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Everything posted by Sweats

  1. If anyone thinks Diggs is soooooooooo valuable to the team, just look at the back end of last season..........garbage, sheer and utter trash.
  2. This is what i've been saying about Diggs ever since we brought him in........he started to turn into a cancer at Minny and seems that it was starting to creep its way into this team too. If fans can't see the beautiful horizon thats coming for this team now that Diggs is gone and the team can finally concentrate on some ball without the sideline temper tantrums, then i feel bad for them cause this team is rolling into the future on a high note.
  3. My god, the drama going on here today.......
  4. I think they have their eye on a couple of guys and are ready to pull the trigger to make it happen.
  5. I say we package some picks, throw Elam into the deal and giddy up......grab our future young WR, maybe 2
  6. 57 pages in.......i'm laying odds we hit a 100 before evening.
  7. I'm just saying relax, brother. I see great things coming from this franchise this year.
  8. Honestly, i could see Diggs getting all pissy when finding out were drafting a WR in the first round, knowing that he will have to split the limelight with someone else. Diva and drama queen?.....absolutely Aging and self-centered?........yep Missed?.........we won't miss a beat Bravo Beane.........bravo.
  9. Sounds like Diggs wanted out and the FO granted his wish. Suffice to say, a win-win for both sides.
  10. Everybody on here is in a fighting mood today.......it'll bring out the Irish in me, but no problem, boys......bring it on.
  11. An aging self-centered WR1 who cared nothing about the team?.........league has plenty of those.
  12. What are you talking about?!?........we got rid of an aging self-centered WR......seems like a fairly decent position to be in. Do you even follow football?
  13. No, we need a tissue........boo hoo.
  14. Relying on an aging self-centered WR is not the answer........never was. .....need a tissue there, son?
  15. Boo hoo......like Beane is going to leave the team with no legit WR?!? ....need a tissue?
  16. Stop being sooooooooooo friggin dramatic, dude..........we've got Cooks and Kincaid and we're going to replace Diggs. Need a tissue?
  17. I don't care what we ever got for him.......getting rid of Diggs is an A+ in my books.
  18. I can't believe I am actually the voice of reason on here today...........yes, shocking, i know.
  19. I've poo pooed a lot of things, but i agree with this.
  20. Here's what should have happened..... We should have drafted a young WR around the same time as we drafted JA.....let them both develop and grow together, but instead, we get an older WR stuck in his ways, physical and mental attitude wise and we're shocked the team wants to let him go after 4 years?!? Like, come on........that JJ trade that should have happened is looking better and better.
  21. Guys, just relax.......you know Beane has a plan. If you've been a fan of this team for even 20 minutes, you know that something is cooking behind the scenes. Diggs gone?......i could honestly care less and it couldn't have happened soon enough. It's funny cause everybody wants change and then when it happens, holy ****, the sky is falling.........it's not. This is a good day....trust me. Watch what ole Beane has up his sleeve. Sit back and enjoy the show.
  22. Yeah?!?.....we've only been relevant for the past 5 years and Diggs has only been with us for the past 4 years, so what else you got?
  23. I love it!!!!.......finally got rid of that dead weight boat anchor
  24. Wow, that whole thing is horrible......human trash is right.
  25. Sounds like he was all set in Indy from day-1.....just making the rounds to other clubs, doing his due diligence.
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