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Everything posted by Maynard

  1. OBJ definitely rubs me the wrong way. However, if he can help us down the stretch and get us to the SB count me in!
  2. Really exciting to hear great things about Shakir.
  3. In a certain in light, pancakes can be beautiful.
  4. I’d agree. That’s like 6 weeks from now. From my experience, 6 weeks and he should be okay. I guess it would depend on the severity and number of ribs damaged. I’d imagine he’d still be feeling pretty good by the start of the season.
  5. Yup, glad he’s not our problem!
  6. The 4 hours of study time per week shows you what kind of guy they are dealing with. Good luck with that!
  7. 5 weeks ago I cracked some ribs doing pretend roundhouses out in the driveway with my wife. I’m still in pain and still can’t sleep on my left side. Never went to the doctor though. My point is, it hurts.
  8. Love Allen: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRAsMese/?k=1
  9. Then we sign Sammy back? I could then wear my old Watkins jersey for purposes other than cleaning up dog puke.
  10. What a mess. If it’s brown flush it down.
  11. If I remember correctly, I think he was a dominant back until the hip injury. Guy was definitely a physical freak of nature though.
  12. IMO Carolina has one of the worst uniforms in the league. Change the helmet to black and it’s still ugly. Needs a lot of help.
  13. I believe it’s because he’s been banging his mom’s friend. So yes a joke.
  14. More intimate and closer to the action????!
  15. Sweet, I’m drunk on this fine holiday!
  16. No, it’s because he’s been banging MILFs haha.
  17. I’m in complete agreement with you MGK. I think Jones and Gilliam are definite locks. It really comes down to Johnson vs Moss at the end of the day. Like I said I just feel that Johnson is a better scheme fit and I think they’ll value his veteran leadership. This leadership will be especially important for a young guy like Cook whom they’ve invested a 2nd round pick in. But who’s the short yardage guy if Moss is out? I’m really not sure unless they roll with Gilliam for that or let Allen handle it.
  18. I think Moss is the odd man out this year and I don’t think he fits with our scheme anymore. Think we keep: 1. Singletary 2. Cook 3. Johnson 4. Jones 5. Gilliam
  19. I worked with a guy that got melanoma under his thumb. He was dead in 6 weeks at 38 years old. It’s definitely no joke.
  20. I have no idea how I’d feel honestly. If I had to guess, I’d be embarrassed! Thank God we don’t have to deal with this mess.
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