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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. Now your are, as they say, moving the goalposts. Look back to my response about 7 responses before this, I agreed 100% with Appo? re owners "extorting" municipalities for stadium funding so in that instance obviously agree. You want to employ the term "robber barons" again indicates your class envy.
  2. Wasnt last year at RB they lost like 4 guys deep?
  3. Yeah, I though about him but I selected Spencer Brown because he is the weak link on our O Line (imo) but our entire O Line is going to be absolutely pivotal.
  4. Spencer Brown. If he holds up well, Bills should win easily. If he falters, so will the bills. Either way he is a huge impact player.
  5. So its ok to steal from someone as long as they are billionaires? Oh the class envy in this thread is palatable.
  6. I dont understand maybe someone can correct me on this. Is Elam really that so uncoachable to do zone versus man on man? If he is in fact deemed hopeless at this point for a successful career as a Zone CB try to trade him for a team that can utilize his skill set. And if he is still what they though of him as a man on man CB, I cant believe there aren't times in a game where we need a great man on man coverage CB? McDermott is supposedly a genius defensive mind, seems as though we are wasting his career and/or never should have drafted him.
  7. Lets not get too excited over a very small sample size., especially regarding Benford. Who has he played against? Zach Wilson forced into duty and Jimmie Garrapolo.
  8. Tom Telesco, another St Francis product, just like last years Wonderkid Brian Dabol who is now heading a disaster in NYC.
  9. Bill Polian and Ralph Wilson on the sidelines. Wasn't it about a week later the infamous firing of Polian occurred?
  10. Congrats James and Congrats on your best game as a pro last week.
  11. Actually when I saw the play live I immediately thought that was a "Mahomes type throw".
  12. What I think we be the battle to watch if our O line versus their D Line. Honestly i feel better about rookie Torrence than anyone else on our O Line. Also we could really use a healthy Leonard Floyd and our D Line might have a field day..
  13. How often, i didn't keep track but various podcasts he has been on.
  14. If that is what you take from it I suggest a reading comprehension course. Got it?
  15. 600 yards on offense? The optimist in me in Josh is going to learn from that abortion and he starts doing things like throwing to Kincaid, taking underneath short stuff and quit heroball unless necessary at the end. The pessimist in me is they internalize Monday night disaster and come out flat. From last year loss to Cinci to Monday night have been some of the worst Bills game to watch since Allen has arrived,
  16. There was a very similar thread a few weeks ago and I wrote he wasnt putting in the work and got lambasted. I said I was tired of hearing about how drunk he was getting and how many golf courses he has gone to. I also wrote if he has a bad game or two to start the season all the posters claiming "he is young, let him have his freedom" will turn on him. Classic and predictable. As one of the ESPN blowhards said this morning, someone needs to have the courage to tell Josh to grow up.
  17. I can half agree and If in fact Dorsey called the deep shots then yes he deserves some blame but you and I dont really know what plays calls were called from Dorsey and how many were Josh playing hero ball. Why people cant accept the reality that J Allen blew that game is beyond me, keep looking for Dorsey as a scapegoat..
  18. But Josh Allen has no culpability, no blame at all. Do i have that right?
  19. The over pursuit and lack of any lane discipline on the return was comic.
  20. Ok so we lost it at the end and HOW is this all on DORSEY?
  21. I just watched the "highlights" of that game and your description of his play was almost EXACTLY what I saw. He was always just out of the play, always in the general zip code but totally infective in actually making a stop much lass an actual "play".
  22. I just looked, one post, "PFF Grades: The worst performers were Edmunds, Edwards and Ngakoue"
  23. I had to google this situation, amazing I had no idea. No wonder Aaron Rodgers is a bit "off bubble" as they say in the oilfield.
  24. I am a huge fan but those are incredibly high expectations. I expect 4 catches, 3 first downs.
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