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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. For someone who is better versed than me on this…is this kind of like when Jerome Powell burns through the money printers and then we pay for it later?
  2. This is going to be this guy's whole career here. He'll play a small handful of games a season and we just have to hope his injuries don't coincide with playoff time. We can't go into a season thinking we'll get a big contribution from him.
  3. Just wondering…if Vivek becomes President in ‘24 or ‘28 and does incredible things and reforms the country and improves the lives of millions of people and unifies our country in one of its most politically divisive eras…would he still deserve to suffer excruciatingly and rot non-stop in Hell for eternity because he didn’t believe in Jesus as his savior according to a solid chunk of the Conservative Christian base?
  4. Just saw some highlights... DeSantis is so awkward. There is absolutely nothing socially about him that comes off as natural and authentic, and in the Trump Era and probably moving forward from now you are in complete denial if you think this doesn't matter. What Christie (even though he very obviously has no shot) and Vivek did and to a lesser extent what Haley did is what people want to see in these debates and in politics now. They basically leaned into it and they're going to be the ones who will have the most clips passed around tomorrow on political shows.
  5. I only caught the end of this just now...I'll prob catch some highlights somewhere...but WTF did Burgum just do with his 60 seconds?
  6. Meaningless night probably. The Trump mob isn’t budging on their vote.
  7. Fake. Just a distraction from Hunter Biden’s laptop. If there were astronauts on board that would also be a long time to go without wearing deodorant.
  8. I don’t, I don’t even know what it is which is why I very literally prefaced it saying that.
  9. I personally have no issue with that part. I really don’t have an issue at all with the song, I agree with him on a lot of it. I would say though that it’s at least somewhat hypocritical from many Conservatives that they say they can feel and identify with him. Think about what he’s saying in the song…there is no such thing as “bull#### pay” if you believe in total free market capitalism. If you can’t get a raise from your employer and nobody else will pay you more…the free market has determined that what you’re getting paid is what your services are worth. He’s obviously talking about this along with welfare distribution and abuse and taxes. If it’s anyone who doesn’t imply that they believe in God or doesn’t look like they have “conservative values”, whatever that actually means, this is the rhetoric they would normally rail against and say it’s victimhood mentality and nobody’s oppressed and this guy just needs to shut up and work harder so he makes more money. So why is it different all of a sudden when it’s coming from this guy? Why aren’t the Jordan Peterson’s and Ben Shapiro’s slamming him for whining instead of doing better and making more money? I would say it would be a good thing if this brought some attention to the areas and populations that are really struggling so that we can hopefully do some things to help them. I mean I don’t want to evoke satanic Leftist demons here when I say this…but perhaps some of these people in rural areas who have trouble breaking the cycle of poverty are even…disadvantaged? I basically think hypocrisy is on both sides for this, as I usually do. The Left should actually like the message of this song if you’re going off of classical liberal standards and I would think it’s a positive for the Right if they actually let part of the message challenge their own beliefs. I still think outside of culture war stuff…both sides probably agree on a lot more than the hardcore Lefties and Righties think or want to admit. So much of this is just semantics.
  10. I’ll preface this with saying I have no idea if this is a credible source…but if it is…can a brutha get a “LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE”? https://www.meidastouch.com/.amp/news/virginia-gop-official-displays-16-foot-penis-sign-at-youth-baseball-game-to-protest-woke
  11. https://www.foxnews.com/media/kid-rock-spotted-drinking-bud-light-months-after-shooting-up-cans-protest-dylan-mulvaney-partnership OH MY GOD THIS MEANS KID ROCK WANTS CHILDREN TO HAVE TRANS SURGERIES!
  12. I mean it's worked if we're being honest. DeSantis is getting buried. I'm not even sure he finishes 2nd above Vivek anymore.
  13. I checked out Skid Row a few years ago, I don't know why, my friends and I were just curious. It's like another world, a lot of those people like living that way. They kind of look out for each other in some ways but are also all scoring low grade smack for each other too. There are some things that our country has done in the past to alleviate homelessness because there are a lot of people that want to be helped and accept it when it's offered...but I don't know what can be done about the people that just flat out don't want to be helped. Like what do you do with them?
  14. I have hope that people are becoming more aware…I’m not sure I have the same hope that they’ll stop being as tribal to the side they’ve chosen though, if that makes sense. A lot of people, even amongst those 80% of moderates that probably do agree on a lot of things, are too far gone to their “side”.
