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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. Jay Cutler is the honey badger..............he don't give a ****.
  2. That's the play we're all talking about, bro............didn't you get the memo?
  3. Anyone remember when we barely beat the Falcons and we actually thought we were like the best team EVER?...........and then we find out that Atlanta gets beat by EVERYONE this year. Ah, good times.
  4. Clock management to date has just been terrible. Shameful..........just shameful.
  5. And yet another wasted draft pick (actually, i think we wasted 2 draft picks to get this scrub)...........................yikes.
  6. Its a conspiracy..........a conspiracy, i tells ya.
  7. Yeah, our FO has never done it before.............................................................................................rolls eyes.
  8. I'm pretty sure that our WR's would barely make any other teams PS, let alone the Bills starters.
  9. We're not going anywhere without some half decent WR's, a decent QB and a solid O line. From what it looks like, the FO is ready to make a splash next year, but consider this one the "freebie".
  10. AND........why do we really care that Dallas lost?
  11. Putting a rookie CB on a premier WR was a HUGE mistake, but what else are they supposed to do when that rookie is the best of the bunch..................YIKES!!!
  12. Before the season, i would have predicted Broncos and Falcons as a loss with a win over Cincy...........well, the Bills never disappoint when it comes to mixing things up.
  13. And take Clay out of the game and it's lights out for B-lo.
  14. Coaching staff figured the rookie could handle one of the best WR's in the game all by himself.
  15. Cincy is bad.........real bad. 3 turnovers and still lost the game to a weak opponent. Shameful........just shameful.
  16. Duh........i didn't put them in that position, did i? I guess their wheeling and dealing came back to bite them.
  17. Not a whole lot of positives, honestly. Negatives?............too many to list.
  18. Put the rookie on AJ Green all day? Shameful........just shameful.
  19. Nothing to do here? Applrbee's Topps Friendly Market The Mighty Taco Walgreens There's a-plenty to do here................if you've got one foot in the grave.
  20. Be honest here........... How many of you thought the Bills were going to lose this one in typical "Bills" fashion? How many times have we been there before and have it totally end bad.........a missed play, a missed tackle, a missed catch, etc. I, for one, really thought the Bills were going to get shellacked by the Falcons and i don't mind admitting i was wrong. Every time the Bills are put in a position to win the game within the last 2 minutes, i'm always thinking that the wheels are going to fall off and the team will choke somehow, but i'm learning that these Bills are not the Bills of yesteryear.......these Bills can flat out play with any team in the league AND compete. I'm happy that the FO and coaching staff have finally committed this organisation to a winning culture. Be honest.........how many of you thought the Bills were going to lose this one in typical Bills fashion? Go Bills!!!
  21. I think the "new" Bills have sent the message out to the rest of the league that we are in it to win it and we may have finally turned the corner.
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