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Everything posted by Success

  1. I hope they dominate that division for years and years to come under Lewis.
  2. Just the fact that it’s a game time decision is cool. At the time, with his reaction on the field, I thought that was it for the season.
  3. 2014 was better. I was thinking about this earlier - we’ve probably had about 4-5 teams in the drought better than this one.
  4. Agreed. I can’t see him missing this if there is any chance at all. That said, he likely won’t be near 100%.
  5. I don’t know why we can’t keep Taylor for another year and still draft a guy in the 1st. I’m probably old school, but I think most rookie QB’s really benefit from holding a clipboard for awhile.
  6. Sounds like we used to sound - in our pre-playoff days.
  7. It just got about 30% harder to part ways with Taylor. A win over the Jags puts that well over 50%. Beating the Patriots in round 2? He stays until he retires.
  8. I’d be surprised if he didn’t suit up on Sunday. He won’t be 100%, but no way he misses this game.
  9. He got THIS roster to 9-7 and their first playoff berth since Clinton was President, in his first season as HC. He’s good.
  10. We can beat the Jags. Obviously not easy, but we just need bad Bortles to keep it close. Our secondary is up to the task - the need a pick or 2.
  11. I agree on Taylor - it would be strange to get rid of the guy who broke the drought. Keep him for a year, stay put in the draft and build a strong team with those picks. I love that that the drought started in insanely dramatic fashion, and ended that way. It almost felt like it had to end with a “miracle.” We need to find a name for that Boyd TD for easy reference, like we’ve had for years with the Music City Miracle (though that’s really the national name for it - for Bills fans, it’s just that forward lateral)
  12. Cincy is now my 2nd favorite team. They played like it was their shot at the playoffs and not ours.
  13. It felt like a Super Bowl. I didn’t cry, but I screamed pretty endlessly. A miracle started the drought, and it took a miracle to end it.
  14. Dalton, Lewis and Boyd. My new favorite people.
  15. Yep. Not easy to beat a team 3 times in a season.
  16. Can winning a Super Bowl feel better than this? I almost died in that last TD
  17. Love and gratitude. What a day.
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