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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. You should see him on PPP.... It's a difficult situation. You don't really want to put a starter in a situation like we lost Burris on in Indy all those years ago. He was NEVER the same after it. So I understand the point about not wanting Clements out there as a tackling target. Case in point, AP was reporting that Reed went out w/ a knee injury after a PR two minutes in. Putting McGee on punts would put a backup in (if Vincent were playing) who has shown a LOT on the KR. But it isn't an exact corollary b/c of blocking schemes, etc. Is it right, is it wrong, who knows, but the coaches haven't put him in the spot so you have to accept that they know something we don't. Then again, this is the braintrust that is sticking w/ Drew....
  2. The story goes that since the 1938 presidential election, if the Redskins win the week before the election, the incumbent president wins. If the Redskins lose, the presidential challenger has won. Green Bay is up 17-7 in the third quarter.... On Edit: Snopes.com Link Weird stuff.
  3. Channel 7 in Boston just reported it said, "America, Bush cannot protect you, Kerry cannot protect you, no one can protect you." And to stop going after them, and they'll stop going after us. Yeah.... Both candidates will continue to bring the fight to AQ, they just have different strategies for doing so. I prefer the one that puts money into actual homeland defense. Bush is pulling a Tom Donahoe addressing one or the other when what you need to win is balance. Nice editing, Mr. Partisan.
  4. Linky-poo. Especially interesting for small-market teams. Hmm. And the salary cap might be done for in 2007?
  5. A populace that doesn't buy into the false belief that building new stadiums in a city somehow brings in money. About the only thing it does is make a city's name more recognizable. Renovations like the ones at the Ralph make a lot more sense than peeing away $300M every 20-30 years. Amazed that Big D would take a stand on this issue; those people do seem to take their football a little too seriously....
  6. The Bermuda Backlash I think that speaks for itself. Pretty crappy that negative publicity and the threat of an ineffective lawsuit (you know, like the one against UM, VT and BC for leaving the Big East?) was the only thing that made them reconsider. How many companies don't get such scrutiny or just do it anyway? That's a good question why nothing's been done about it. Kerry probably couldn't find a co-sponsor for such a bill in the House.... Remember from civics class that the President has the title of Chief Legislator?
  7. That wasn't a "racial stereotype." Did I use some slur? No, it was a statement based on a 20-year record under Saddam Hussein. The silent majority do nothing while they're being killed, raped, gassed, etc. I think here in the U.S. if that were happening, we might fight back, yeah? Not to say that everyone's like that, but there's not many who do speak up or put up a fight; your relative did and is still alive. Good for him, man. There need to be more people like that. The footage on the news showed them all lined up, execution-style, shot in the head. If they had fought back they would probably be scattered and shot in other places. Haven't been in that exact circumstance, true, but there've been a few times, like when some guys were trying to jack my car out of my driveway at 2 a.m., when the adreneline goes and you just do something. These were guys that completed ING training; what were they being taught? Apparently not "Let's Roll." Where were their armaments to protect themselves? Everyone else seems to have an AK-47 to protect their homes....
  8. Bush hasn't done anything to increase it, but the point is that his admin has done nothing to stem the flood of companies leaving the U.S. In fact, they've said that it's a good thing b/c it leads to cheaper products (I agree on this point. For example, it costs less for cheap Jap steel that makes screws so easy to strip). Maybe they could reduce some of the corporate welfare given out to such companies if they're not going to employ our citizens. Like StanleyWorks (makers of your hammers and tape measures) in this state that moved HQ to Bermuda to save on taxes in '02.
  9. And yet, "no law" became "some law" in every one of those areas....
  10. I think the absolute minimum rating a passer can have, based on the NFL's calculator, is 30....
  11. I don't care if there's 2,000 insurgents with guns drawn. You fight back! Kick someone in the knees, try to grab their gun! NEVER give up. Typical Iraqis to sit there and do nothing while they're popping you in the head one by one. Are they going to do the same when the next dictator steps up 30 seconds after we leave? Why did we got involved with these people?
  12. Even a moderate Bush is better for the country? DUH. That's the point I was trying to make in that he is not a traditional conservative. And he never will be. We need a moderate Republican. I find Kerry to be the better choice as a caretaker president who will not be such a divider; division is when things go wrong. With all due respect, when intelligence gets its house cleaned, the military will do as it does and make proper recommendations that will be followed; I'll feel a lot better w/ Clark as Sec't of Defense, a man who has actually won a war. We will stay on the offense, but we also cannot ignore the defense and ability to prevent or respond more effectively to an attack. This is the same deal with the Bills; devote most of your attention to one area, and the other neglected area will lose the game for you. I'm not averse to federal spending if! it! makes! sense! in the big picture. I can't fathom tax cuts when the country is this much in the hole. It's a war! It requires sacrifice to pay for it! You can't have it both ways. And as far as the courts, take a look at who nominated justices and then what their rulings were. You'd be pretty surprised by a lot of them, both sides, and this is shown thru the history of the court. Judges that are nominated usually are hard to peg and you cannot gauge how they'll rule after they're appointed.
