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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Have to do something to tailgate for away games. "Airportgating" yuck yuck yuck
  2. I think refs tend to error on the side of whichever team they think will lose the game, or we'll that'd make sense. Evening up games increases viewership, which is arguably good for the game.
  3. Man, I thought they dug up an email 10 year old Gruden sent when he was a kid. Would have made this story 100x better.
  4. Meanwhile, Darnold looks like he might just be an NFL calibre QB. It's kind of hard to really blame Wilson. Who knows, though?
  5. On HBO. Wholesome, but adulteesh, laughs. Think Supertroopers.
  6. Nope, more concerned about BB as well as teams that promote injuring opposing players in order to win.
  7. I hope it becomes a new form of tailgate, for every away game... Add this to the tunes tailgate tradition, too.
  8. So, what do you think will happen to Watson? Im genuinely curious.
  9. So, you're saying the account is fake, and not true Kasak? I am disappoint.
  10. To be honest, all the food there sucks. It was more of a place to watch the game on Sunday/Thursday/after softball/etc.
  11. Administrators 3,432 9,662 posts Popular Post Posted September 15, 2020 Hey everyone... Enjoying 2020 to its fullest? 😀 It's different time for everyone and that includes our community. A lot has transpired this year and with the lack of many activities over the past few months, many have used our community as a pressure release. A good portion has been helpful, other portions not so much. Regardless of the last few crazy months we have endured, I'd like to reiterate that we run a Buffalo Bills community here. This is not a politics-based community, a health-based community, nor a social-awareness community. We are here to talk football, with some light-hearted chatter on the side. The internet is filled with places to have serious discussions (or not so serious) regarding all aspects of life. Please use them to scratch those itches. Please come here to talk about the Bills (or SabreSpace to talk about the Sabres!). I know the Venn diagram of social-awareness and the NFL has overlapped significantly this season. I have always considered topics where those two intersect to be reasonable discussion points, but the discussions themselves have not. Moving forward posts regarding NFL social-awareness issues will need to be TIGHTLY FOCUSED on the topic, if even posted at all. Comments need to be self-moderated to address whatever policy is being discussed (general awareness, procedure, etc...). Discussing personal viewpoints (sufficiently supported or not) whether something like racism is everywhere or nowhere belongs on a more appropriate platform. If you are posting something to battle... to "own the other side"... don't. The season is here and it is time to move on. It is impossible to layout precisely what actions may take place on any given comment - but post removal, warnings and suspensions are tools we have to keep the train on the track. Please self-moderate. Please be considerate. Keep societal hot takes to yourself or post on Twitter. Community first. Although I am happy many felt comfortable to turn here to discuss life's crazy events, our community really needs to return to our main mission. Go Bills
  12. Drafting a kicker first is a highly underrated powerflex.
  13. I don't think he'll be traded, but I think we'll see more Webb in the next game. Fromm looks pretty bad, but if there was even a possibility of trading Trubisky, they would likely need more confidence in Webb. I think they may showcase Trubisky, just to guage interest. What will it hurt?
  14. Which some team may. I wonder if he gets game play in the regular season in blowout type situations just a bit more early than Fromm or Webb would.
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