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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. That's part of the game now though. You have to push downfield and take advantage of the rules in place that give WR's a better shot than the corner on those plays, and for the possibility of pass interference.
  2. Just wow. We've been blown out in just about as many games as we've been in. And how do they excuse McDermott for the Peterman games when it was his decision to start him?
  3. I don't get it. In what way did Peterman show perseverance? After the Chargers game, he looked defeated every time he was out there. Didn't even try to push the ball downfield in the first game this year. The run on the Hail Mary against the Bears because he didn't want to risk an INT even though the reward could have helped his team. The only thing his faith has showed us is the creation of the myth of his character.
  4. He can have his wings boneless and dip them in mayo if he wants to play here. Otherwise, yes...disgusting. Offensive to the cows that give their life to feed us that wonderful cut.
  5. As long as that's supplemented with at least 2 more high quality players from free agency/trades, that could be OK.
  6. I really don't think the plan was ever to sit Allen for the entire season. If you're rolling with only Peterman and Allen to start the season and your plan is to sit Allen the entire season...I mean I've let McDermott and Beane have it but even I'm hoping that wasn't their plan. We have serious problems moving forward if that's the level they're at, given the fact that they had a terrible plan in place even with the assumption that Allen was going to start at some point this season. They have to get Allen the experience. Could Barkley play better? Possibly. But he's not a real prospect for the future. We definitely should have had someone like him on the roster to begin with, just a half-decent guy that is willing to try to push the ball downfield and help our WR's develop. instead of throwing developmental games away with Peterman...but the biggest priority at this point is seeing if Allen is the guy. We discuss a million topics on this board about so many players and positions...none of that will matter if we don't find the answer at QB1.
  7. As many have already said in this thread here...continuity is nice if you have really good players. We have at least 3 guys on the O-line who are starting that we know are not quality NFL starters. Dawkins is solid and we're hoping on Teller. Major work needs to be done on the O-line. At least 3 starters and a quality swingman is needed. Yea, and if you remember, that Dallas O-line made a HUGE difference. That offense was really efficient that year.
  8. Hopefully he pans out but I'd like to see us go for for a quality CB2 in the offseason even if he does look solid the rest of the way. You need that kind of depth at CB in the league now anyway
  9. No, and I really hope 1 game doesn't shift any kind of focus with management. The O-line needs at least 3 more legit starters and an effective swing player. Zay still has a ways to go to be considered a possible #2. Either way, we need 2 quality WR's, 1 of them needing to be an elite talent, 1 good TE and another solid TE2/quality backup, and a RB. I'm also of the philosophy that you should keep drafting QB's to give yourself a shot at landing a diamond in the rough. Allen is obviously talented but he's anything but a given at QB.
  10. Phillipians 3:13 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead
  11. That makes me feel better. Just wanted to also add Revelation 21:4 - "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
  12. Peterman wasn't even a good teammate. That Hail Mary run last week was one of the most gutless plays I've ever seen. He didn't want to risk an INT on his stat sheet even if the reward could have helped the team. It was selfish. Hope this guy doesn't end up on the practice squad and never wears a Bills uni again. JAMES 1:2-3
  13. Dude, we've lost to a lot less than that. To me it's more about our team, I don't think the consistency is anywhere close to ripping off all of those games. And even if Allen improves and develops, he's going to have some ups and downs. Yesterday was fun but I really hope it doesn't at any point mean benching Allen, who could actually be the QB of the future, for Barkley to attempt to win now when the ceiling is mediocrity at best. Not saying you're suggesting that, but I'm just hoping the priority is still going to be developing Allen, whether or not that means taking an extra loss or two.
  14. Ahhh the old classic we're going 4-0 vs the Jets and Dolphins.
  15. I definitely don't see it. I would love it because it would mean Allen/the offense are getting better. But realistically, even if Allen does improve, he's likely still going to have some ups and downs. And we have yet to see if Matt Barkley went a little rogue with pushing the ball down the field and if McDermott and Daboll want to rein that in or finally let the ball fly.
  16. I agree with some of this, but I would give a few of those guys more credit, such as White, Milano, Phillips, and Johnson. Those guys have consistently played pretty well. I like Edmunds as well, dude's only 20 and can make plays. Hopefully some of those mistakes will get cleaned up but I do like that he's a possible playmaker. But I agree, most regimes can claim a handful of quality players after a couple of offseasons. I don't think anything special has been done here as of yet. That'll all depend on Allen.
  17. Most regimes, even our past ones, will come up with some quality players they add to the organization. My hesitancy to give them the benefit of the doubt is how bad the offensive system has been and the complete butchery of management of the QB position. The make or break will obviously be how/if Josh Allen develops, because none of this will matter if he doesn't turn out to be the real deal. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think this is the coaching staff that can develop a legitimate top quality franchise QB.
  18. We've also been blown out quite a bit on McDermott's watch though. They were fired up yesterdasy, but we definitely haven't seen that consistently. We've had our games where we looked like the Jets did yesterday. That's so vague though. This isn't necessarily about McD and Beane, but I ask this because I see general statements like this being made all the time. Do you think a regime should get a certain allotment of time no matter how the rebuilding process is progressing? Even if it's not going well, there should be a standard minimum set of years just given to them simply because it's labeled a rebuild?
  19. I think he could be a depth WR, which we need. Too early to say he's possibly a viable #3.
  20. I conceptually liked what Barkley did yesterday, but even that wasn't necessarily a great exhibition of throwing. He threw some nice balls, some 50/50 balls, and a couple that probably should have been picks but given the situations we were in, I really wouldn't have minded even if they had been INT's. The 2 big things he did was make a concerted effort to throw the ball downfield and give our WR's the opportunities to make plays. I hope McDermott and Daboll don't try to beat that out of him. The rules in the NFL make those kinds of plays favorable, even if you don't have great WR's. You have to try to take advantage. We also have to try to develop at least a couple of these WR's. Give them some shots. Ultimately though, I still think talent-wise that the guy's potential is as a solid backup. Even that we have to see if he can do something similar to this more often, but not at the price of sitting Allen down. I'm sure if he sticks around, some opportunities to start here and there will still come up. From purely a stats perspective, yes. But I still would've liked his mindset from the beginning of pushing the ball downfield. One of those drops was on 3rd and 10 that he threw from what I believe was our 40 to around their 20 on 3rd and 10. I don't really mind taking chances like that, it's most likely going to end up being somewhat similar to a punt anyway.
  21. I won't use it to say whether he's a good human being or not...but I definitely have questions as to whether Peterman is a good teammate or not. That Hail Mary play last week where he took off running out of bounds was one of the most gutless plays I've ever seen in the NFL. Did he think someone was going to be wide open on that play? There's a reason why it's called a Hail Mary. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he's smarter than that. However...that lends to the very good possibility that he didn't want to risk another interception being on his stat sheet. That he didn't want to risk having an interception in his name even if the reward could have been helping out his team, no matter how small the percentage was for that to happen. That doesn't sound like a very good teammate. Really, it doesn't even sound like the Christian thing to do.
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