  13. I think George W. might've gone so far to the right that he looped back and is now at the fringe left. This man is no traditional conservative. I'm voting for Kerry b/c it might force the GOP to get back to reality instead of this sideshow.
  14. How about at RE? Ogden has over 100 pounds advantage on Shobel. Maybe just run it once as a surprise/stunt; might get Boller to burn an early time-out.
  15. Gray said there was no problem w/ Adams; just played Edwards b/c he had a hot streak. Can't really fault Gray's decision, and can't fault Adams for being a little angry about not playing. It's like when the manager walks out to the pitching mound; it smoothes over shortly. Rest assured, Fat Sam is rarin' to go tomorrow.
  16. Cowboys fans warned against showing team colors Well, this is actually something I'd encourage all the time.... The ban on electioneering is 75 feet in my town, but I didn't know that precluded someone from wearing a T-shirt, jacket, etc. that espoused some kind of political leaning. If there were a ballot for clean water in Maine, would that mean someone couldn't wear a Poland Spring T-shirt? (BTW -- I know where it is, but I'm not tellin'!)
  17. There was a great series of editorials by David Moats on this subject back in 2000, when Vermont was grappling with the issue. It had really turned ugly and here was a guy who wrote pieces that encouraged civility during the debate and looked at the actual issues. There were some pretty powerful pieces in there. He won the Pulitzer Prize for the series. I highly suggest them, especially the March 16 entry, for anyone seeking thoughtful argument. Pulitzer. org -- David Moats Entries I favor the "civil union" compromise that Kerry proposes. It doesn't define the union as "marriage," simply mandates that the state enforce the same legal rights --- health care and decision-making, benefits, tax purposes, etc. --- that are given to traditional couples. Amazing how some people can't accept that this is a basic civil rights issue.
  18. Living in a mountainous spot in NE CT, I get tv stations out of Boston better than than some from Hartford.... I gotta tell you that J.C. is right when he says Kerry does a good job for his constituency. That includes uniting across the aisle rather than "Go eff yourself." As far as showing up to vote, well I'm sure that a Senate recognition of X doing Y is really important for a group that made some accomplishment, but it's not exactly major policy.... When it's important for him to be there, he's there. That said, I do think that in today's world there needs to be some kind of remote voting method for Congress.
  19. If you look at the list again, I think the point is that the New England states and others that actually fund programs that provide health care, prenatal care (which saves $6 for every $1 spent on it!), and even vastly underfunded social services like Rowland did in this state --- none of which really breaks the bank --- the infant mortality rate can be reduced by more than half. I tend to think that facts aren't political. If you don't like what those facts tell you, be careful how you vote. This right now probably has more to do w/ state elections than the national scope, tho states do get some fed. funds for these programs. Then again, Kerry's health care plan phase-in would cover children among the first. But how is he going to pay for it? Well, federal funding can be transferred from the above, and from other programs that will no longer be necessary. It's not really a case of robbing Peter to pay Paul.
  20. Except for that dehydrated water stuff....
  21. At the 26th anniversary celebration of his election as pope on Sunday, John Paul spoke out against captial punishment, as he has numerous times before, and said he's against the entire doctrine of pre-emptive war, nevermind that he's spoken out against war as an answer since he gained the office. So, you're picking and choosing b/w what the pope says now and what the Church has said in the past, so as to fit your views. If you don't like Starbucks, you can quote the Church when they pronounced coffee as an evil. Or dancing. And just like you don't want others deciding for you what your beliefs are, please refrain from saying that I'd want Saddam re-installed. I wanted him gone in 1991 when I was 12 y.o. but we had another guy in office named Bush who wouldn't complete a job either. Republican doctrine after that was not to get involved with playing "world cop" and humanitarian efforts. We're paying the price for that now, with dividends.
  22. Rich's link still doesn't work for me. But I just found an article on NYT. It's amounts to a canon lawyer not affliated w/ the Vatican blowing a lot of smoke. Was Bush castigated b/c he didn't "turn the other cheek" when we were attacked? As I said, if they excommunicate everyone who disagrees with them, they're pretty soon going to be preaching to empty churches and facing bankruptcy. Oh wait, some of them already are. I'm not a supporter of abortion, but I'm not about to tell other people they have to agree with me or else they're kicked out of my club.
  23. Rich, The link doesn't work for me, which leads me to believe someone pulled a piece of crap fabricated story. But if true, that'd be a lot like Michael Jackson rebuking my mom for raising her child poorly. The Catholic Church leadership doesn't have much moral authority left. Most Catholics disagree with certain areas of church policy, but I don't see them being punished for their disagreements. If they were, there wouldn't be a Catholic Church left.
  24. Bear in mind that this is a man who's on 100% disability. Call Howard Stern and ask him about the crazy MFer who hanged him out of an office window in Hartford by his feet. Call the Chevy dealership when they refused to take his new lemon of a truck back or fix it. You don't have to be crazy, but it does help.
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