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Everything posted by BuffaloBillies

  1. A, A-.... who cares. At least we're not talking about "F's" and "D's" (like my kids' test grades).
  2. Should have included the rushing aspect. Ben: 144 yds, 1 TD Josh: 631 yds, 8 TDs (in 2 less games)
  3. Gotta start fast. Can't have press conferences saying "We've got to get better"... they already need to BE better coming out of camp/pre-season. Win 2 @ Met Life and go from there. We'll learn a lot week 1. They have a very favorable schedule this year. Mia x2, Jets x2, Giants, Redskins, Bengals, Titans, Denver "should" all be winnable games. Dallas, Baltimore are crap shoots, but on paper I like our chances NE x2, Pitt, Philly, Cleve will be tough ones Travel schedule could not be better. Nothing West of Dallas At home, in their own beds from Oct 6 to Nov 16 (minus one quick trip to Cleveland) Go Bills
  4. The best (for betting) is if your sitting on 6 wins come the last week of the season and the Bills are favored (ideally heavily favored). Then you have the OPTION to hedge... can bet the same amount on the Jets getting points (let's say 7 points). Try to "double-dip"... worst case break even. Example: Bet $1,000 on Bills Over 6.5 wins Won 6 games going into final week vs Jets Bills favored by 7 (at home) against the lowly Jets. Bet $1,000 on Jets (+7) Bills Win by more than 7 = PUSH on Season bets (Net $0) Jets Win the game outright = PUSH on Season bets (Net $0) Bills win by between 1 and 7 points = Win Both Ends ($2,000) Would take the stress out of the last game with only upside possibility.
  5. Yeah, that's what I figured. But I could see someone making the argument that a tie could be considered a .5 win.
  6. I know the ".5" is to make 7+ a winner and 6 or less a loser. But how do they treat a tie in Vegas? For instance, if Bills win 6 and tie 1 (Season Record: 6-9-1). Would that be a push at 6.5?
  7. Football Career = Hall of Fame Broadcasting Career = Hall of Lame Why he's not in = Hall of Blame If he doesn't get in = Hall of Shame
  8. I love kyle like everyone else, but Oliver, 2nd year for Edmunds, Milano hopefully all year.... 2019 > 2018
  9. We have like 20 shiny new toys already. Let's at least give them a chance and see what they can do as is.
  10. Seeing that potential line in writing gets me very excited. Nsekhe 6' 8", 325 lb Dawkins 6' 5", 320 lb Morse 6' 6", 305 lb Spain 6' 5", 335 lb Ford 6' 4" 329 Time to get nasty upfront!
  11. Any chance of packaging the rest of our slop (5,6,7,7) for a 4th rounder? Harmon or Butler would put a nice bow on this off season. With all the players already on this team (current players, FAs, and draftees), these late round picks are less likely to make the team anyway.
  12. I know no one wants to hear this, but I live in Cincinnati and Kroft is more than capable. Not a flashy draft pick at TE, but a proven player nonetheless. You might be surprised by him. He's a solid "B"
  13. Kellogg's Cracklin' Oliver Bran "Clog the 3 hole, not the 2 hole."
  14. Like this? I don't know, man. Never been asked to circle the wagons before. I'll get it figured out by camp though.
  15. I don't like it. I don't trust either news (the old news or the new news). My opinion... stay away.
  16. By NOT have TJ in for a visit, is that a clear sign that they are very unlikely to pick him in 1st round and didn't want to waste their time with him? OR... is there a gamesmanship component where you don't want other teams to know who you might be targeting?
  17. OT, DT, WR, EDGE, TE, Trade Up, Trade Down.... I trust the Bills Brass to make the best decisions for the whole picture. I will reserve judgement until the entire draft is complete (Saturday). But tonight IS exciting. Go Bills!
  18. Would like to see where Wade (that Rugby player) slots in here. Dude's got some thick-ass legs.
  19. Let's hope we're playing past Christmas this year. And AT home!
  20. Center-cut every time. Could probably make 'em just as easily using the Arena Leage FG dimensions.
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