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Everything posted by Maynard

  1. I just bought his jersey a few weeks ago. I shall expect he gets tossed to the curb shortly.
  2. You nailed it. He’d be stupid to leave, unless not offered the job of course.
  3. I mean good for him, but he’s awfully rapey
  4. Such a likable dude, unlike the opposing QB we face today…..
  5. I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting; nevertheless, extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality, counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications’ incomprehensibleness.
  6. Had no idea she was a Bills fan. Very cool!
  7. I gotta go Cardinals here. Started 10-2, finished 1-5, and bounced in bad fashion in the playoffs.
  8. I wanna see Mahomo make stupid faces all game long. Seriously can’t stand the guy….
  9. Imagine how much better Brown is going to get as well.
  10. When and how he lose that tooth anyways? Seems like I only starting noticing the missing tooth this year.
  11. I agree. He made some real head scratchers
  12. They have been truly impressive. It’s sort of shocking!
  13. -15 degrees with the windchill. Saying this could be the 3rd coldest game in Bills history?
  14. Yup, 3 year 30 mil. Not too shabby for a bit of a bust.
  15. I think it would be very smart on Chicago’s part.
  16. I can’t say I follow exactly either. Especially when your $260 million dollar investment is getting his teeth knocked in by opposing d-lines. The o-line has looked so much better the last two weeks it’s quite remarkable. Maybe getting healthier or just putting guys in the right spot? Dunno.
  17. I want to play the team I am most scared of first and knock them on their ass. That team would be Jonathan Taylor.
  18. Gotta get him signed. As others have said, I think he’s finally getting healthy. Besides he won’t break the bank and I’m pretty certain he’d take a bit less to stay in Buffalo.
  19. I swear I say him walking around at the end of the game just fine.
  20. I get that Hap. Just meant to say it would suck if we were down Star and Oliver.
  21. We may need him for sure if Oliver (knee) doesn’t suit up.
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