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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Very good points. Very well thought out and very well spoken. Are you sure you're a Jet fan? All in all, right now the Fins, Jets and Bills should be prepping for AFCE post Bradachick. I really think the team that will have the best chance as sustainable success after those 2 jagoffs leave will be the team that hits better on the QB this year. Please please let the Jets get Allen and Fins go after Rudolph.
  2. Mike White has a better chance of going before Rudolph than Rudolph has going before Rosen.
  3. Yea, his face is very punchable. Especially dressed like this.
  4. Better chance Mayfield is there than Allen IMO. And if we are waiting until 12 goo to great chance Mayfield is gone as well. So my answer is Jackson.
  5. ...then our defense is likely to recover a TON of fumble in 2 games against him a year.
  6. Nate Odomes...though that was off the field injury related.
  7. Or they want Buffalo (and others) to think they may go QB and drive up the price for 2.
  8. There were 2 really bad olinemen signed that year. What was the other guys name? I want to say Walker? Those 2 and Robert Royal are my vote.
  9. Could even be the Giants at 22 leapfrogging. Steelers, Jags...you never really know.
  10. Fair argument. But I could also argue that there would be 4 teams before I would pick at 21 that may be in on a QB. There are bigger needs than QB in Cincinnati, but with both the FA crop and draft expected to be bad, you have to plan for a future without Dalton. 2018 is an easy out in his contract. He was pulled from games twice last season for ineffective play. And sorry, but Matt Barkley isn't a legit #2.
  11. With the 9th pick of the 2018 NFL draft the Cincinnati Bengals OFFICIALLY select... Lamar Jackson, QB, Louisville Reasoning: Andy Dalton is a 7 year NFL vet, started since his rookie year. 7 years and zero playoff wins. It's time the move on. Fortunately, 2018 we can cut/trade Dalton with just 2.4 million in dead cap hit. Unfortunately, the QB class next year is expected to be lame. Enter Jackson. This gives him a season to sit, learn and put on some mass. Plus, Matt Barkley is the #2 QB as of now. That needs to be resolved. There are always teams that make a move for a QB that weren't necessarily though of. KC and Chicago last year. With the early run on QBs I needed to make a move. Lamar Jackson...is a Bengal.
  12. It was absolutely the right move. If for nothing else the "Billy Joe Hobert jokes" have been worth the price paid.
  13. So Denver on the clock with Barkley, Nelson and Mayfield sitting there. Good spot to be.
  14. Cordy Glenn was a guard too. He is being overlooked simply because he doesn't have a human hype machine (aka agent) constantly oversaturating the media about him like some guys. He has virtually the same strengths and weaknesses as Josh Allen, yet Allen is said to be the guy with "highest possible upside" while Jackson should "be a WR".
  15. Just playing devils advocate here...but allotted time is allotted time. Just like the real draft teams can pick quick or take it all. We knew picks could be 24 hours apart coming in.
  16. Honestly, if that were the case and you really want him then just take him at 12. Don't play around. Get the guy you want. If needed I'd rather mover that 3rd rounder and try to slide from 22 to the late teens if possible and grab defense.
  17. I would be perfectly fine with this. His experience in the E-P is a nice bonus.
  18. Darnold- Face of Franchise Rosen- Face of Franchise Allen- Solid Starter Mayfield- Weak to Solid Starter Jackson- Solid Starter
  19. Neither. They will rock the draft and take Lamar Jackson.
  20. I will oblige with the you're a moron. Also: Marshawn Lynch. Just fun to watch. Never knew what that knucklehead was going to do next.
  21. Seems fishy. OBD has been notoriously tight lipped on everything only to have not 1 but 2 "team sources" spill the beans? Not buying it. What I do believe is they likely knew what it would take to get to 3. Just like I'm sure they know what it will take to get to 1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10. Jets likely overplayed and we declined to do the same if presented an opportunity from the Colts.
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