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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. I was who seconded "Grace" at the time. They've since done a 10-year anniversary release, expanded with B-sides and a DVD with his four music videos and a short documentary-style "Making of..." He was going to be one of the greats. That said, there's a lot more to "Hallelujah" than you're taking from it. The man's own words: "Whoever listens carefully to "Hallelujah" will discover that it is a song about sex, about love, about life on earth. The hallelujah is not a homage to a worshipped person, idol or god, but the hallelujah of the orgasm. It's an ode to life and love." -- Jeff Buckley I don't know if I should recommend reading a lot about his life and death b/c it can become an all-consuming thing and leave you with more questions than you start with. Connections to the mythical Orpheus, E.A. Poe, Rilke, etc. "Mystery White Boy" was apt, that's for sure. JB: In Words The FAQ section is extensive.
  2. First, make sure the packages are being sent to a named soldier and address and not "To Any Soldier." They announced those packages just can't be delivered this season. The common stuff I've packed for my brothers is baby wipes, beef jerky, chewing gum, some magazines/newspapers/paperback books, other odds and ends pertaining to their likes. And make sure to include a note or letter explaining that you appreciate what they do, no matter what your feelings about the President or the reasons for war.
  3. Could there be a whole read on this picture like the back of the Sgt. Pepper's album? The one where b/c Paul was the only one turned around, people said he had died. Really! Look at it! Hear chants of 'DREW IS DEAD!' In addition, Jonas is half turned to us, which can similarly be read into that he's about to leave us.... The future of the team is still looking forward, tho.
  4. This isn't about being a sore loser. The people who wrote the constitutions put the delay b/w voting day and inaguration day in there for a reason, as well as the mandatory recount measure. And there isn't any one "standard" b/c it's different voting machine types. Count them again, properly, per instructions of the elections director, who's saying the GOP lawyers' arguments to stop the recount are wrong. Fulfill the constitutional requirement. Whoever gets the most wins. If the loser makes a stink after the recount, then it's sour grapes and being "grumpy."
  5. House GOP delivers defeat to Bush, derailing 9/11 legislation Nice work guys!
  6. I'd like to piss on his grave, but I don't like to stand in long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long lines.
  7. "Cruise With Dr. Jerry Falwell" There's just something really wrong with this subhead.... Tho, not entirely out of character with his type.
  8. No, you're just living in sin. Cavorting together under the same roof while not married! Heathen!
  9. I'm sure that's what the Secret Service was thinking after Mr. Bush was handed a dime by a guy who slipped through security in his inauguration.... And this man had done that a few times before to "prove" his point. How will a "bubble" protect against a well-planted low-grade nuclear device? Three RPGs fired at Marine One and two decoys on the way to Camp David? A whole host of other scenarios.... He may not be the guy that 49% voted for, but a president is a president. You risk a lot, especially nowadays, for simply openly expressing your ideas.
  10. Well, JFK, RFK, MLK stood on soapboxes to defend people's rights and were murdered for their troubles.... John Kerry had the stones to run for an office where 1 in 4 have been attacked/shot, and 1 in 10 (more if you buy that Zachary Taylor was poisoned) have been assassinated. Anyone who runs for President, and other major offices/positions, should at least have respect b/c of what they're risking. Simply speaking your opinion, even in a democracy, is a risk.
  11. Point given. This has been disputed on the other board, what is 13-15 when MM is afraid to have Lindell try from over 45? If it comes down to a 47-yarder in the Super Bowl (and the trend is that, like regular season games, they've come down to long field goals), do you really feel comfortable with Lindell lining up? I agree there are other holes that need to be addressed, (Vincent will move to FS, McGee at 2nd CB) but none of them are an entire area that can be solidified in one pick. My wishes for TD's pick aside, the question I was asking is why are there so few kickers like Nugent coming up who can actually hit from 50 yards+ consistently? Were we spoiled by that good crop in the 80s-90s who could make everything? In my recreational kicking at Memorial Stadium, they have a portable trailer that's about 10 feet over from and ten feet behind the netting. The window in it has been broken (not by me, but there've been a couple of close calls ) and replaced so many times it's not funny. This is backed up on the field. And this seems like an NCAA-wide problem. Is it a lack of good coaching? The growing popularity of soccer, it being a fall sport as well? What's the deal?
