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Everything posted by Jpsredemption

  1. Hmm let's make fun of the experts who have been more right than wrong on this team... Homerism much here? And I though BBMB was bad..
  2. Teef I respect the heck outta ya and some may say I'm on the negative side but I'll admit when I'm wrong...the Minnesota game I was way off and last year I was completely wrong....but I think just about everyone was wrong on the aforementioned predictions. As painful as it is when it comes to this franchise and it's futility I'm absolutely right more than I'm wrong...if they started winning this could change I'm a hurry.
  3. No I'm just telling the truth yet again. Whenever people are in denial about this team or roster I tend be insulted. Then at the end of the year (aside from last year's record prediction) I'm right...scary how right I am, actually.
  4. He's nowhere near Mayfield and Darnold despite some rough games has generally been pretty good. Allen has been atrocious save for the Minnesota game. He is exactly what the scouting reports said. Scattershot with limited pocket awareness. Good athlete, bad quarterback. Playing Jauron ball will eventually get McDermott terminated.
  5. This seems to be deflecting from the fact that Josh Allen has been bad. Don't worry about Rosen..focus on your own struggling overdrafted rookie.
  6. IMO fireable offenses. But no Tyrod isn't one of their guys. If you haven't noticed that's largely how this staff operates. They don't like developing the previous regimes players. That requires them to buy in..and God forbid.
  7. Yes. We live in an excuse ridden society..esp when it comes to less significant outcomes.
  8. I find myself over the years agreeing a lot with Schopp. He's generally logical and doesn't buy into momentum type logic etc. ..but he goes way too far with the culture stuff and won't give it up that each coach must set guidelines and boundaries. He totally oversimplifies leadership (signs of someone who has no leadership experience). Am I Seans biggest advocate? No. I do think he feels rightfully disrespected, however.
  9. And much like the Pettine/Schwartz years they will have nothing to show for it at years end.
  10. He's never been all that impressive in the NFL from the get go. Nothing really happened.
  11. Coming off a 3-35-1 line he's now a dependable route runner and player. Wow.
  12. This is the result when you surround a long shot QB with a trash offensive roster and a tight ends coach as his OC and a WR coach as his QB coach.
  13. Definitely worth the 3rd round pick we gave up for him. God forbid we use premium draft picks on offensive skill positions.
  14. So the feeling of terror continues .. he was bad to mediocre today and now if he's hurt you start D. Anderson the rest of the season and try again next year? If so the franchise is now set back yet again. Welcome to another drought. Stockpile draft picks...swing again on a QB and load up on offense.
  15. And I repeat McD and Beane should feel utter terror about Allen and the crap job they have done with offense.
  16. I'll bet McDermott loves being the underdog...although people will continue to wonder when they are actually going to try to be good.
  17. Yes and he meets the other prerequisite that this staff has...he plays offense and isn't very talented.
  18. The Bills better start being smarter with their draft picks because they won't be able to recruit offensive talent in FA with a staff that doesn't have an offensive clue and a QB who couldn't flourish in the Mountain West.
  19. The only thing that could potentially salvage Allen and even that is a long shot would be a young offensive minded coach. Unfortunately that is not going to happen, Allen probably won't work out and the franchise will now begin another drought.
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