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UConn James

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Everything posted by UConn James

  1. . I think it's more a problem of promoting the self rather than the team. And that has stemmed from the Slam Dunk. Raise the hoop height and I think a lot of the problems people have with the NBA are solved. Would drive contracts down, reduces the show-boating, etc. The NBA was fully exposed by the Olympics that it is not team-oriented. I don't think the influx of foreign players is a detriment, or caused by the gangsterization. Maybe this guy needs to open his eyes but the NBA isn't an All-Black league. It's for whoever plays basketball the best.
  2. Expect to get a few rejections for requests to hunt on someone's land. A bad incident that casts an undeserved pall on every hunter.... BTW, on this topic, have any of you read articles on "canned hunts"? There was one in the Hartford Courant a couple of weeks ago. The description of how they're run is pretty non-sporting.
  3. Nice reminder of the tradition.... But why don't they have the creamsicle pirate for Tampa Bay? Do they want to be [i[that[/i] rid of that hideous thing? Do we wear throwback uniforms vs. the SeaGulls? I don't think they switched the past couple of years on throwback weekend, just wore the new ones. Maybe they could get with the program this year? Anybody also notice that all of our wins happened with the blue on blue? If it works....
  4. It'd be nice for it to happen legitimately. But it's hard to beat them when they have 15 players on the field at all times, and one up in the replay booth. Ninety percent of this has to do with the marketability of Tom Brady.
  5. I usually don't wish harm on other people, but if I were to wake up to "Tom Brady's Career Over" on Tuesday morning, I wouldn't be saddened. Not that it's going to happen vs. KC's defense....
  6. Oh, those pesky Framers who included the language "certain inalienable rights" that were further defined in the BoR.... And that pesky stuff about prior restraint too.... Freedom is something our gov't, at any contemporary time, chooses to give us? Gov't needs the people's permission to operate. Not the other way around. Way to hijack a thread about a single POS video game to broaden the scope to the fundamental nature of gov't. Again, the market will take care of this really bad idea. Actually, that's how most bad ideas get rooted out. Likewise, if the MAJORITY OF people want to buy it after quasi-govt/oversight agencies put ratings on them, I guess that makes it morally acceptable in our democracy. Doesn't mean I'll buy it but if other people want to, who am I to stop them?
  7. We really need a sarcasm button.... The market (or rather lack thereof) will hopefully put this crap out of commission before it starts. And the creators lose their jobs b/c it doesn't sell and the negative publicity. I don't think we need the government to be dictating what we watch, etc. Before you know it, that TV screen will be two-way.
  8. I think we've had enough video and computer re-creations that it wouldn't warrant yet another, only adding in that you can now shoot the President. The entire concept of this "game" is sickening.
  9. No stevestojan. Neither are barns; what was the square footage on that? My uncle had to rebuild after a fire and it was beaucoup bucks. There are families with sadder stories out there, I suppose, but how do you pick b/w them? Add in that the house was literally about to fall down. Did you see the stuff by the tub (what was that?) and the rotted-out 2x4s that served as the "foundation"? Also, ABC probably wanted to reach out to a "red state"/Heartland. A family that needed a leg up got a new start. Much better than spending $5M producing a sitcom/reality crap. Kudos to ABC and Sears for making a semblance of a difference.
  10. Have we been so spoiled over the years by the likes of Nick Lowry, Gary and Morten Anderson, and Steve Christie that we're expecting too much from the average kicker? Misses have abounded this year more than others, it seems. Left and right and boinging off the post for the Auburn kicker today (I've done recreational kicking and I hit the post way more often than you'd think). There was a UConn game against Duke earlier this year and there were like 6 missed FGs, including Duke for a game winner, 26 yards. Chip shots all. This is what makes a Mike Nugent all the more desirable for a team in need. 8/9 from 50+. Saw that his brother plays for the OSU soccer team and scored to advance their team in the NCAA tourney. Sounds like he comes from a good family. TD, I've got your second round pick penciled in right here!
  11. I'd have to say the dotting of the I too. And the ND leprechaun doing push-ups after every TD. Tho if a Canada goose were to die in a Rosen landing on the blue Boise State field during a game, that would rock too. At UConn, they're struggling to come up with some unique traditions. This probably has more to do with the newness of the program to D-I but it's pretty lame when you're just copying other teams' stuff. So far, the cheerleaders plagiarize the push-ups thing and the band plays ala Michigan after TDs. Well, we could always have a reprise of the UConn cops pepper spraying the crowd and unleashing their lunging, foaming-at-the-mouth police dogs every game. That'd be fun....
