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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. If your standard for a legitimate starting NFL WR is that they can't be expected to make plays that people on this forum can't...it's going to be incredibly easy for them to fill those spots. We won't win at all with guys like that, but they'll surely pass your test. Pretty low intellect stuff there.
  2. McDermott's game management is EXTREMELY conservative. He didn't want to go for it on the Jets 36 when we had an injured kicker and then we ran it twice on the 2nd to last drive in a tie game from the Jets 23 and gave Allen 1 play. He was coaching for a FG. And as others mentioned here, he was waving furiously at the refs to run the clock when the Jets were in our territory down 3 with 2 timeouts...we didn't need the clock to run there, we needed it to stop to have more time on our possession as the Jets were very likely to either tie or take the lead there. Everything he does in his game management is about just trying to keep the game close, he doesn't go for the throat to win the game.
  3. He knows what's being called, and if he doesn't...that's a problem in it of itself. Coordinators operate under the head coach's philosophy and influence, they are an extension of what the head coach wants.
  4. You would think...but the problem with that thinking is Allen was good enough to win that game yesterday, and we still saw the same McD. It looks like this is just who he is, and it's a problem.
  5. That's a pattern with McDermott. He's probably hoping for a missed FG there instead of thinking about the fact that the Jets are most likely to tie or take the lead, and that we're the ones who need the clock to stop for our last possession. He does that all the time, whether it's at the end of the first half or end of the game. Zero situational awareness whatsoever.
  6. I was talking about this after I saw the Hauschka cheap shot, but someone mentioned he had a cheap shot of his own, I haven't seen that play yet. But in general...the biggest example being last year with Gronk on Tre White, which is one of the dirtiest plays I've ever seen in my life...this team does not stand up to players when things like that happen. I'm still mad about that one and I'm not usually one to care much about things that happened in the past.
  7. McDermott. I won't say that we would have won if not for him, but coaching to keep it close instead of winning is not going to work most of the time in this league. Also it was his decision to keep Crossman, and the special teams unit is ultimately still under his umbrella as a head coach...it's still McDermott's responsibility.
  8. Jenkins didn’t hold back when describing Buffalo’s rookie quarterback in the wake of the Jets’ 27-23 win. “He can throw the ball far… maybe not accurate,” Jenkins told two reporters in the winning locker room. “I don’t really like that guy. That guy was talking trash out there. Personally, I couldn’t care less about that guy.” “He was feeling himself,” Jenkins said. “He was talking trash out there today.” “He’s a good quarterback,” Jenkins said. “He’s good on his feet. He’s a definite threat running the ball.” Those were the quotes on Allen. I don't care about that part, trash talk is part of the game.
  9. That's probably fair if that's how it happened, I don't know if the way he described it is exactly how it happened, but it would be dirty if it is. But if he's bringing up dirty...gotta mention Henry Anderson too. That was a punk move, for lack of being able to use other choice words.
  10. I'm optimistic because of Allen. I'm scared because of McDermott.
  11. What bothers me though is he was already good enough to win yesterday's game. That loss would sit perfectly fine with me if I felt like he had gotten those extra opportunities to make a play and wasn't able to. I don't care about that last INT on the last drive, things like that will happen to a young QB when they try to force it in that spot. But coaching for a FG twice there is tough to deal with.
  12. It's that too. The penalties have been a huge problem. But the situational awareness, game and clock management, and conservativeness are the biggest concerns for me. We see things like that sink teams in big games all the time.
  13. It is incredibly frustrating. I didn't mind the gimmick play, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. But the long FG with an injured kicker and the 2 runs on the second to last drive when Allen was pushing the ball really bothered me. He was playing for the FG, as he always does. This is not a coach that has the killer instinct to go for the throat. There is so much Jauron on him, it's scary.
  14. From having an injured kicker go for a 54 yarder to the 2 runs on 1st and 2nd at the Jets 23 on the second to last drive...this conservative garbage is so incredibly frustrating. I just don't understand it. Is the point of the game to keep it close or to go for the win? Even when we're 4-8 the guy just won't go for it. Give Allen more than 1 shot on that set of downs to make a play. Stop playing for a field goal. You can see this coming a mile away, sometime in the future if we make it back to the playoffs, his brutal gameday management and conservativeness is going to bite us hard at the end of a game.
