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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. I get your point on the onside kick rule and don't necessarily disagree. However, an extremely high percentage of the time everyone knows when the onside kick is coming anyway. Save for the maybe once a year someone tries a surprise onside on a kickoff not near the end of the game. My issue with the 4th and 20 becomes when the team is going for it and fails...but is able to convert due to a DPI, defensive holding the new "hip drop rule" or some other flag influenced by the officials with a judgement call. Would lead to wayyyyyyyyyy more scrutiny than it's worth IMO.
  2. It really does. Makes a guy that can operate in space almost like a stretch handoff more valuable. One problem I can see is if we see a lot of guys break that first wave the only person back to make a tackle is the kicker. Could we see an influx of kicker injuries this year from it? That would really shape the outcome of some games. Wonder if more teams will look to PS a kicker early in the season.
  3. It's only passed on a 1 season basis. They will review next off season if they will make it permanent. I personally think that's smarter as it gives them an entire season of actual gameplay to review things such as the overall impact on injuries, amount of returns ect rather than a 3 week window where a lot of guys are playing out of position and gives a minimal scope as to impact.
  4. I know some will hate it because "change bad" but I'm interested to see how this plays out. I like the idea of keeping returns relevant. Of course this would hit at a time where Buffalo doesn't have a clear "return specialist" rostered ..but let's see what the draft brings.
  5. Actually, according to reports the opposite is actually what occurred with Rodgers taking an interest in Wilson early, but like the Jets playoff hopes every year faded and crashed later on. https://www.si.com/nfl/2024/01/31/zach-wilson-relationship-aaron-rodgers-soured-over-jets-season-silliest-reasons
  6. Looks like he's no longer an option if the Bills were wanting a vet RB.
  7. Not to mention gave him almost nothing in protection on the OL.
  8. Absolutely not. The draft is deep enough with talent at the position that it would make no sense to make that move IMO. This is a draft where I would let the draft come to me.
  9. Dolphins offer contract to big name in the off-season? Color me shocked. Miami is and has for a long time been really good at collecting big name players. What they have not been good at is building a team. Then because they are low on funds from signing all those aging big names they let their homegrown talent walk. And that's a big part of why they haven't won a playoff game in 23 years
  10. See, but by charging so much they will be able to afford the stadium snow shovelers $18/hr and not one but TWO hot dogs. Win/win imo
  11. Yes, you can release someone and get the savings if you bring them back. The dead cap also still applies. Teams do it quite frequently, actually. Right now Tre is likely taking visits to gauge interest in his services as well as see what his value is on the open market. Maybe someone bites. If not and there's a limited market it wouldn't be surprising to see him come back on a 1 year prove it. Again, this type of transaction is fairly common if you follow other teams moves.
  12. My random thoughts: - Picking up Groot's option is, I think a smart move. Let's see if he can stay healthy. If he can, he can be a force. - Says the door isn't closed on Tre or Micah. I would be ok seeing Tre come back on a low deal. But I think the door should be closed on Hyde. Most of that is for his own long term health and his ability to stay on the field for the team. If he were to officially retire...he would make a good assistant coach if he's so inclined. - Have they always taken account of void years, or is this something new? Either way I really wish the league would be a bit more forthcoming about the secret formula of comp picks - So, draft gurus...which WRs are the most versatile and high IQ guys? Who fits that description and who can we eliminate from the description? -$6M-$7M in the checkbook still with another $10M after June is really a nice place to be sitting. I think we will see 2-3 more signings (small to medium) before the draft. A vet RB wouldn't shock me.
  13. Almost every year we see at least 1 QB constantly mocked high that slides. IMO Nix is that guy this year. I like the fit of Nix in Denver. But he's not going at 12, IMO. I think he's still there in round 2. At the very best someone moves up to the very end of round 1 in the 28-32 window for him.
  14. There are some positions I can take some fan input in. Offensive line is not one of them. Most fans don't really watch the OL, they follow the ball. And many wouldn't know what to look for if they were watching.
  15. Well, let's see. His PFF (yes I know PFF sucks for grading OL) for last year was 56.7 BUT he had 702 snaps with 1 penalty and 1 sack given up. Not too shabby for a depth role.
  16. Oh my, McDermott is gonna get a tattoo of his wife in a Clapp jersey like Rex did with Sanchez, isn't he?
  17. Chiefs threatening to move will result in at LEAST 10 "...and because of this Diggs wants out of Buffalo" stories somehow.
  18. It does IMO, but it goes a bit further than that. There's also a fair chunk of guys that we bring in as FAs that we had previously met with in this manner. We may not get them in the draft but Beane keeps guys in mind for when he can. Darrynton Evans is an example of this. There have been many others as well.
  19. No clue what they would think, but he seems like a gritty middle round guy.
  20. Leaves the door wide open to draft one high as well. That price should also fall under the comp pick level as well and not take anything away. Good value signing IMO
  21. Cornelius Bennett? I get that. But to send the GM to that Pro Day with so many other ones happening at the same time is rather curious to me. I would have though he would want to see a bit more of the WR/DTs ect that were a bigger need over some potential UDFAs.
  22. Latham? Maybe Braswell? A bit surprised with all the Pro Days that happened yesterday that's the one he was at. Bama has some good prospects but don't seem to fit our glaring needs on paper. What's he up to?
  23. And some people cried over $7 to stream a game from the comfort of their own home last year.
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