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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. This is where you are so completely full of it. What's part of what makes the establishment corrupt? The fact that they have the media wrapped around their finger. They get creampuff interviews from them and get them to throw out misinformation. What part of Tucker's interview with Trump was any different than that whatsoever? It was literally straight up propaganda. It was the SAME EXACT thing you would see from an interview from MSM with Biden. I'm listening if you can tell me how it was different. What it comes down to is you are fine with propaganda and corruption if it lands on YOUR side of the aisle. So you aren't actually against any of that, you just don't want to see it happen from the other side. You are a much bigger part of the problem than any kind of solution. The second you pick a side and a bias like that and turn off any kind of logic, rationale, and reasoning...this is what ends up happening. You back someone who is literally doing the same thing that you preach against. There is nobody out there who is doing this without bias and attacking both sides the way they should and it's because people like yourself are so addicted to politics being tribal that you are willing to sell out on many of what you say are your core beliefs to be part of your tribe. You're certainly not alone, but it's disappointing every time when someone says they are against the establishment and corruption and then you find out they're only against the other side's version of it but perfectly fine with their own.
  2. They banked big on Gabe and Knox for the 3rd straight year. We're going to get burned again on it.
  3. This team is just really tight now too. I miss when they were having fun and playing loose and relaxed. Something happened to this team last year and it's just not the same anymore.
  4. I’m not sure what to say. Lot to be concerned about. This offense is in complete shambles. Even the TD at the end took a superhuman throw. Coaching is beyond awful. McD and Dorsey are such a joke.
  5. We’re regressing with McD as our leader. We peaked 2 years ago. That’s just the truth
  6. I'm very behind the 8-ball here, I'm admittedly streaky with politics, I get interested for periods of time and then I get sick of it and don't look at anything for weeks. A buddy of mine who likes Tucker told me to watch some of his stuff because he says he's "real"...so I watched his Trump interview from a couple of months ago when they competed against the first GOP debate ...and WTF are you guys talking about??? That was literally the same exact thing as if Biden was being interviewed by CNN or MSNBC. It was one softball after another. At one point Tucker even said "you've always been nice to Mike Pence and he keeps talking bad about you, what's up with that"...what??? I don't like Pence at all, the guy is an Evangelical extremist authoritarian nutjob...but was he serious with that question??? If you wanted to make a montage for what state-run TV looks like, you could put that side by side with any MSM puff piece or what North Korea puts out about its politicians. It's literally the SAME THING from just the other side. I still hold the position that nobody out there in political news or reporting or podcasting that is actually giving us an objective, unbiased, independent perspective from which they have not chosen a side with one of the two parties. I do not understand at all how so many of you are on you knees for Tucker the way you are.
  7. This team just doesn’t have whatever “it” is to win a ring
  8. This game is on the offense ultimately. Just awful.
  9. Offense is really blowing it. We can’t keep getting stops on D.
  10. This offense has just got to wake up here. No real excuses for losing this game when the offense just won’t get going.
  11. 2nd and 1 with a struggling offense and we toss it back 5 yards. I will never understand how people here like Dorsey.
  12. We literally just have to hope for bad throws and drops from the Jags. There’s guys open all over the place against the soft zone.
  13. I’m fine with the Mandy criticisms…but I don’t know how many of those sand people are fine with Chris Brown. That guy has been the biggest homer and corporate yes-boy here for decades now.
  14. Looks like DaQuans injury isn’t serious, probably gone for this game but I’ll take that. Just hoping against hope we see Milano again this season.
  15. Haha that’s what I was thinking. If I were them I’d throw every play against us right now.
  16. There are some long-term disability scenarios where if people got it from an employer's program, they can't work part-time or other jobs to try to ramp back up or they lose all of it. They can't even try to go back and work to see if they can do it because they would still lose it. I don't get it personally as they would be paying out less in disability and eventually those people that want to go back would get there faster. The way it's set up now, some people won't even try to go back in fear of losing everything in case they still have issues and can't steadily work back up to those hours either. I will say for one part though, this is not sticking up for people who knowingly abuse the system...but the "proof" part can be tricky in many scenarios. For example for mental health...if you're smart enough you can fake your way to get a mental health disorder diagnosis that can qualify you for benefits. Most mental health disorders, even the most serious ones, don't show up on scans like a physical injury would. It's just done through assessments and there is a level of subjectivity to it, in many cases at a high level. It's kind of like concussions, most of the time they don't show up on any kind of scan. That doesn't mean they don't have them...but someone could also basically fake one if they know how to act like they have the symptoms. It's terrible because there are a lot of people with legitimate disorders but I do think there's some things that make that "proof" part really tough on everyone in some of these cases.
  17. Today's conspiracy theorists have really given a bad name to legit conspiracy theorists. I mean it was always a problem for the group but now most of them are people that throw 10,000 things against the wall and if one sticks, they think they're on some kind of inside track of knowing the "truth".
  18. This is all part of the big show where these people do anything but work to solve actual problems. What's sad is it works every time.
  19. I will never understand this logic that McD was somehow just a completely helpless bystander to witness all of this. He absolutely could have changed anything he wanted to including the DC himself for all of these years. He is ultimately the one responsible for the defense's shortcomings over the years, especially in big games and spots. I hope things have changed but I'll have to see it in those big games and spots to believe it. It's on him...it always has been.
  20. Gabe is fine for what he is, he just never developed into a real #2. Doesn't get open enough to be that. That's our issue against top defenses. If they double or cover Diggs well, the other guys just don't get open enough. It is still something that concerns me about the playoffs.
  21. I mean I think we could win but I wouldn't say we'd house them. Purdy is really solid and doesn't turn the ball over, they have a some really nice offensive weapons and a tough D and Shanahan would get to script out some drives for a couple of weeks. They'd be pretty tough.
  22. That's just tough. I do agree that it didn't seem like Tre ever got back to his elite level after the injury...but he was still easily our best corner and possibly could have gotten better as the season went along. And he's a really good dude.
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