  15. This whole thing is taken so incredibly far out of context. What myself and people had been saying before we drafted Allen is it's great to have an awesome defense...but it's not sustainable for long-term success if that's what you're building around without a franchise QB. It's incredibly tough to keep an elite defense for a prolonged amount of time, sometimes it doesn't even last more than a couple of years. On the other hand...having a franchise QB can make you a perennial force. It is way easier to build a SB contending team long-term than it is if you build around a defense. The Bears window with the defense is probably a couple of seasons, but they're going to start losing players. At that point when their defense comes down a level, they're going to have to depend on Trubisky or whoever the QB is to be running a pretty competent offense to compliment what will still probably be a good, but not great unit anymore. There isn't a death of defenses...they just offer you a much smaller window than if you have a great offense led by a star QB. McDermott's problem isn't that he's a defensive minded coach...it's that he's a horrific game manager and is way too conservative. He coaches to keep it close, not to win.
  16. If we get a top pick and a top edge rusher is on the board, I'd go for it. I think the D needs one. I don't think that compromises building the offense and I wouldn't let an elite talent go just because it's not our most glaring need.
  17. I feel like you don't read posts before you actually reply. I literally said I want to get 2 proven O-lineman AND a couple in the draft. Proven would mean through FA/trade, and then supplement that with a couple of draft picks as well. I don't know how that turns into me wanting to find a proven player in the draft.
  18. It's not about the quantity. I want at least 2 proven guys to be brought in for next year, and at least a couple guys in the draft. You don't know that any of those draft picks are going to be good, and we can't have another season like this where the offense and a possible franchise QB is so derailed by a trash O-line. Right now we only have one legitimate starter in Dawkins, Teller we still have to see more of. I don't honestly know if anyone else is even worth keeping as depth, that's how bad they are. I want to see how Allen progresses when he actually has a legitimate NFL offensive line in front of him and right now we're not even close.
  19. We need WAY more help on the o-line than 3 mid-to-late round picks. I'm not a Tyrell Williams guy either, we need a better #1 WR than that.
  20. I'm optimistic about him overall, he's a playmaker. I'm not as optimistic in the coach or GM as far as their abilities to build around him. But as far as he goes, I think we have something. The question is obviously if he'll have the accuracy to be great rather than good.
  21. Its crazy that in basically an off year where they haven't looked very good, they're still 9-3. I can't even wrap my head around what that must be like.
  22. Good rundown, always like to read your review. Definitely agree that it's fun to watch the Bills when Allen's out there. I'm in my late 20's and didn't start watching football until Flutie was around, so I've really never seen real quality QB play from the Bills. Hopefully he'll become more consistent, but I like that he has the ability to make all the throws and is a playmaker because this is a playmaker's league. It's hard for me to get past everything with McDermott with his game/clock management, challenges, and penalties. I know you mentioned you only saw the 4th quarter, but he completely butchered the end of the first half by not using his timeouts when the Dolphins were inside our 10 with almost 2 minutes left. That would have given us over a minute on that last drive. On top of the penalties, he also had another terrible challenge which I believe someone mentioned brings him to 0-for-6 this year and 1-for-11 in his 2 years here now. Whatever his system is for whoever looks at these and tells him what to do is beyond horrific. And obviously the penalties have been out of control. But yes, overall even after the rough loss as a Bills fan in general I was happy after this game because QB is the most important thing and we saw some really good things out of #7. And it was actually a fun game to watch!
  23. I agree with a lot of this. Game and clock management are both about being conservative and unprepared. I've seen plenty of first or second year coaches do just fine with it, and I've seen plenty of veteran coaches that started out having problems with it and still do. This is a real problem with McDermott and he hasn't shown any signs of progressing with it. The second year coach thing isn't an excuse. I'm not sure he even realizes it's a problem, which if he doesn't, it's probably not going to get fixed. The challenges are also a big issue. That's all about organizational skills and the system he's putting in place, which is obviously a horrific one. And one that's also spilled into year 2 now without getting any better. What concerns me is him saying "well, I can't always see all the plays from where I am" after the game. Yes, we know that. No coach can. That's why you need to put the right people in place to review those plays and tell you whether to challenge or not. It goes hand in hand with what i mentioned above...it's hard to tell if he knows where the problem lies, which explains why it hasn't been fixed and why it may not at all. The whole KB thing is so contradictory to everything Beane and McDermott have been saying. This is why I had a lot of fun with McDermott's "culture over talent" nonsense. There is no way anyone can justify KB still being around if culture is actually a thing here. The message that's really being sent is: Culture matters...unless we traded any kind of meaningful asset for you and you're making a little bit of money.
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