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Epstein's Mother

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Everything posted by Epstein's Mother

  1. The big knock on Allen is he throws the ball away when he's trying to make a play.
  2. After all that's gone on over the last 15 years or so with this franchise you're picking this as a line in the sand for your fandom?
  3. I trust that Vegas knows a lot more about what's going on than I do this guy. Buffalo 2018 wins o/u - 7
  4. He's got the Dolphins at 2-14 and the Jets at 4-12. Apparently he's got the Bills splitting with these 2 teams and running the table in reverse on the rest of their schedule?
  5. Those are the types of problems Brown's fans would love to have.
  6. I don't know why that game was blacked out. I was there and I've heard stories from at least 100,000 other people that say they were too (actual attendance 75,141 which would be a sell-out at all but 6 NFL stadiums today I think).
  7. Of course seating capacity until '98 was 80,000+ and by 2009 in was down to around 73,000.
  8. If you're done by week 10 your schedule is not your problem. Your roster is.
  9. I think he still has a job because he's like Eddie Haskell in a nice suit.
  10. Christians believe that the Jews killed Jesus. They also believe Jake Locker wasn't a very good QB.
  11. When I was a kid (in the 70's) there were 3 games on TV on Sunday and quite frequently the Bills were not one of them. Rich Stadium (back then) had a seating capacity of just over 80,000 and blackouts outnumbered sellouts. I remember staying up until halftime of the Monday night game to watch Howard Cosell go through the highlights of Sunday's games. I think the whole segment lasted about 2 minutes maybe but that was the only way you got to see what was going on around the league. I'm sure there are many other posters on this board that remember those days.
  12. You're too much alike. You'd just end up hating each other.
  13. The draft isn't that important to the Pats because they have veteran FA players falling all over themselves to play there at a discount.
  14. I think it's fair to say nobody can say with certainty what AJ is. His body of work is incomplete. When Tyrod came from Baltimore none of us knew what he was either we only knew what we hoped he would become. He did not become what we hoped. Hopefully the same fate does not await AJ.
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