  12. Hymn music playing in the background of the 911 call while she waited calmly. Just like the Christian-cult sickos in RI who starved their babies to death. "Tell me where is the love in what your prophet has said? Man, It sounds to me just like a prison for the walking dead" On Edit: BTW, what can Child Services really do about this stuff? Other than times when a husband, neighbors, etc call to report there might be a problem (which happens very rarely, they can't be bothered to get involved, and hey, she's Christian so I guess that means it'll be all right ) they are reactive agencies. Something has to precipitate action on their part and those are the cases that constitute the job. Blaming them for not protecting the child is like blaming the Army occupying the street corners of Iraq for the CIA's failed pre-war intelligence. They can't just barge in on anyone and inspect whether its an adeqate situation. Often it's only after some serious harm like this case. There's no way to be pre-emptive unless you start violating the Constitution and breaking down doors.
  13. Read a small excerpt for a class and the reaction was, 'Wow!' Had to go to Amazon b/c I couldn't find it in any bookstores. I've since mentioned it to a couple of English profs (damn gen-eds, but they were good guys) I had as a companion reading to "The Things They Carried." My uncle who did two tours would never talk about it. I left that on his porch once (not entirely by accident) and he called me a couple of days later....
  14. Having taken a food safety class, I'll second this. Mix the stuffing in a seperate dish. I chop up carrots, celery and onion, mix in some chicken flavoring with corn bread stuffing mix and douse with some of the turkey dripoff. Then put it in the oven until the veggies are softened. I get a lot of compliments on it. Or you can follow the directions if it's Stovetop (blehh!).
  15. Just make sure to have an angioplasty machine set up on the table, Nick. Connecticut is the Land of Steady Habits. We'll be roasting this year, like every other.
  16. If he were a truly objective journalist, literally just being a witness, he would have said nothing and let the Marines die. But you guys can keep telling yourselves that journalists hate the soldiers and America.... (BTW -- I really recommend "Dispatches" by Michael Herr if you can find it. It's basically one long, run-on sentence, but it's a great chronicle.)
  17. Actually, the kids who listen to this crap are so impressionable and eager to readily go along with whatever anyone tells them, the big ones would have been Hitler's bodyguards, while the smaller ones would have been chained to the machine guns off Normandy.
  18. I think most have them slated to play Boston College, so I'll be rooting for the Utes. Even more now after reading that article. BCS sucks. The BC administration, along with VT and Miami, is a bunch of liars, cheaters and defectors. It figures, they're Catholic priests. Nice of them to pull out of the Big East after committing to it, after UConn spent $90M on a new stadium and upgrading to D-I. So here we sit with a weak conference next year. We're gonna kick all of their a$$es w/o mercy in basketball.
  19. And I'm sure that when the kids start getting erect penii, "Abstinence only" is going to make them keep their pants on. Or reduce teen pregnancies and the transmission of AIDS and other STDs. F$#k all of the studies to the contrary. They're all wrong.
  20. What about the Aussie punter for the Chargers a while back? Darren Bennet, was it? That guy ran down the field and made some nice tackles. And he was big.
  21. It's also probably an issue with feasibility (they are doing this in 7 days!) and permits, etc.
  22. I didn't even realize it was CA. It was. Couldn't even tell. I assumed b/c they had Randy Travis that it was in the Midwest. And that ABC would go the campy route. Does this blunder further the contention that the so-called red/blue divide is WAAAY overblown? 60,000 sq. ft. That's not bad, and not cheap. ~200ft x 300ft. It was simply for storing hay, so maybe just doing a roof (and they did have sides going down a little ways, and the possibility for tarping, etc.) was all they needed. It didn't look like an area that got a lot of rain.... On Edit: The barn And may I just chime in that Constance Ramos is STACKED!
  23. Some people are probably taking it in an Uncle Tom way. He does state that black players should do what the white audience wants them to do.... I'd be the last to say his observations are wrong, these are my thoughts on the NBA for years. Just how he's presenting it is a little stupid. It's not only white people who want to see the NBA clean up its act. It's people in general.
  24. . I think it's more a problem of promoting the self rather than the team. And that has stemmed from the Slam Dunk. Raise the hoop height and I think a lot of the problems people have with the NBA are solved. Would drive contracts down, reduces the show-boating, etc. The NBA was fully exposed by the Olympics that it is not team-oriented. I don't think the influx of foreign players is a detriment, or caused by the gangsterization. Maybe this guy needs to open his eyes but the NBA isn't an All-Black league. It's for whoever plays basketball the best.
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