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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. OBD is not stupid, if it was, they would have never aired that.
  2. I thought he was going to turn the corner this year, so far anything but. That play versus Gabe Davis was borderline embarrassing, Elam looked totally outclassed and was very handsy. If this trend continues, wait for the inevitable turn him into a safety thread, after all he does have the size.
  3. I think Harty is safe and I also think they will take what they can get for Basham, they are certainly talking him up so far.
  4. I agree with all of that but boy, it is exhausting to listen to him, the man has a lot of passion/energy.
  5. The Football HOF has gone from you had to be one of the greatest to now very good. Ken Riley, sorry he doesnt belong either.
  6. 3/4 of Bill fans here initially said he sucked yet 3/4 of respondents here are upset he got hurt. Go figure
  7. Pathetic. That over a ridiculous preseason game? I am sure the big fat Browns fan base are real proud of tormenting young Jets fans and making them move or get kicked out, what an accomplishment.
  8. I will only comment I believe the Knox contract is irrelevant to drafting of Kincaid, one is a conventional TE the other is a glorified WR /TE or slot receiver. Not surprising I have read so far Kincaid was struggling to block Poyer and others. I think we will see a of both on the field at the same time. As far as Allen, he is pretty much "friends" with all his teammates, especially on offense, the only one player that really stands out to me in this regard is Diggs.
  9. Have any evidence, however superficial or anecdotal of this claim?
  10. Interesting way to look at it. If the Jets win 3 games (Aaron sucks) or 13, neither would shock me this year.
  11. Flasehd up now I dont see it anymore, I would discount it, assume it is noise.
  12. Lets panic NOW after a few days of practice that a rookie is not yet starting at MLB and calling defensive adjustments. Anyone who thought he would slip in magically at MLB this early is, at best, naïve.
  13. Agree. It is refreshing to hear honest non-coach speak every once in a while. This is an example of WHY you dont hear it very often. I think Payton mad a massive mistake on 2 front. Fust he broke the insider rule about criticizing head coaches, now he is more then open game. Second, what did he gin from this? Nothing as far as I can tell unless this was done because the Broncos players were so demoralized they needed someone "to blame". Now Payton has raised the bar as Bronco HC. He sure better improve over last years record or he will be out the door with no excuse.
  14. Good lord. Do yourself and this board a favor, massive favor especially for yourself. Please stop being a Bills fan if you are so weak you can only "take it" IF the Bills win the Super Bowl.
  15. I would also be shocked if Belichek is ever publicly "fired", no way. He and Kraft would hadle it as the Bills did with Frazier. I cant think of a more absurd decision was to have Patricai/Judge as co offensive coordinators. You say Belicheks situation is unique n the NFL, there is no doubt that is true. Can you cite any past conscious coaching decision as bizarre as what Belichek did last year? I cant. I think that is and of itself would get any NFL HC fired but Belichek survived. Totally logical that Belichik is "On the hot seat" now. At some point even Kraft has to realize "enough is enough".
  16. Not so sure about that. Would it ALL be because of Mac Jones, obviously not but a very small contributing factor. Look at the type of person Jones is, IMO an entitled, dirty and devious player. He can "work" on Kraft and continue to point to the Patricia fiasco last year as the reason why Jones had a down year while also pointing out Belichek is finally over the hill.
  17. I thought initially that was a typo but he does have similar hair to Edmunds. He is a smaller and I think smarter version of Edmunds, one thing Edmunds always lacked was anticipation and proper diagnosis of plays. I recall how Belichek absolutely abused Edmunds in his rookie year.
  18. Yes we all know, you have expressed your fear over Dorian Williams ad nauseam. I for one think he will be starting MLB maybe not this year but next year he will be. That is a LOT to ask of a rookie to me and NFL starting MLBer who effectively calles defensive adjustments. He is smart, hardworking and a modern elite pass coverage MLB with speed/
  19. We might finally have some competent guard play, we certainly took a lot of shots at improving them.
  20. Spot on. I dont think the Bills should waste their time with him unless he is just a camp body.
  21. I vividly remember that game when it happened, it was a night game at War Memorial Stadium, he was down for a long time. When they got him up you could see his mouth was covered in blood and I also as a young kid, also had this irrational fear about swallowing my tongue. And I also recall the infamous Heidi game, I think it was the Jets with Namath in a shootout with Daryle Lamonica. I was a massive fan of Daryle Lamonica and to a lesser extent Namath for his super bowl win for the old AFL.
  22. I know its a bummer but its also fact, Josh Allen lead the league in turnovers. I am a Josh Allen fan and think he is the best thing to come along since "the glory days" but to not accept reality and constantly demonize Dorsey is somewhat laughable. Just my opinion.
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