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Everything posted by Buffalo03

  1. Why does saying that a paid day off after the Super Bowl would be cool make me an entitled person? Are you serious? I'm not entitled at all. I'm tired of people that take little things like this and twist it into saying "oh this guy thinks he's owed something". I don't think I'm owed a damn thing and I'm far from entitled.
  2. Nobody said it was and that's not what I was implying. I would agree, the election day of the President should be a day off not any other election day but obviously election day of our commander and chief is more important than the Super Bowl
  3. I'm not saying I need to party hard or be fall down drunk or anything. In fact, I'm never that drunk when I leave a Super Bowl party. I'll tell you what, when you go to a Super Bowl party and you don't have to work the next day it makes everything so much nicer. You can chill with a bunch friends and family and just enjoy the scenery so much better. I can enjoy myself more knowing I don't have to leave in a rush after the game either because I don't have to get up early the next day
  4. It's not celebrating getting drunk amd as someone else said it's not about celebrating "corporate greed". It's celebrating the biggest sporting event of the world and all the get togethers between friends and family and parties that come with it. 100 million viewers and even people in other countries watch. It's something that should be celebrated and no one should have to worry about blowing a vacation day the day after
  5. Yeah but how many people get presidents day off from their jobs
  6. I don't mind that. Why not have both? I've always thought election day should be a national holiday off as well but only president election day so every 4 years we gey off president election day. Agree 100% with you
  7. Well at least your holidays are pretty close to every month. I just started working at a job where we get MLK day off but almost every other job I've had we would get New Year's Day and then didn't get another holiday off until Memorial Day which is at the end of May. That's pretty much near 4 straight months of no holidays off.
  8. It astounds me how many people are sitting here saying "a paid day off after quite possibly the biggest sporting event in world? Screw that. The guy who came up with this idea is nothing but an entitled prick that feels like he's owed something". Give me a break. All you people realize we get less time off than any other country in the world right? There are countries overseas that get 5-6 weeks paid vacation and some that get more. There are countries that get unlimited sick time. We have to work our butts off and only given 2 weeks off a year until we work for 5 years at one job then we are granted a whopping 3rd week and then have to work 10 years a one job to get a 4th week. What's wrong with an extra paid day off for nothing? Canada gets one paid holiday off a month and some have nothing to do with their country. They have a holiday called "Family Day" where people just spend the whole day with their family. Why does a day have to mean something to the country in order to get it off? For the love of God, relax people
  9. But the Oscars aren't watched by 100 million people and no one drinks a ton and eats a ton or has Oscar parties. I feel like it's completely different. The Super Bowl is a much bigger event
  10. It would be cool to actually get a poll on this but I feel like it should be. I usually put in for the day off of work on what I call "Super Monday". I feel though that since the Super Bowl is a huge event that roughly 100 million people watch every year which is a third of the country, that the day after should be considered a national holiday. It's been stated that most businesses have a ton of employees that call off on the day after every year. With all the parties and drinking and staying up late Super Bowl night, no one wants to go to work thennext day and shouldn't have to. What are your thoughts?
  11. Was never a problem in his whole career until this year. I won't believe Shady is done until he has a much better oline around him and still doesn't do anything
  12. I'm pretty sure Alex Smith was traded a good month or so before the new league year started last year. So it sounds like trades can be agreed to in principal but not go through until the league year starts
  13. He probably didn't know his mom would jump out and say something. Unless he knows about it he can't really stop it. I'm sure he said something to her afterward
  14. Maybe that will be a 30 For 30 in about 20 years. "The Two Josh's" lol
  15. So you don't see Beane attempting to make a trade for a number 1 guy? There might not be a whole lot in free agency and a rookie might not make an immediate impact but I don't see why Beane wouldn't look into making a trade for a top notch receiver
  16. Outside of this season, I don't think Brown has really been a problem. I never heard about him whining at all until this season
  17. But that's my point, why should a 12-4 team that just happened to play in a much better division have to travel to play an 8-8 or 7-9 team that won a crappy division? It's not right and needs to be fixed.
  18. How high would Beane have to get Elway to get Von Miller from them?
  19. This is bull. The Chargers have a better record than the Ravens. Is it their fault that they are in the same division with the Chiefs? They would have won any of the other 3 divisions. The Ravens won their division at 10-6 which is obviously weaker. Division winners should be guaranteed a playoff spot but seeding should still go by record
  20. Will Shaq Lawson approve? Might be a hostile lockerroom
  21. Say whatever you want, it's not all McCoy. It's a bad oline. McCoy is also a much different runner. He's more of an outside runner, that's always been his game. The guy ran for 1100 yards last year. He isn't gonna fall off THIS much just by being 30
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