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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. Looks like he was back out there. Some people are saying mini-stroke. Maybe he took half of a vaccine.
  2. I'm pretty sure they had started to distribute at the end of his term, starting with hospitals/nursing homes and elite rich people of course,if I remember correctly. But regardless he was still saying the same thing about the vaccine being completely safe and effective and was encouraging everybody to go get the shot well into the summer of '21 and even after and wanted credit for "Operation Warp Speed". https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-urges-all-americans-to-get-covid-vaccine-its-a-safe-vaccine
  3. Sure, but so much of the Pro-Trump argument from his supporters is that he’s an outsider, a man of the people, and not part of the corrupt circle of politicians
  4. Ignorance doesn't excuse Trump, it would have been different if he had said at the time that he knew nothing about this topic and was just following marching orders. He didn't, he told us the exact opposite of that and told everyone how incredible and safe this vaccine was and encouraging it to the point of just stopping short of a mandate. And I don't square any of that with Biden/Harris. They're trash and it's 100% hypocritical. I didn't vote for them in 2020 and I'm not going to next year. I'm a My Body/My Choice guy on both the vaccine and abortion unlike most of the Left or Right.
  5. Because that still wouldn't hold up. He claims he's not influenced by the corrupt government and he put his own personal stamp on the vaccine and did it dozens of times.
  6. Question for the Trump backers...with all their stuff about how vaccine from the Left is causing myocarditis, moreso now with Bronny James, and how horrible the vaccines are...how are we squaring that with supporting Trump who assured us a gazillion times that the vaccine was safe and encouraged everyone to go get it? I don't remember if this was his direct quote but at one point didn't he even go as far as to say something to the effect of "this isn't Fauci's vaccine, it's MY vaccine!"
  7. I guess it almost could've passed for a Bernie ad instead when you put it that way
  8. You apparently don't think his own staffer retweeting that has anything to do with him...I think it does when he doesn't do anything to distance himself from it. They don't originally create a lot of content that they put out there, many times they just share it, just like all the campaigns. You can be outraged by whatever you want, I call it out when it's not consistent. And I've done it plenty against the "Left" as well because they're wrong quite a bit these days too.
  9. Given the guy is an actual governor of a state...I hope that's the case. A less extreme version of this pretty much existed in his other video though that "attacked' Trump for not closing down Pride parades or whatever very important Presidential things he did against LGBTQ+.
  10. When a member of his team retweets it? I don't think so. Wasn't there the same question over the LGBTQ one on whether they actually made it or not? They shared it, and then DeSantis basically claimed it as part of the campaign and said it was fair game.
  11. I do think overall that DeSantis has really hurt himself with his culture war obsession and at times actually ripping on Trump for being more moderate. I don’t think that strategically even makes sense on the National scale. I think Trump continues to blow him out of the water and actually will do so much damage to him by the end that DeSantis won’t even be a real candidate for ‘28. I see Vivek easily surpassing him during this cycle and for the future.
  12. I think it’s a gray area. It’s his staffer that retweeted it and he hasn’t denounced it to my knowledge. Campaigns claim content they endorse all the time that they didn’t create themselves. I actually waited for a while to comment on it to see if they said anything to distance themselves from it.
  13. Pure deflection. I’m not a vaccine-pusher. In fact I was against many of the Left’s COVID mandates and didn’t live under lockdown at all. You can agree with someone’s COVID’s stance and still disagree on social issues. I don’t like DeSantis at all and would agree that he overall had a better COVID stance than most governors. It’s something called objectivity.
  14. I’m saying it certainly looks like he doesn’t care about being associated with one if it’s true his own staffer retweeted that video If one of my staffers retweeted that, if that’s true, I would have something to say about it if I was against the messaging.
  15. DeSantis’s own campaign video had him leading marching troops to him in front of a Nazi symbol and none of his supporters find this troubling? The amount that people are willing to turn a blind eye to because they’ve already chosen a side is simply stunning.
  16. I would agree with that…but where’s the same callout for Fox News having Kayleigh McEnany and Dana Perrino as very integral parts of their news coverage?
  17. I would still say an $80 mil opener for a 3 hour historical biopic is still really good tho
  18. I haven’t seen it but have heard there is some satire and self-awareness, it’s possible that could’ve gone over some heads. I heard a part near the end that suggests this but I won’t spoil it here. The interesting thing is there’s a lot of reviews on YouTube from people saying it’s ultra woke and feminist while also saying they haven’t seen it or never would. Which is fine but I don’t know how they could then have a fully formed opinion.
  19. This petty outrage is what I’d slam the far left for doing for a long time, but as Conservative media has grown, we’re seeing the exact same thing come from them. Many of them were angry about there simply being a trans actor in this movie, 1 out of 70+ actors…and I haven’t seen it but from what I’ve read there is no pushing of child surgeries or anything like that. These are the same people that would hit the Left for not waiting for the facts to play out, which I agreed with, but this is the same exact thing. It’s either that or they don’t even think a trans person should simply be allowed to even exist in a movie, or probably exist at all. And I said the same thing about people who went back and called the first Ace Ventura movie “transphobic”. It’s a silly comedy, that’s all.
  20. I’m glad we were able to get this whiny take from this Poso clown who was a pizzagate fraud boy…about a Barbie movie. I’ll repeat…a supposed grown man complaining about a Barbie movie being feminist. Simply stunning.
  21. I haven’t seen this yet but I’ve heard the “God’s children are not for sale” quote…I mean apparently they are since God certainly hasn’t done anything to stop them from being sold for centuries now. It’s that type of cringe that’s probably as eye-rolling to many of us that “Smash the Patriarchy!” from Barbie is to more Conservative people. I’ll probably give it a chance myself at some point but it seems to me at first glance that it might be overblown that this movie is completely apolitical with no religious agenda that is being unfairly portrayed as such.
  22. It’s completely irrelevant to how well you can do in the job as President though. It also undermines all of his “sticking to the facts we have” schtick…none of which confirm God is real or good.
  23. The “God is real” thing being #1 on his list did it for me. How does that have anything at all to do with the job as President? It’s just pure pandering.
  24. I honestly don't watch a lot of movies anymore but I still really appreciate the good ones when I do catch one. I think it's real that a lot of people don't watch as many movies anymore...but I don't think it's a "woke" thing as much as people in this thread seem to think so. I hope it resolves itself simply for the really good movies that do make it. Like this Oppenheimer one looks amazing to me, I'll probably get out to the theater for it. Really interesting guy and story and I do generally like Christopher Nolan. I don't really buy this whole "they don't make 'em like they used to!" narrative that's attached to all this. There's always been a lot of trash to go along with the good. There's just so many content options outside of movies now that people aren't going to watch something they're not really intrigued by nearly as much. Like how TV sitcoms cratered...because there's better options on the table now. But yes, like the writer's strike many years ago...I don't know that this will ultimately be a good thing...but I think we were headed down this road regardless. It may change to where it's harder to get a movie green-lit but I do think there's always going to be a demand and crave for good movies that there will be a market for.
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