  12. UB is going to get their arses handed to them by a guy who has no eyebrows and another who has the largest nose I've ever seen on a human being. Thanks for being my alma mater's whipping boys and girls this weekend.
  13. Talk about taking one up the arse for the government. Best of intentions, meet stupid policy implementation.
  14. No, no, no! No country is allowed to have a defensive defense system anymore. It has to be an offensive defense now. Can't they keep up with these things?
  15. I actually didn't need a translator to read all that. Four years of HS French from forever ago, and I can still get around. Maybe you could realize that these #$^&ers are no more French than the Cooba-n boat/1957 Chevy hull/raft people are Carnegie bluebloods. France has a big problem with immigration, mostly b/c they didn't put up much resistance to it decades ago as a byproduct of imperialism in N. Africa. There are entire regions of big cities (like in Marseilles) where it's filled with Arab immigrants. Not that this is bad on its face; when they won the World Cup in '98, it showcased the diversity there with Zidane, etc. that moved there and assimilated into the nation and become productive. But there is a problem when, for some, it's just a change of geography while having no change in mindset that you're Muslim first, everything else second. Bear in mind, tho, that this population is a relatively small percentage. There's been a growing backlash against the "Arabification." J.M. Le Pen's numbers grows in most every presidential election, I think it was about 20% last time. I don't think the problem requires his extremist measures but they need to do more.
  16. Good news that this doesn't sound like anything serious, but that list does play like a depressing country song. When it rains, it pours. Thoughts go out to him and his family. I also admire his ability to play this game and, most of all, to keep having fun with it. That smile at the goal line tells it all. Respect that you got beat on that play before it started, laugh at it, and then try again. If only The Drew could play with half the fire and smarts that Favre exudes....
  17. This is really a great thing about the bigger, intelligent and loyal breeds in rural areas especially. We've got a quiet problem with coyotes here (one of the pups from a litter we raised was actually killed the day after that family took her home, right in front of their kids, but at least it went for the dog....) as I'm sure you've got wildlife of your own. If an adult dog is in the yard, 99.9% of the wildlife will steer clear, and for those that don't the dog will often protect you. That is the definition of love. My dog is smarter than most people I know, and a great judge of character. Sometimes it's taken me a while to find out what he knew right off the bat. I could've saved some heartaches if I'd just listened.... I don't know about that. I also don't like to put a fist next to a dog's head. It gives the wrong impression to people you're around (we actually rescued a GSP, the mum of my dog who was abused) and to kids that'll take off with the idea of the fist. Just as effective or better to just lay your hand out flat and let them smell. Back on topic, I think that plan has a lot of potential good for both groups. Seniors who have dogs actually live longer b/c they've got someone/thing to live for.
  18. Well the only advice I'll give is that when people are over visiting their neighborhood crack dealers and dog fight trainers, watch your kids. Or don't.... Darwin's theories and all. Any responsible dog owner would know how to introduce their dog to other people and kids. Have the person hold their hand out and let the dog sniff it. And if there's ANY question about your dog being around kids you don't put them in that situation. What's so hard about this?
  19. Abso-frickin'-lutely, AD. Why do people equate size and sleekness to mean dogs? My dad is an ACO in our town, and I've gone with him on many an occasion. Of probably five Dobies I've encountered, one was mean but you could take a look at the owner and know make the same judgment. Bad dogs potentially come in all breeds. Yes, some are innately more aggressive than others. But the vast majority of a dog's temperment has to do with its upbringing. Unfortunately a lot of people handle their dogs with the same laissez-faire style as they handle their kids. I've got a German Shorthair Pointer that most people recoil from in fear b/c he's 80 pounds and all muscle. But they're one of the most intelligent breeds I've ever worked with, and for my dog the only thing you'd have to fear is him licking you to death. Unless you try to come in my house when I'm not there.... then he'll tear your arse to pieces.
  20. And we wouldn't have to pay your $%&^ing Medicare bills when you get lung cancer. I hate smokers. (Sorry R. Rich, I just do).
  21. If they can play ball, we don't really give a stevestojan what their names are. And at least they can spell their name themselves. The coach actually cares about how his guys do in classes and off the field. And they don't park their cars in handicapped spots on campus.
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