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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. And yet…this is still about as good as things have ever overall been in the world. There are still big problems - child sex trafficking, poverty, hunger, crime…probably none of which involve a 30 minute speech on “Woke”. That’s part of the “culture war” that people are involved in because they’re bored and likely don’t have any actual problems. I can’t imagine sitting through that, but you’re totally free to do you.
  2. When did this all get so doomsy and dramatic? Some of you need to get out and get some fresh air and play a social sport or something. This is always what the politicians and political media have wanted, even the “independent” ones, for people to hunker down and over-consume this stuff and think the world is coming to an end.
  3. I don’t think that’s going to work, I still think it’ll be him that wins the primary. They’re already not doing this though. They’ve already engaged in going after Trump, it just hasn’t been effective.
  4. Bidens temper is going to help DeSantis beat Trump? Did you actually mean to post that in reply to me?
  5. I just don't see where the votes are going to come from for DeSantis against Trump. There are so many Trump voters within the Conservative population who refuse to even listen about anyone else. By then, they'll have had their minds made up already for almost a decade.
  6. Who said I don't believe in God? Maybe some people just don't tie that to the Bible or any man-made religions. It also sounds like you're saying it's smarter if you're with the majority. Would you then also say that given the Democrats have had the popular vote in 7 out of the last 8 elections including the last 4 in a row, that the Liberals are smarter than you? I mean, you should be consistent with these takes right? Again, you lecture people about not being based in facts...but you're defending the referencing of a book that says the world is only 5k years old and a dude brought 2 of every animal in existence on a boat to the mountains of Aratat...amongst many other beauties. Do you really want to keep going down this road?
  7. Just asking...but do you find it hypocritical at all that on one hand you lecture people for not being based in facts while you reference a book of fairy tales?
  8. Most of the guys you mentioned are fringe starters though. I like Beane but that’s not a great 3 year crop if we’re being real.
  9. I don’t trust either though, and I agree the people the Republicans actually put forward are not “small government” politicians. It’s surprising to me that many conservatives can’t see that sometimes, just like how many liberals can’t see that the corporate Democrats aren’t actually properly investing in underserved populations. I believe very much in the philosophy of social programs, I just don’t trust anyone in charge to run them so philosophically I’m probably not a small government guy in that specific sense, moreso from a personal freedoms standpoint.
  10. My personal issue is how the money is spent more than what I'm being taxed. I believe in progressive taxes (in a different structure) but I don't trust the administrations in charge to spend it wisely, so it's a paradox. As I've gotten older I've gotten taxed more and more with my income rising, but I don't think that's the problem. I just don't think it's being spent anywhere close to the right way. I think the other side is a paradox too though. If the people believe in Trump and the way he spends, why would those progressive taxes be a bad thing? The biggest issue ultimately is the Presidents always end up protecting the wealthiest and it's the middle class that suffers the most.
  11. I would disagree. I'm not talking his politics here, but he was obviously able to connect even on a personal level with a lot of the Democrat voter base. We're talking purely what it takes to win, so I'm not talking about how much of that was artificial or driven by media, etc. I don't see that with DeSantis, especially going up against Trump who has a stranglehold on a good chunk of conservatives. You also have to remember Obama was going up against Hillary who was really never popular on that side. It's totally different.
  12. Dude's going to get smoked by Trump. He's scripted, sounds like a politician, and has no personality. Anyone can say that shouldn't matter...but it will.
  13. You really just ignore anyone who isn't on the same political side as you? And then you only post news and retweet stuff from one side as well? Isn't this part of what's wrong with political discourse? It's like you actively want to live in an echo chamber. Obviously I agree that no adult should be doing that in front of children, that's not what I'm talking about just to be clear.
  14. Objectively looking at it, there could be a case made that they should've pulled out earlier if this was a concern. Although that doesn't necessarily mean they would rather have children suffer. What if they repurpose that sponsorship money to something else? Jordan can do whatever he wants...but I would similarly make a case that trying to make a political statement (at least it appears that way from what Rachel said) to go in conjunction with a charity for children doesn't make a lot of sense to me either. I don't think either side looks great here really.
  15. This, this, and more this! So dumb that someone is a groomer if they drink a beer from AB or a bigot if they play at Trump's course. If someone personally doesn't want to support a business or player, cool. The outward judgement is so silly though.
