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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. I'm a homer, obviously, but we just signed a really good player. Was projected in Round 4 of the draft, but he didn't come from a "name" school, I guess.
  2. "One of them's still breathing!" <M-16 spurt> "Now he's not." ----- I guess we can take comfort that everyone in the known world can see what this admin is allowing by sending the message to our troops that the Geneva Convention doesn't apply to us anymore. And they'll treat our soldiers in like kind. The point is to have more moral authority than the terrorists. Not to be down in the ditch with them.
  3. For the sake of accuracy, 51 percent. And if you really believe the gist of your sentence, you're kidding yourself. Plenty of people think he oversteps the bounds. And quite a few don't have -D next to their name.
  4. Those Framers. Pretty smart guys they were. For those wanting a strict/narrow interpretation, they refer to the actual paper document and what its words state. For those so-called activists, they make reference that the Constitution is a living document. If you would please look up the definition, and usage, back at the time (as anyone reading Thomas Hardy would know 30 times per page) "constitution" jointly refers to the "the physical makeup of the individual". 290M people constitute this great nation. The face of America changes each day, and it most certainly is not the same face as 1787. The vagueness inherent in the Constitution was so it could be applied over time in broad scope for the people it would come to unite. The Framers provided the foundation and walls, but this house has a thatched roof.
  5. Am I the only one wondering why you're completely writing off any chances of winning with JP, when he's healthy? It's not like the Bills will only put 10 guys on the field if Bledsoe sits....
  6. I think they just proved the progressives' point about civil unions.... Can you not see the love there?
  7. I think it's first a question of whether the OL can blow some holes open for Willis and excel at run-blocking. Mix in a few quick passes to keep them honest. Then, protecting Drew won't be as difficult b/c they'll have to be wary against the run. Of course, I'm not fully expecting it'll go this way. Bellichick is way to smart and industrious to just let this happen like we've done the past two weeks.
  8. Here's a detailed link. 25 degrees, wind from the north at 6 mph. I can also tell you that the stations yesterday were reporting that there was 5.5" of snow on the ground. In my area, it came down as small ~BB-size hail, not fluffy. It's melted some. Don't know what they've done in the stadium, tho. It's probably gone w/ heating systems they've got.... wusses.
  9. From what one poster in that thread said, that he's getting what he deserves? To that person, a big F U. I don't like the man's politics of fear and hatred, but I'm not rooting for him to have health problems. Hope he's all right. Which is much more magnanimous than my feelings about Tom Brady tomorrow night. My instructions to Aaron Schoebel would be to rip off major body parts. I hate that nancyboy brat.
  10. I'd be in the principal's or superintedent's office (maybe both) pushing the papers off their desks and flipping them over. Tell them they can't protect themselves or else they go to jail, while I get a slap on the wrist. Pick them up by the lapels. Tell them they can't protect themselves or else they go to jail, while I get a slap on the wrist. Slap them over the back of the head. Tell them they can't protect themselves or else they go to jail, while I get a slap on the wrist. Punch them in the face. Tell them they can't protect themselves or else they go to jail, while I get a slap on the wrist. It's sad but it's probably only when someone does this, will hearts and minds of administrators change. Violence isn't an answer, but fighting back against violence and the offender is a good step. Last I checked, there are laws permitting (even lethal) self-defense in the real world. The current situation is tantamount to 'Hey, let's just LET Kleibold and Harris shoot us! Stand up so we're better targets!' This is the STUPIDEST policy I've ever heard of, second only to some of the bonehead applications of "zero-tolerance."
  11. Thanks, both of you, for the input. Leinart does seem to be the No. 1 QB pick. Haven't seen but a few highlight clips of the Cal QB but he did look good. Orton has sunk just in the last few weeks; I'm seeing him as a less successful version of Brian Greise, which is saying something.... In this next draft, the Bills have to be looking for a #2, or signing a vet #2 and looking for a #3 QB. There was a lot of speculation on UConn's QB Orlovsky at the start of the year, but I've yet to see his name come up. He's done very well for himself w/o much WR talent this year. I think he'd be a solid No. 2 when Drew is 86'ed.... Gotta think about the future.
  12. I watched an interview he did w/ Charlie Rose and it took me aback from what I'd heard about him being an ultraliberal. People started that b/c of his anti-Gulf II stance, which if you look at the poll numbers, a lot of people question the efficacy of. He was a very fiscally responsible governor. He also got an A rating from the NRA.... I like that. If it weren't for him yelling above the din of 120 decibels, and the media harping on it ad nasuem, he might've done better than he did. He might be the guy to drag the party more to the right; if he does I might consider voting Dem on a more consistent basis.
  13. Link Allawi has said the strike will continue. Doesn't look very good.... Thoughts/prayers.
  14. I'm actually going to take the high road on that one.... Say what you will but the admin has kept the country safe. Had to knock over some civil liberties and tell some lies to do it, but they've protected the country. For now.
  15. Again, great idea, man. And if you want guilty until proven innocent, move to Europe. We can also bring back the Alien and Sedition Acts. Kee-rist.
  16. What is it with the recent American traitors having "Walker" in their names? May he meet cold, hard concrete and roommate Bubba.
  17. Just to clarify.... Those particular asshats in militias/McVeigh types are fighting their own govt. The Iraqis are fighting against a foreign govt force --- a foreign govt who says they're there to help them, that they choose not to believe. Two different circumstances.
  18. Seems that it's usually the Patriettes who put a hurt on our momentum.... Usually by attacking some heretofore unseen weakness (like the middle of the OL in 2002) that other teams pick up on in subsequent weeks. Then again, there's Week 1 of last year. That's why they play the games.
  19. That movie ("Red Dawn," for those not in the know) is what prompted my brother to the military back in the early 90s. He now uses it as a moderately close parallel to how Iraqis see their situation. There is such a thing as different perspectives. Through the grapevine, he's heading to Afghanistan early next year.
  20. Actually, this is an interesting site I found when looking for county-by-county results. We're a lot more purple than a lot of people think.... even in the heartland. Those were the most telling. It's hard to peg down any group right now. Much more to do w/ individual thought than voting blocs. 2004 Election Maps
  21. He's a great college QB, don't get me wrong. Likely the runner-up for the Heisman to AP if the voters have the b@lls to give it to a frosh. For all of the hype around this guy, watching a few games last year and now the game on Saturday, I just don't see how he could make it against NFL defenses. His surrounding cast makes up for a lot of his short-comings.
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