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RoyBatty is alive

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Everything posted by RoyBatty is alive

  1. So it if isnt the O Line then it is Dorsey or your expectations are too high. I guess no culpability on the part of the rest of the offense or, god help us, on Josh?
  2. Interesting. I never liked him, heard from those at St Joes he was a total, entitled jerk and little has changed, or at least from what I can tell till the CFL. Having said all that I always thought redemption was the best word in the English language. I would slaughter the fatted lamb for the prodigal son (Chad Kelly) if he can really turn it around. Great on him and I will root for him. Given what your wrote above, he will get another shot in the NFL. Maybe he can follow the footsteps of Dough Flutie and get a shot at the Bills, now that would be a hell of a story. .
  3. I cant believe he is the quintessential 87 for the Bills. I looked him up, fwiw he was on the bills in the first two years and was an all AFL DE.
  4. Great job by Dion, didn't make ANY missteps and he was certainly baited at several times to say something inflammatory and didn't.
  5. More baiting huh? Ok, so what are you babbling about Von Miller "has way worse in this recent past". Really, why no educate us all on what Von has done "way worse"? This will be entertaining, that is if you have the courage to respond.
  6. "they never are going to suck"? Sure about that? Why even play the games.
  7. True BUT playing in the NFL is not a right, it is a privilege and you have a different standard than any other " 20 something year old". He is a celebrity, in prominent position and has a standard of conduct he has to adhere to it, "protect the shield" blah blah blah. He cant even place bets on NFL games or organized sports, especially if he places from a team facility.
  8. Talk about baiting. You want him to point out what he thinks he is a scumbag and then you will attack him. This thread wont last long.
  9. He is the antithesis of what a "process" teammate would be.
  10. Great questions, most fairly obvious. I particularly like the Pats. they "fell like the Jauron Bills", wowzer, how they have fallen. I think an addendum to the Bills is can the Offense be less Allen centric and can Allen limit the turnovers.
  11. Fantastic! I had no idea Reed and Thurman were tied for TDs. I think it would now be Von Miller as Bills #2 even though he got almost all of his sacks as a non-Bill.
  12. Bob Kalsu on the wall is an excellent point. It is an honor to be on the wall, way past time to take OJ down or at least hide his name. I just hope the do it before he dies.
  13. Agree on Boogie and and Groot in the 1wst 2 rounds, equally as frustrating was watching the Bills late draft two scatback wrs in the 2018 NFL draft, Ray Ray Mcclouds and Ausitn Proehl.
  14. I have always asserted in the current stadium, they should hide OJs name behind a black curtain.
  15. FWIW, According to RadarOnline.com. Dont see it reported anywhere else so who knows. So far he has survived, put a stent in him. God help us how this thread will turn out, should be entertaining.
  16. You have a better shot at Brady unretiring to play for the Bills then Bleichek coaching the Bills.
  17. I am a big time fan of Dorian Willims and I believe that is a possibility. Man is hard working, smart and super fast. Nother bold prediction, Dorian Williams gets an int off or Rodgers. And the low J Allen turnovers make a lot of sense since he is acutely aware of his turnovers, we MIGHT have a running game with new guard play and Kincaid could be a real weapon/Safety valve for Allen.
  18. Belichick will FINALLY retire. Aaron Rodgers will stink up the joint.
  19. I am in the minority but the walking dead, Dick Jauron was actually a good HC, not great but good. Consider that absolute cr*p he had to deal with every year, it was a miracle he got to 7-9.
  20. I pretty much gave up on Hockey when the alleged totally arbitrary system of draft selections cost the Sabres Connor McDavid. Similar to the farce with the NBA and Webanmaya (?) magically going to San Antonio,
  21. Thus is at least the second time you have employed the "Dunning-Kruger" to bolster your pathetic claims about intellectual superiority. At least be creative and come up with a new schtick to try and impress people.
  22. A lot of these "passes" are not much more than glorified forward pitches. Mahomes is great a a simple flick of the wrist to get the ball going forward. Actually brilliant move, as a pass it the receiver drops it not fumble and very hard to defend.
  23. You actually gave me a good laugh, you are significantly smarter, LOL. Whenever a poster trys to deflect attention and claim intellectual superiority, you know they have lost the debate and lost badly.
  24. Forget logical deduction with this poster, you are Wasting your time.
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