  16. I've seen RFK all over now on Rogan, Bill Maher, Jordan Peterson, etc...I actually like a lot of what he says. I lean moderately liberal in my own philosophy but I hate both parties. This guy is as close to the center as a candidate that's out there though that I've seen. He's not trying to fit himself into the box of a corporate Democrat or Republican. I don't know if anyone can be trusted that has a decent shot at winning the Presidency...probably not...but maybe a guy like this could ease some of the tensions between the Left and Right and maybe we could actually get some things done.
  17. There was no part of this that was 0-100, we've talked about this before, as you yourself have stated. I didn't bring it up in the football section, you did. I saw it and called it out. You think that movement is more about Blackrock and Vanguard, so that's what you want everyone else to think too. For so many it's simply being happy that they can be gay or whatever they are and still be able to be part of society and not be vilified or that they can now get married. It wasn't that long ago that they weren't able to do that. It's not like we're 100 years removed or even decades removed from all of that. You can find abuse and corruption with literally any movement, institution, religion, political party, etc. Lumping in an entire "movement" with that faction is what's wrong and a standard to which you don't hold for everyone, especially if they are on your political side. I won't even dig, I'll just ask you straight up...if someone looked into your posting history, are they going to see a balanced history of discussing the corruption of many different groups of people all across the spectrum or is it going to look much more agenda-based and targeted at specific groups that just happen to be more associated with the other side of the political spectrum than you? Just an honest question for you.
  18. This right here is your grift. I didn’t bring up LGBTQ, neither did the person you responded to. YOU did! And then you’re acting like people “like me” are somehow imposing this on you when you have a serious obsession with this topic. You’re not being “forced” to celebrate anything. I don’t have an issue with anything being highlighted for anyone if that’s what’s important to them. I don’t bring up the very worst of Christians and Christianity to demonize McD or Pegula for being proud of being Christians. We literally have Federal holidays and public celebrations for these religions, why aren’t you whining about that? You think those institutions are perfect? People knock on my door and sing Christian songs at me during Christmas. I have every right to shut the door in their face if I don’t want to hear it. I don’t even though I have many issues with their religion and beliefs, but I don’t see that as me being forced to celebrate it. You and many others have made yourselves out to be such victims over this. I’m defending Sean here even though I can’t stand him as a coach and I don’t like his religion. That’s what a consistent stance is all about.
  19. I would disagree. If you have an elite QB and can't win a SB, to me that is not a successful outcome.
  20. Nah, I think this is reading way too much into that. I mean I do think the "character" stuff is overblown given some of the guys they have brought in. But a lot of organizations do that, especially during rebuilds. Things change when you have a big QB contract and you become more desperate to bring in anyone who can help at your positions of need. I'm guessing Pegula hears and understands the chatter and the mounting pressure here, the Honeymoon period is over now. He wants to show confidence and have these guys not worry about it. I don't think it means they are completely safe though.
  21. It's not. It's also met so many times with "well do you want to go back to the drought years???" As if these are the only two options. With a decline in playoff success the last two years while the coach on his side of the ball has been given an elite level of resources and has failed us tremendously every single year in the playoffs. I understand what you're saying but I do think it's more complicated than that. There is an expectation of going all the way when you have an elite QB.
  22. If nothing else it'll be fun times. It's only going to get more intense if we have another disastrous McDermott Meltdown.
  23. You should really keep your constant homophobic crying and whining and victimhood about LGBTQ and Pride in the Politics section. Nobody's forcing you to be gay or celebrate anything. I have a LOT of issues with Christianity and the Church and how a lot of that community operates...but I have no problem with Pegula or McD himself celebrating themselves being Christian. That's their right, just like it is someone who is gay and wants to celebrate the freedom to do so and have simple things like marriage available to them that they didn't for the longest time. I'm not being forced to be Christian or celebrate Christianity just because they are, just like you aren't being forced to be gay or celebrate gayness. I have the option to not read or seek more information out about Sean's Christian beliefs, you have the option to do the same about anyone else. If McDermott is happier because of his Christianity or Saleh is because of his Muslim-(ness?) and if they want to talk about it and create prayer circles before and after games in front of everyone, I don't think it matters what I think of any of it, rock on. Same if someone wants to wear a Pride patch. It could literally be this simple if everyone was willing to do that.
  24. There was no need to do this with McD. We can't win a SB with this guy.
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