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Everything posted by Putin

  1. There were some turf pebbles in the air
  2. They have to HIT Tua couple of times and he’ll fold like a beach chair
  3. He has been getting away with it the whole season , that lucky B
  4. Why do you think the game was so close ?
  5. That’s what happens when you play soft
  6. That actually was a good play call he just tripped SMH
  7. my volume is turned off for a reason !!!
  8. OMG Chris Collinsworth it’s time to turn the volume waaaaaay off !!!
  9. Let’s think positive here !!! As far as Chargers coaching staff goes they need this W bad !!!
  10. LETS GOOOO CHARGERS !!! Watching Miami fall apart here would make that morning drive to work so much better !!
  11. It just seems like it’s the same game plan on defense week after regardless of who’s the QB , I guess I would like to see a more aggressive defense , it’s just pissing me off watching a QB ( on 3rd and long ) having 4-5 seconds in the pocket and making the throw !
  12. Agree we should have been blitzing the jets on every passing play !!!
  13. That definitely would make my night so much better !!! Go Chargers !!!
  14. Well last year we lost all one score games at least this year we are winning some !!!
  15. It’s amazing what could happen when you give someone a chance
  16. You sir are the only one who’s crying and complaining !!
  17. A TD ??? I just hope will be able to get a field goal this game. !!!
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