  15. For me personally it’s the opposite from the “left”. Actual true liberals (not the Democrat party) have had this message for the longest time. But when we say it, it’s socialism or we’re making excuses for people that aren’t working hard enough to make their situations better and make more money. But when someone who seems to be more like “their own” says it…it’s fighting for the working class. I think both are true. I think there are a lot of people on both or whatever side that don’t want to agree with something unless someone who seems like they’re in their tribe says it, that part we probably agree on.
  16. I don't understand the link some people here are making from this guy to Trump's popularity. It makes no sense whatsoever. Trump proved to be just like any other corporate politician. Are we still talking about him "draining the swamp" like he said he was going to do 7 years ago and never did? Yes, I do have to say I am confused about his popularity given that and how a song like this would somehow be in support of him. I would also say if we're looking at it objectively...if someone who came off as "liberal" made a song like this, the other side would probably be saying something along the lines of "that's capitalism bro, get educated and get a better job that pays you more money instead of whining about how little you make". Basically anything anyone makes with a hint of politics will be slammed by the other side. As it usually is, the truth is somewhere in the middle. And a song like this should apply to both Democrats and Republicans...but you don't even have to go outside of this thread itself to see people saying they agree with this song while also at the same time simping out for a Democrat or Republican politician. For all the virtue signaling people are doing when pointing to a song like this...they're still doing and even promoting the SAME EXACT things and people that have led us here.
  17. I'm saying simply that Trump didn't deliver on the biggest thing he ran on in '16. Do you think he did? Obviously many will vote for him as the lesser evil...but there is still that cult that buys the same tagline from 7 years ago.
  18. The "drain the swamp" type message resonated with many Independents and even Democrats at the time. That and Hillary was really never popular with Independents. But he didn't do that, I'm not sure why people still believe him 7 years later. I like what Ricky Gervais said about that, something along the lines of "he didn't drain the swamp, he built for it a diving board and a full bar"
  19. I still don't think anything actually happens to Trump or Hunter Biden and it'll be these two clowns head to head again next year and the majority of people just voting against someone they don't want instead of voting for a different party candidate that actually aligns with their beliefs.
  20. I think Trump wins the general if the Dems really do throw Biden up there again. The Independents I believe are going to swing back that way against Biden. I personally think either Biden or Trump is an unfortunate outcome for our country. What Trump has done brilliantly with the Conservatives is he's made this about the GOP "race" about personality, comedy, and essentially a show. DeSantis absolutely can not hang with Trump in that arena, even his biggest fans can probably admit that. Vivek has leaned into this but he'll fall short because he's so Pro-Trump that he really doesn't have a good answer for why those people should vote for him instead. What he does say is not nearly compelling enough for a Trump loyalist to change their vote. The general will be really close but I don't think the GOP is even in question.
  21. Yeah, I just don't see how this is really any different. And there's more information coming out as we speak, you literally just posted something new. Everyone's basically doing the same thing, they're just using minor semantics to try to say they aren't. Overall I would agree...but why does the going to church every Sunday part matter?
  22. So on one hand this dude is saying "We don't know what the facts are...we'll wait for those" while literally proceeding right after with his rhetoric. So the only difference really when they complain about the MSM rushing to their own judgements is that they didn't simply preface it with "we don't know what all the facts are". I'm not even trying to defend the FBI because I don't trust any government institution and I would totally agree that MSM rushes to the conclusions they want before all the facts are in, it's just interesting to me how this works when some of these "independent" people report on things when they do just about the exact same thing, but they think it's validated because they threw in a little phrase at the top. It reminds me of this scene in Talladega Nights:
  23. You don't like to read "WE'RE BEING HELD ON EVERY PLAY!" 500 times in 3 hours?
  24. His issue is still the same...and it's the same issue the other GOP candidates have...is how do you flip the Trump votes? I just don't see it, he has such a stranglehold on a sizable chunk of Republican voters. Most of them will literally admit to you that they won't change their vote no matter what happens.
  25. Sorry to hear that dude. My mom went through it in 2018-2020. She's the ultimate do-er, up and at 'em everyday at 6am and doesn't stop and it was devastating to watch what cancer did to her during the worst of it when she no longer could for a while. She was able to recover but I now truly understand how hard it is on everyone. Hoping for the best for your mom as well.
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