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Everything posted by Maynard

  1. Yeah, don’t get that one. Maybe he’s just comfortable in them muscle shirts. I got a build just like him, I wear them though cuz I like the pits to breathe. Definitely not trying to show off the arms 😆
  2. I seriously doubt it with Allen, Moss, and Cook in the fold. We are a pass first team, unless Dorsey changes it up. I doubt that too though.
  3. I think that boat has sailed. If he had anything to offer at this point he wouldn’t continually be cast away. I mean he couldn’t even land a backup job to Brisset. Brisset isn’t horrible, but still.
  4. This serves a 34 game suspension, said everyone but the Browns.
  5. I saw that, just didn’t see where she went in for a medial exam. Like had swabs taken, etc., for rape. Horrible account there!
  6. I thought something was up when they were playing him late into their last preseason game, without other starters.
  7. Interesting. I can’t stand Seattle anymore. Been here for 12 years and I can’t wait to leave. I think it once was a nice city but has gone to crap. The weather is also annoying. Becomes more so every year.
  8. Crazy, 7k square feet and only $1.5 mil. Yeah, the yard is gross. Needs some help there. Just kind of boring. Interior is nice though.
  9. Did you have an opinion on Benford coming out of this draft? Or is he an ultimate surprise? Personally, I knew nothing about him.
  10. Unreal, prayers for Dawson and his family.
  11. I think they like what they see already and I wouldn’t expect them to make a move.
  12. Pay for my ticket from Seattle and I’ll make you breakfast in bed.
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