's watched the World Cup
  17. The World Series and Stanley Cup finals are not as big as the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl is and I'll say it again, The BIGGEST SPORTING EVENT IN THE WORLD. The World Series and Stanley Cup don't get anywhere close to the ratings the Super Bowl gets. A few years ago the Spelling Bee had higher ratings than the Stanley Cup so really there is no comparison. There is a reason I stated the Super Bowl specifically. Is the Super Bowl just a game? Sure but it's the Ultimate Game. If it only got watched by 30 million people I would not have wasted any time even posting this
  18. Let's just pretend for one second that there has never ever been a football game played on Thanksgiving but I or someone else came on this board and said "there needs to be football games on Thanksgiving" would you still think we are entitled then? Because honestly, what's the difference? Thanksgiving is a National Holiday that we celebrate as a country but all anyone does is sit around all day, eat and watch football. It takes away from Thanksgiving's true meaning and what we really should be celebrating. But I bet you're ok with that. Imagine what everyone in this country would be like with if the NFL took away football on Thanksgiving. People would probably go ape crap over it. But you know as you stated it is just a game so no one should really give two craps if it's on on Thanksgiving and if we do it makes us all entitled, you included. But you're gonna tune in to the ultimate big game for this sport that 100 million people in our country alone is going to be watching. 100 Million. That's not counting people in other countries watching it as well. And you may or may not be at a Super Bowl party like millions across the country for a game that according to you "people don't give a crap about the next day". I bet some of your co-workers will be talking to you about the game from the day before that they don't care about. If that's how you feel the day after the game, then why bother watching? That's all I'm gonna say. Have a good day
  19. I get what you're saying but considering Canada has "Family Day" which has nothing to do with their nation, then why is a free day off after the biggest sporting even in the world such a problem? Maybe they should make it a day where the cities that are being represented in the Super Bowl can get at least a local holiday off. So if this year if it's The Chiefs and Saints then let the fans of those cities enjoy a day off after the big game. To me, not all holidays need to be held to the same standard
  20. I'm not an entitled person. Not even close. I don't mind going to work the day after the Super Bowl. However, I prefer to have the day off which I put a vacation day in for and considering companies already lose a crap ton of money on the day after the super bowl from worker's being unproductive, I figured why not put it as a national holiday? If you do a simple google search, you will see it's something a lot of other people have wanted off as well. I find it hard to believe we're all entitled. It's the biggest sporting event in the world. To me if they want to make it a holiday, great. It would be nice. If not then whatever.
  21. Those Canadian football endzones have to be about 20 yards long. The size difference compared to the NFL is crazy
  22. Considering we are the only country in the world that doesn't have free health care....I would say yes
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