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Everything posted by MJS

  1. That was a bad deal, but Barkley only scored 14 TD's (10 rushing and 4 receiving). That's excellent for a RB, but his value doesn't compare even slightly to the value of a QB.
  2. What's McDermott’s record against these superhuman coaches? 12 wins, 2 losses.
  3. I don't think Carr has greatness in him, personally. I think he is average. I'd take Kirk Cousins over him, who also doesn't have greatness.
  4. The issue isn't so much that RB's aren't valuable to an offense. They are. It's just that it is fairly easy to find a good RB who can produce for you. If RB's were more scarce, they would be in higher demand and make more money.
  5. Do you have a link or something?
  6. Exactly. Everything they are accusing McDermott of doing or being is EXACTLY what all these coaches that they are swooning over are and do. The blindness in these "fans" is hilarious.
  7. Idaho is cold, St. George is quite warm. Completely different climates.
  8. So why are you and others judging Dorsey so harshly? You admit that there isn't really a way to know. All we can go on is offensive stats, really.
  9. The people are nice. Don't know what anyone else is talking about. You'll have good, friendly neighbors I'm sure.
  10. You squander all your posts, so we'll call it even.
  11. Really? The defense ranked 1st in 2021 and 2nd in 2022. Considering what? They were 1st against the pass in 2021 and 9th in 2022 (without Tre White and Micah Hyde for most of the year, plus a hobbled Poyer). When they are on the field and healthy, which is usually, they are one of the best secondaries in the NFL.
  12. I agree. Cousins is a solid QB. He gets too much hate for not being one of the elite guys, but he is solid.
  13. Seems pretty cool, actually. I didn't know it was that big of a thing.
  14. Allen has talked extensively this offseason about how motivated he is and dialed in to win. I haven't seen anything amiss with him, personally. So, he is spending some of the insane wealth that he has earned? Is that the problem? There is a lot of speculation about his personal life floating around. A lot of it is just speculation. And I'll tell you what, those sports figures from the past did all this same stuff. There wasn't social media, or cameras everywhere, or such scrutiny into their personal lives. We didn't hear about their personal lives except what they wanted to tell us, or hushed, local rumors.
  15. He was available for anyone to sign for quite a long time. I can't imagine anyone would trade for him.
  16. Hamlin was preferred to Marlowe last year.
  17. That's more than a lot of the steaming services, with far less value.
  18. It isn't up to Thad Brown or any other media member to determine what an interviewee says. It is simply their job to report on it. It doesn't matter what they think is the correct response or not. And why is it a bad thing to be critical of the media and call them out for BS, especially when it is all speculative nonsense like the Diggs situation?
  19. I'll say this: that first year of McDermott coming in and rallying a talent deficient team and getting them to the playoffs speaks volumes about his ability as a coach and leader to me, and it is one of the reasons I have faith in him. I think the fact that he did it with a franchise with such a long history of futility does add to what he did and should be considered as part of his resume of achievement. But saying "we can't change coaches because times are better now than they were when we were a historic laughing stock during the drought" is not a good argument. Not being terrible is not a good enough reason to keep him. I think there is plenty of evidence in favor of McDermott and Beane to speak to. The drought is not a part of that.
  20. Yes, but there aren't any measures of probability to win the Super Bowl. Odds are probably the best we can do.
  21. I'll be honest, I don't think the drought should have anything to do with keeping McDermott and Beane. Are they good at their jobs? Do they elevate the team? Do they put the players into position to succeed? Do they offer good leadership, direction, accountability, etc for the team? Are they capable of leading the team to the superbowl? Have they demonstrated the ability to do these things and win games, including playoff games, in the past? Those are the things that should be considered. We can be greatful that they were part of getting the Bills out of the drought, but the drought shouldn't have much of anything to do with measuring their success. I think it would be very foolish to move on from McDermott and Beane right now. That could change in the future, though. Hopefully, they are here for a long, long time and prove all their doubters wrong.
  22. I want the Bills to get there too. The fact is, there have been 20 teams in the conference championship game the past 10 seasons. Most don't get back to it. 5 got back to it twice, and 4 teams have been a cut above and gotten back to it regularly: New England (that's done now), Kansas City, San Francisco, and Green Bay (that's done now). I sure hope the Bills can get into that territory and be one of those handful of teams who get to the conference championship regularly. That would be awesome. I offer data, you offer insults. We'll allow the information to speak for itself.
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