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Everything posted by SCBills

  1. Tua is so accurate. He just doesn’t miss. 2 yards. Bam. 3 yards boom. Behind the LOS. Strike.
  2. You reference two turnovers, when one was a garbage time/desperation hail mary from a QB with a pop gun arm. Definitely don't need to be lights out every series. Hold NE to say 17, with one of those drives being a FG, or 14, with one of those drives being a 4th down stop, and we're looking at a B/B+ game. Yea, the defense was ok yesterday. C game.
  3. No idea what you keep referencing about a 4 quarter game. You took issue with me saying that was a C game from our defense. If we didn't have high draft picks and money all over the place, I'd grade them higher for that game. In a league with a salary cap, when you devote as much as we do to Defense this year, there are higher expectations. Just like Josh Allen is graded on a curve league-wide as being compared to the elite, so too should our Defense have higher expectations given the investment. Yesterday was a C game for a team with the investment we have on that side of the ball.
  4. Mac Jones, Baker Mayfield, Tua (A games) are Josh Allen (B games). There's a reason why there are levels to this. We invested a quarter of a billion dollars into Josh and that's why he is capable of so much more than most other QB's and graded differently. Same goes for a Defense that is hogging valuable cap space and draft picks, while we need Josh Allen to be prime John Elway given our OL and run game thus far. This Defense should be better than they are. And don't give me stats built on a year of mauling bad QB's/Offenses. That was a C game they played against New England. Throw some of that money and some draft picks to the Offense and I won't have higher expectations than what we saw from them against a very limited QB-led Offense.
  5. Yes, actually. This defense has played very well against one good team, KC. And if that's who they're built to beat, and they do it again in the Playoffs... I'll consider the investment worth it. But to look at what Josh needs to do for this team, some in part due to the assets devoted to the Defense this year... this Defense should not be bottom of the barrel in terms of sacks, while also being poor to average at stopping the run. In a game with limited possessions, where our Defense gives up 21 points on 3/3 red zone TD's and allows a handful of 4th down conversions...i'm sorry, but that's a C performance, given what this defense has been allocated in terms of resources.
  6. I'm grading on a curve. Stop obsessively investing in the defense and re-allocate those assets/money to the Offense next year and i'll grade our performance a B. Still waiting for this high paid/high drafted DL to become a force at something other than pressuring QB's without the sacks.
  7. No way can I give this defense any higher than a C grade. Gave up 21 points to a running team that plays every game trying to limit possessions. Not terrible, not good either. Every red zone opportunity ended in a TD. Converted an absurd amount of 4th downs. One (impactful) turnover, which was a great play. Average game from this Defense. C grade.
  8. Diggs, McKenzie, Davis, Stevenson, Hodgins and a Top 100 draft pick at WR is what I'd love to see next year. Perfect blend of experience in Diggs/McKenzie, a guy about to enter his prime years in Davis and young talent in Stevenson, Hodgins and a high draft pick.
  9. I'd dress him if anything is on the line against the Jets, but I would certainly limit his snaps with Davis back.
  10. This is what we said about Indy and Baltimore last year… and we got Indy and Baltimore ha.
  11. Due to Beasley’s age (and cap constraints), I think you’ve got to move on after the season and sign McKenzie to a multi-year deal. Very different players, but both play the same position. I love Cole, and what he’s meant to this team, and Josh Allen’s development.. but McKenzie is younger and has some serious dynamic ability in our offense.
  12. Good on Cole for standing up for his bodily autonomy. Good player. Good guy. Also, McKenzie needs to be locked up on a multi-year contract to be the slot of the future.
  13. I like his skill set with his size, hands and catch radius out of the slot. Very intriguing player.
  14. Getting Dawkins back has completely changed my energy for this game. Missing Davis and Beasley isn’t ideal, but we still have a strong WR trio with Sanders and McKenzie replacing them. We just need to make sure Josh isn’t under siege all game and allow him to give us a potential Josh Allen MVP caliber game. I don’t expect Dawkins to be 100%, but if he’s able to play at a solid level, that settles our OL down a ton, and should give Josh that chance.
  15. Yea, not like we have two way more important guys out who had similar doctors. It’s incredibly rare for a guy to come back as quick as he has. Look around the league, it just does not happen. Very strange.
  16. Hilariously expected for Bourne to come back while we’re decimated with even our vaxxed guys missing, now, multiple games.
  17. I’d agree that this has been a tough season to be excited about, so far. We’ve had a handful of tough opponents, and everyone else (Jax aside) we’ve been expected to destroy, and have. I guess that’s part of what it feels like to be a good team. Then throw in two high profile games where we lost on a self inflicted wound (Ten) and a horrible non-call (TB). It’s just felt frustrating, tedious and/or boring. This Pats game is needed in the worst way.
  18. Not much of a difference when vaxxed players are still missing 1-2 games. Cole likely only misses one game. It’s more about timing.
  19. Why does it matter? Vaxxed players are missing multiple games as well… just depends when they test positive. If Gabe tested positive when Cole did, your argument is nonexistent.
  20. I’m fine with Diggs - Sanders - McKenzie - Knox.. More worried about our OL that we hoped would get better this week, and somehow got worse.
  21. Some fans just seem to somehow ignore that every team in the league is dealing with this, most players vaccinated, and everyone is still missing 1-2 games.
  22. Doesn’t really seem to matter anymore. Just depends when the positive test occurs. Most players, regardless, are missing 1-2 games.
  23. Watch NE get their guys back while we wake up Sunday with our starting LT, starting LG, backup G, starting Slot and #2 WR out out with covid.
  24. Titans are gritty. I’ll give them that. Tannehill is very average, but he does make a few big plays per game. Very beatable, but not an easy out.
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